Chapter 981 There Are Still Traces

This morning, Country G International Airport.

I saw Tan Jixia, Su Qian'er and other six women were already waiting in line to pass the security check.

The six women really made a sudden decision, and they were going to go to country T.

Just at this moment, the old man named Jiao En rented by Dakong in country G suddenly called Su Qianer...

When Su Qianer apologized to the old man, saying that their plans had changed temporarily, the old man had no choice but to say: "Oh, it's okay... my dear Ms. Su Qianer! At the same time, I also wish you good luck! I hope you I can really find your Captain Li Chen!"

Immediately, the old man said again: "Perhaps your captain Li Chen...maybe really on that white freighter that was reported? According to my gossip, in the ocean...that white freighter...seems to be the young master Juezhi at that time." The ship that went to the ocean to search for keel fossils, all the people on board died, and then it has been docked in the ocean. So... why the ship... suddenly sailed in the ocean again, I think there must be Is it weird?"

Then, the old man simply couldn't help but said: "Maybe your Captain Li Chen is really good! Because...according to my gossip, there is another little gossip, that is... some stupid guys from our G country , gave a stupid order, that is... I once secretly bombarded that uninhabited island in the ocean, trying to destroy or cover up the truth of everything, so... oh... sorry, Su Qian Ms. Er, I seem to have said too much, let's stop here, and at the same time... I hope this matter is kept confidential, of course I believe you can do it! Thank you!"



Just this morning, in the ocean, on that uninhabited island, on the beach facing south...

Five international rescue helicopters have now landed...

Obviously, for that uninhabited island in the ocean, this day is extremely lively.

There has never been such excitement.

Some professional diving experts are already making preparations, planning to dive into this underwater area, and check out the situation first...

Among them, three or four international public opinion reporters were present and were doing related reports.

However, since there is no wireless signal here, only related on-site report videos can be shot for the time being.

After going back to the hotel, I immediately made a first-hand report.

However, some personnel also expressed surprise about the situation on the island after the fire.

Among them were two journalists with a keen sense of smell, who took video shots of the fire on the island...

It means to question, how could there be a fire here for no reason?
There were also two or three marine experts present. The experts explained that this place does not belong to the marine volcanic landform. The reason for the fire... There are only two reasons, either spontaneous combustion or man-made?

At the same time, experts said that here, this island does not seem to have some conditions for spontaneous combustion, may it be man-made?
Obviously, these experts are not pure nonsense.Or according to their professional, made a judgment.

It's just that the reporter wondered, how could an uninhabited island be man-made?
This seems to be another news thread that can be dug deeper.

Next, the two reporters seemed to be consciously walking towards the west side...

It's like looking for some suspicious clues.

In the end, on the west side, on the beach near the mouth of the mountain, there was indeed a discovery.

Although after the typhoon, the ocean experienced a violent high tide, and many signs on the beach disappeared, but the pile of stones surrounding the fire was scattered there...

And there are many obvious traces of smoke and fire on the stone.

This is enough to prove that there were signs of survival on this island.

As a result, the two reporters got excited and ran over in a panic, yelling that they had signs of survival.

So... a group of people all ran over.

After a careful appraisal, two of the marine experts came to the conclusion that there were indeed signs of survival here, but unfortunately the typhoon + tsunami two days ago had washed away many of the signs that could be found.

Looking at the island that has suffered a fire, marine experts have also begun to express some doubts.

Immediately, the two experts, with a hint of doubt, couldn't help but walked towards the burned jungle on the island...

Seeing this, several reporters followed in panic.

Because now, it seems that there are too many news clues that can be dug deep.

The experts didn't seem to be vegetarians either, and they actually found some shell fragments from the jungle.

All of a sudden, these experts looked at the shrapnel in their hands, expressing a heavy feeling in their hearts...

It seems that he has noticed the strangeness in it.

But, I can't say for sure right now.

After all, with regard to shrapnel, other experts need to identify it to know what's going on?

Several reporters took away some shrapnel as if they had found a treasure.

Some videos were also shot on site.


As for the diving group, they were not affected by it. They should start diving, and they are still preparing to start diving.

Because everyone wants to be the first to discover Mir.

Of course, the first country to discover the Mir will also be proud.

After all, this also means a country's advanced level in this area.

As for the underwater area of ​​this water area, when those diving masters dived for the first time, what they found almost scared them.

Because underwater is a huge diamond-shaped reef.

Like a big mountain, it is located underwater.

Of course, there are also many surprises underwater, which are not something ordinary people can witness.

For example, some beautiful seaweeds, small creatures, and so on.

After these professional diving experts continued to dive into the deep sea, they suddenly discovered that a woman's bag was hanging firmly on the sharp corner of one of the reefs...

After discovering this scene, they were almost certain that the Mir should be under this piece of water.

Among the reefs, among some gaps, there are some shoes and the like scattered...

In short, all kinds of supernatural scenes are displayed underwater one by one.

It's just that no dead bodies were found.



Country G at this moment.

capital city.

One of the small conference rooms...

I saw that the core members had been gathered urgently.

Among them, the head of state is also among them.

Suddenly, they seemed to realize the seriousness of the situation...

It feels like there's something... maybe in the end it might be... paper can't hold fire?

After all, I still realized that there were some signs left on that island.

Especially after a fire, the bare island is now displayed in the eyes of the international community. I am afraid that some careful guys will find some clues from it...

Therefore, the brains of these leaders in country G also have to have plans and countermeasures!
(End of this chapter)

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