The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 984 Brother Li Chen, I want to participate in the battle

Chapter 984 Brother Li Chen, I want to participate in the battle

About half an hour later, I saw the two ships of the Coast Guard in the waters of country T, and finally couldn't help but started to prepare for action...

Because, just now, in this half hour, all parties have had an intense dialogue.

Country G is also worried that if the personnel of the Coast Guard of Country T do not take action, they will miss the opportunity.

The white medium-sized freighter in the ocean may slip away.

If the white medium-sized freighter slipped out of the waters near country T, it would be even more difficult for country G to control it.

Because of this kind of thing, the more people know about it, the easier it is for accidents to happen.

To put it bluntly, the personnel of country G are already in a state of desperate jumping over the wall.

The white medium-sized cargo ship in the ocean must be dealt with as soon as possible...

In fact, the front-line law enforcement officers of the Coast Guard of Country T still knew that it was not appropriate to handle this matter.

But... After all, the leaders of their Coast Guard received money from country G.

If this matter is not handled properly, they are also worried that their jobs will be lost.

To put it bluntly, I still have a guilty conscience after receiving black-hearted money.

Also afraid of long nights and dreams.

Therefore, after the leaders of the Coast Guard of T country ventilated, they decided... they can only order!

It is necessary to get rid of the white medium-sized freighter.


As for the white medium-sized freighter on the high seas at this moment, in the cockpit...

Under the leadership of Captain Hua, the eight people are now eating.

As for the three women who were waiting for Alice, they woke up after sleeping until this afternoon.

Although Captain Hua Guo didn't want to say anything, he knew in his heart that this meal must be full.

Because when will I be able to eat the next meal, but I really don’t know?
Because if the ships of the Coast Guard of Country T are really dispatched, who knows what will happen?

At this moment, as the captain, he kept eating while thinking to himself, or forget it and stop docking in country T.

This kind of shit... there's no point in putting your life on the line, even landing on the shore.

However, suddenly, Jessie said: "Uh, Brother Li Chen, why haven't we been close to Country T?"

Obviously, as far as she is concerned, she just woke up and doesn't know what's going on.

However, before he could say anything, Katerina said, "Brother Li Chen, how about...forget it? We're not docking in country T, are we?"

Immediately, the girl from the fighting nation curled her lips again and said, "Hmph! It's so boring to beg them to let us dock like this!"

Then, she continued: "Anyway, we have enough to eat and drink, so why do we have to beg those bastards in country T?"

Suddenly hearing what Linna said, Alice waited for the three women, and seemed to realize something suddenly.

Suddenly, Ryder couldn't help frowning and said: "I also think... there must be a demon if things go wrong."

Immediately, he said in annoyance: "Fuck... Are those sons of bitches in T country... so unfriendly? We are all survivors now. According to humanitarianism, we should be treated kindly!"

But at this moment, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang didn't say much.

In fact, both of them knew in their hearts, maybe they shouldn't have anything to do with Mir?
Now... Country G is supposed to be doing something?

Perhaps the personnel from country T...should have received favors from country G?
At this moment, Li Chen was also thinking secretly, or...just go northeast and cross the strait, and then go to country E...

After a while, after eating and drinking, he didn't make a sound, but got up suddenly, couldn't help but walked out of the cockpit...

It wasn't until he came to the deck outside that he took out the pistol and checked how many bullets were still in the gun.

Because, in case a ship from the Coast Guard of Country T appeared, naturally, they couldn't rush out with the AK47 first.

After a while, Ryder followed and asked, "Hey, brother, what do we do now?"

This problem is also a headache for the captain of Huaguo...

Damn it... To be honest, he really wanted to go to shore.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been wandering around the waters of Country T all the time.

After all, if you continue sailing in the ocean, everything is still unknown?

What's more... As far as he is concerned, he has been in the ocean for almost a year, can he not wait for the shore?

Although there is still a choice, you can go in the direction of country E, but... crossing the strait in the northeast direction is extremely risky.

Then, in desperation, he had no choice but to look at Ryder, and asked, "What do you think?"

Ryder also frowned: "Oh... I can't tell now? I just think... maybe it's not so safe to dock in country T?"

Then, he said again: "Damn it! Those sons of bitches in country T... must have taken black money from country G! Otherwise... this sea area... shouldn't be so quiet! It must be country T Those sons of bitches... artificially controlled!"


The two of them were thinking about this, when suddenly, two ships appeared in front of them, about seven or eight nautical miles away...

After seeing the two ships, Ryder hurriedly said: "Hey, brother..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Chen said, "I've seen it."

But Ryder frowned again: "Hey, brother, why do I feel that this situation is not good?"

After Li Chen frowned again and thought about it, he suddenly said: "Go back to the cabin!"


Afterwards, Ryder had no choice but to follow him, turning back to the cabin in a panic.

Next, I saw the two of them rushing back to the cockpit...

Because all six women are in the cockpit...

As soon as he entered the cockpit, looking at the six women, Li Chen hurriedly said: "Quick! Put on your life jackets!"

Hearing what he said suddenly, the atmosphere seemed to suddenly become tense...

Then, he hurriedly said: "Remember, from this moment on, no matter what happens outside the cabin, you women are not allowed to come out, understand?"

But, immediately, he hurriedly added: "However... if the situation is not right, you can find a safe place and jump into the sea!"

Listening to him talking for a while, while the atmosphere was tense for a while, the women were all a little silly...

However, Katerina seemed to understand something, so the girl said, "No! Brother Li Chen, I want to join you in the battle!"

Immediately, Jeon Hye Kyo also said: "There is me!"

Ito Chuanxiang also hurriedly said: "There is also me!"

Suddenly seeing the three of them like this, Li Chen couldn't help but startled: "Damn, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Quan Huiqiao said: "I said, I will die with you if I die! So now, no matter what you say, I will not listen to you!"


(End of this chapter)

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