Chapter 982 Conspiracy
Next, the head of state G is listening carefully to the various countermeasures of these core officials, etc.

But now, in the face of various search and rescue efforts involving the international community, the heads of country G are also a little confused for a while.

Although some guys even have some bolder ideas, which means trying to change the international public opinion, but under the current situation, it is still a bit embarrassing to rely on the power of G country alone.

After all, in the current international environment, all kinds of international public opinion are becoming more and more open, transparent, and liberalized...

Therefore, there are still huge uncontrollable factors in trying to change something with the power of country G alone.

Once a certain link fails, it will reveal some of the dark side of country G even more.

It will also reveal more about what country G is trying to cover up.

In the end, there is still a huge scandal that will likely succeed internationally.

The face of country G may be lost!
In the end, it was still the highest officer of the military of country G who expressed some constructive opinions.

What this supreme official means is... As long as there are no survivors and no one to prove anything, everything is under control.

What he meant was...even if the international community noticed that the uninhabited island in the ocean had been bombarded and caused a fire, it could be completely explained that it was caused by the G country's military exercise a while ago.

After all, it was in the waters near country G, and it happened at my doorstep, so I can explain it in any way.

But now, the head of state G is most worried about the white medium-sized freighter in the ocean...

After all, it has been reported.

Moreover, the country G's military has not been able to figure out what kind of people are on board.

This seems to be the most important thing!
It can be seen that the head of state has been worried about the white freighter, and the highest officer of the military of country G gave the head of state some suggestive words...

It means... the head of state should rest assured that nothing will go wrong.

As for the top officer of country G's military daring to make such a statement, it is naturally because...he has already communicated with the people from T country's maritime police department in private.

Next, the people from the Coast Guard of Country T also knew what to do.

Afterwards, after the key officials of country G had left, the military officer was whispering to discuss some matters with the head of state...

It means that next, country G will cooperate with country T to put on a show.

Because the white freighter in the ocean, after all, belonged to the ship of country G, and sailed into the waters of country T, the Coast Guard of country T overreacted and shot and killed it, which naturally provoked a dispute between the two countries.

Therefore, this matter, the meaning of the military chief is... Once this happens, country G must speak out strongly.

In this case... it can also divert the attention of the international community and focus on the dispute between GT and the two countries.

After hearing what the military officer said, the head of country G frowned and thought about it, then suddenly thought, why do you want to act?

Is it not good to do a fake show?
Wouldn't it be good to just take the opportunity to send troops to resolve the dispute with those islands in country T?
So... Next, the head of state of G also roughly shared some of his thoughts with the military chief...

After hearing this, the military chief was taken aback for a while, but then, after thinking about it, he suddenly was the Führer's coup, it was really good!


At this moment, in the ocean, in the waters close to country T...

On that white medium-sized freighter...

I saw the Hua country captain standing on the deck of the bow again, looking in the direction of T country...

Honestly, doesn't it feel good?

Suddenly, faintly, I always feel... this trip, will it be like driving to the gate of hell?

Right now, in the cockpit.

"Uh, sister Hye Kyo, sister Ito, why do I always have a bad feeling?"

Suddenly hearing what Lin Na said, Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Kawaka also frowned beautifully...

After a while, Katerina couldn't help but said again: "Uh, sister Hye Kyo, sister Ito, how do I left eyelid keeps twitching?"

Hearing what she said again, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang frowned again. For a moment, they didn't know what to say?
It's just that in their hearts, they are still looking forward to landing on the shore soon.

After all, he has been in the ocean for so long, and seeing that he is about to land completely, he is naturally a little inexplicably excited.

To be honest... I really want to completely end this desert island survival career!

I also really want...everything will return to normal.

Although I don't want to wave goodbye to Li Chenjun because of this, but... this kind of worry every day is really enough!

After all, in this ocean, one never knows what will happen in the next second?
There are too many unknown variables.

I've been through too much...

In the end, for the women, perhaps the only thing they want to say is to thank Li Chenjun from the bottom of their hearts!

But now...he has already seen Li Chenjun's fatigue.

For this reason, the hearts of their women have long been unbearable.

It's just... Looking at the vast sea ahead, they suddenly had a bad feeling...

But what exactly was that feeling, they couldn't tell?
It just feels's all so quiet!
Although it was about to sail into the waters of country T, it still didn't feel like there was a glimmer of hope.


As for this moment, in the cabin, Alice and the three women were still asleep.

After all, the three of them stayed up in the cockpit last night, so they understood deeply.


After a while, Li Chen, who was the captain this time, couldn't help but ran to the cabin again...

Ryder is still happy...

"Hey, brother, are we about to sail into the waters of country T?"

Seeing this guy like that, Li Chen didn't know what to say about him, he just asked in a hurry: "Is the phone connected?"

"Oh...sorry, brother! Still no wireless signal for now! I think...should have to wait a while?"

Then, the guy said again: "Don't worry, brother! I remember this!"

Just looking at this guy who is still not in a hurry, there is nothing wrong with it, Captain Hua Guo had no choice but to try to make a phone call himself...

It's just that there is no wireless signal yet.

The phone still doesn't go out.

Therefore, the anxiety in Captain Hua's heart...

And Ryder said: "Hey, brother, don't worry, really! Maybe everything is not as bad as we imagined?"

However, Captain Hua also said, "What if it's worse than we imagined?"

Then, he said again: "Don't you think that all this is very unusual? According to normal, we have entered this sea area now, and the cruise ships from country T... should have appeared?"


(End of this chapter)

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