Chapter 983
In fact, at this moment, Country T and the Coast Guard have already identified the approximate waters where the white medium-sized cargo ship is located in the ocean through various technical means such as satellite images.

It's just that for now, it is still in a state of deliberately holding back.

In fact, the two ships of the Coast Guard were already more than 20 nautical miles away.

In other words... collecting money from people to eliminate disasters for others.

So this matter... naturally has to be done properly!

Country G's meaning is just one sentence: Never keep alive!

Therefore, the Coast Guard of country T... naturally knows how to operate.

We had to wait for the white medium-sized cargo ship from country G to officially sail into the waters belonging to country T before we could justifiably dispatch it.

At present, that still on the high seas for the time being.

But... It is not advisable to directly attack and use shelling.

Because the way of direct shelling obviously provoked a dispute between the two countries.

If this matter is done like this, the people from the Coast Guard of Country T will not dare.

After all, the incident got so big that the Coast Guard couldn't stop it.

The Coast Guard... After all, it is just a law enforcement department of country T.

However, when it comes to issues involving disputes between the two countries, they still don't have the guts to shoot easily.

Because when you fire a cannon, you have to be responsible.

Therefore, regarding this matter, the Coast Guard of Country T naturally has a countermeasure.

As long as the ship officially sails into the waters of country T, two ships from the Coast Guard will dispatch to intercept it symbolically, and then shoot directly, everything will be fine.

Because if this is the case, the Coast Guard can easily explain it.

It is said that the personnel on the ship did not listen to dissuasion or something, tried to break in and so on, and tried to attack the ship of the Coast Guard, so countermeasures had to be taken.

As a maritime law enforcement agency, such an explanation is also reasonable.

No matter how troublesome things are, both sides can explain easily.

Nor will it rise to a dispute between the two countries.


It's just that the people from the Coast Guard of country T never expected that in the ocean, the medium-sized white cargo ship from country G suddenly turned towards...

Suddenly, it sailed towards the high seas again.

This made them suddenly feel silly...

Especially the two ships of the Coast Guard, which were already on standby, were even more stupid for a while, not knowing what to do?

In desperation, the captain had no choice but to talk to the headquarters of the Coast Guard...

Asking what to do next?
The Headquarters of the Coast Guard also suddenly had a headache!
This damn... that ship... suddenly only wandered around the outer waters of country T. This really created a problem for the Coast Guard!
It’s not even if it’s dispatched, or it’s not if it’s not dispatched?

Right now, on the white medium-sized freighter.

In the cockpit...

"Remember, keep sailing a little to the northeast waters."

Captain Hua Guo is instructing and exhorting the three women how to sail.

In other words, be careful sailing for thousands of years.

Therefore, before the situation is clarified for the time being, Captain Hua won't just sail into the waters of country T in a stupid way.

Here, he understands many technical issues very well.

At least he can be absolutely sure that the grandsons of the Coast Guard of Country T already know the approximate location of their ship.

In other words...if something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

The gang of grandsons from the Coast Guard of Country T have not moved out for a long time. There must be something wrong here.


After a while, I saw that Captain Hua Guo and Ryder had already started placing guns on the ship.

The so-called placement of guns is to put guns in some seemingly conspicuous, but not so obvious positions so that they can be fired at any time.

Ryder once said to Li Chen that he is a good partner.

In fact, the two of them really partnered up, not to mention invincible, at least there was no problem in self-defense.

In fact, Li Chen, as the captain, had predicted that the gang of grandsons from the Coast Guard of Country T would not dare to attack lightly.

After all, they are now sailing on the high seas.

As soon as the bombardment hits, things get serious.

As for the exchange of firearms, I am still not afraid.

Because this thing... doesn't depend on the number of people, but on who has good marksmanship and enough bullets.

Fortunately, there are six or seven spare ak47s on this ship.

As for bullets... there are three or four boxes.

The momentum is really not good. If there is a firefight, then let's do it.

What about pipes?

Anyway, if there is no big trouble now, no one will pay attention to this matter.


Originally, it could officially sail into the waters of country T, but now, due to some security considerations, the ship has been wandering outside the waters of country T.

Just like the battle of wits and courage against the imaginary situation, before I knew it, it was already 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly, there was a huge roar of an airplane in the sky...

A passenger plane from an unknown country is already flying at low altitude, preparing to land at the international airport of country T.

Captain Huaguo and Ryder stood together on the deck of the bow, looking at the passenger plane, feeling a little dazed for a while...

He looked up and looked hard for a long time, but he didn't see which country's plane it was?
In fact, it was a passenger plane flying from country G to country T...

On the plane, there are six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer!

It's just that... Captain Hua didn't know about it.

Of course, he would never have thought that those six women would be on that plane.


On the plane right now...

"Uh, did you see the boat on the sea just now?" The cute girl couldn't help but asked excitedly.

It's just that the beautiful eyes of those women frown...

Immediately afterwards, the eldest Tan Jixia couldn't help saying: "Isn't it normal to have a boat on the sea?"

Suddenly hearing this, the cute girl said: "Don't you guys feel...the possibility that the captain is on that ship?"

It's just that when the cute girl said this, the older Tan Jixia suddenly felt... It seemed that this little girl was more poisoned than the second child?

It seems that wherever... as long as there is a boat, this little girl will suspect that the captain may be on the boat.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaowan finally couldn't help but said: "Then I just saw several ships on the sea."

Cute girl: "...???"

Suddenly seeing the cute girl's embarrassing look suddenly, Qiong'er couldn't help but want to laugh a little.

Afterwards, the second child, Su Qian'er, said, "Okay. Don't think there are captains everywhere, okay? Let's settle down in country T first."


Right now, on board...

"Hey, brother, what do you think the stewardess on that airliner... would be like?"

Suddenly hearing Ryder ask such a boring question, Li Chen, the captain, was also speechless...

Afterwards, he took a look at this guy and found nothing, so he had no choice but to say, "What else can a stewardess do? She's just a girl. It's just the difference between being pretty and not being pretty, isn't it?"

And Ryder said: "Oh...No! Brother, the difference is far more than that! Of course there are...sexual and sexual! There is also...big or small, and... ..."

"And what about Uncle Ni? Can he be a bit serious?"


(End of this chapter)

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