Chapter 985 Stop it
At this moment, the cockpit is in a state of panic, and I can see that the two oncoming ships are getting closer...

The two ships marked with the words 'T Country Coast Guard' were obviously about to form a pincer attack on their ship to force it to stop.

Sure enough, soon, the two ships began to shout at sea...

What is used is the international common language - English.

It have sailed into the waters of country T, please stop the ship for a random inspection!

Suddenly hearing the voice from the loudspeaker, the atmosphere in the cockpit became tense again...

Ryder cursed angrily, "Fuck—"

Seeing this situation, there was nothing wrong with it, so Captain Hua had no choice but to directly say to Katerina who was at the helm: "Stop!"

Obviously, in this situation, it is useless to do unnecessary struggle.

Because even if you drive the boat directly, it will be useless.

Moreover, this kind of reckless collision is just his own side taking his life and not taking it seriously.

So now, the most sensible thing to do is to stop the ship.

It's just that after listening to Brother Li Chen's order, Katerina wrinkled her beautiful eyes and pursed her lips...

Because, with this girl's temper, she was going to drive the boat over.

She didn't even care about any consequences.

However, as the captain this time, Li Chen had to consider the consequences.

Because there are eight living beings on this boat...after all.

Hearing that the two ships were still shouting, they were getting closer and closer. In desperation, Ryder reminded Captain Hua Guo: "Hey, brother, it's time for us to go out."

Just looking at these women, for a while, Captain Hua Guo couldn't go out with peace of mind.

After thinking about it, there was nothing wrong, and looking at the women, he had no choice but to say: "You...Listen up: this is not the time to be petty! I said at the beginning, since I am the captain, then You have to listen to me, understand?"

Seeing Captain Hua's stern words, the six women didn't seem to dare to say any more righteous words at this time.

Looking at the six of them again, Li Chen said: "Katerina, stay in the cockpit! If the movement is not right, you can drive the boat to escape at any time, understand?"

Hearing this suddenly, she has a heavy responsibility. Now, Katerina is happy. She hurriedly stood at attention, and replied: "Understood! I promise to complete the task, Captain!"

Seeing that Katerina had set an example all of a sudden, those women couldn't say anything more.

Immediately, looking at Quan Huiqiao and Ito Chuanxiang again, Li Chen said again: "Huiqiao, Chuanxiang, you two listen, we have already put guns on the boat gallery, if the formation is not right, you two... lead Ai Li Si, Jessie, and Sun Jiaying, fight back in self-defense, understand?"

Hearing this suddenly, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang also came out with momentum, and hurriedly stood at attention according to Bel's standard, and replied: "Understood, Captain!"


After finally arranging the six women, Captain Huaguo and Ryder...are ready to face each other.

Because there is no way, what should be faced is always faced.

Of course, it is also well prepared.

Outside the cabin, two ak47s had already been hidden.

Just for the time being, I still have to pretend to be grandsons first, let's see how the grandsons of the Coast Guard of T country sing in this play?
In fact, as survivors, they are now asking for help, so naturally they can't just hold the AK47 and start fighting with the people from the Coast Guard.


As for this moment, on the two ships of the Coast Guard of Country T, there are about a dozen guys standing on the deck...

Add up, but there must be more than twenty or thirty people.

And one by one...the marine police uniforms are really majestic and majestic.

At this moment, their eyes are fixed on the white medium-sized freighter in the ocean...


After a while, I saw Li Chen and Ryder raised their hands above their heads respectively, in a gesture of surrender, indicating that they were good citizens and did not pose any threats or malice.

The twenty or thirty people on the two ships suddenly saw two such guys coming out of that ship, and they were a little confused and suspicious for a while...

It seems that you can't figure out what's going on for a while?
All of a sudden, that bastard Ryder replied in English to the other twenty or thirty people with a smile on his face...

It means: hello, sirs, how are you!We are survivors of last year's HX714!We've been wandering the oceans for almost a year now!Now we need help!We need to go home!
Hearing these words suddenly, suddenly, seeing the 30 or so guys from the Coast Guard Station, they were surprised and dumbfounded: "???"

As for this moment, Li Chen is watching his words...

Afterwards, a middle-aged man with a stubble on his face took two steps forward and started talking to them...

It means: Have you passed through the waters near country G?

That bastard Ryder replied stupidly: Oh...sorry, sir!We are completely ignorant now!We don't even know where we are now?
And the guy who looked like the captain said again: Then how did you get this ship?
Ryder: Oh...that's a long story, sir.But I'm going to say... We picked it up in the middle of the ocean, can you believe me, sir?
At this moment, Li Chen, who was already observing his words, felt secretly unhappy...

Because these guys... obviously don't have any sympathy in the first place.

Furthermore, according to their dialogue... these guys obviously have a very strong purpose.

What's even more remarkable is that when they're said to be survivors of last year's HX714, the guys... aren't surprised at all.

And, in fact, Li Chen has noticed... some guys have started to make small movements, as if they are about to shoot...

However, Ryder also noticed the opponent's small movements.

In fact, Ryder is already very upset...

Because Ryder was thinking, such a son of a bitch from the Coast Guard of Country T, don't they have any humanitarian spirit at all?

And then, the guy who looked like the captain said again, meaning: Didn't you pass by uninhabited islands near country G in the ocean?

Ryder had no choice but to smile patiently, and continued to reply: Oh...sorry, sir!Frankly... the islands we've been in... in the ocean... countless!Even we ourselves can't remember, and we can't count!We've been out in the ocean for almost a year after all, so...we've seen the most beautiful scenery, and the most beautiful sunrises, and sunsets!Oh...sir...I'm telling you, it's all wonderful!
Then, the guy said again: But... sir, what we need now is rescue!Can your T country provide us with rescue?

(End of this chapter)

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