The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 986 Brother, I will accompany you regardless of life or death

Chapter 986 Brother, I will accompany you regardless of life or death
At this moment, an international rescue point located in country T, two helicopters are already preparing to take off...

Because I just received an international rescue call.

However, it wasn't Li Chen and the others who played it.

Because the eight of them are in the ocean, they have been in a state of no wireless signal.

It's just that... in the rescue call just now, the other party didn't specify the exact location, only saying that it was in the sea near country T.


At this moment, the location in the sea near country T.

Originally, Li Chen and Ryder were still talking to the group of grandchildren from the Coast Guard of Country T, but at some point, Quan Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang also stood out...

The sharp-eyed Quan Hye Kyo suddenly saw people from the Coast Guard of Country T on the other side. Several guys had secretly pointed their guns at Li Chen and Ryder. She was so anxious...

In desperation, she had no choice but to rush over in a panic, using her body to block her husband (Li Chen) behind her...

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of 'da da da' gunshots...


At this moment, Li Chen was completely dumbfounded...

Because he just watched his wife get shot several times!

Those 'puru' guns sounded like thunder...

Hold the grass -! !

Obviously, while being stupid, she was also angry, completely angry...

However, seeing that he suddenly only cared about his wife and went away, fortunately Ryder reacted quickly, he put his arms around him in a panic, and put his arms around this Hua Guo brother, he panicked and fell down on his stomach ...

And at this moment, Ito Chuanxiang rushed towards Quan Huiqiao in a daze...

"Miss Hye Kyo—"

'Da da da……'

There was another burst of gunfire...

This time, it was Ryder who witnessed that beautiful oriental writer who was shot several times!——

Suddenly, Ryder was also angry!

Obviously, the opponent, the people from the Coast Guard of Country T, acted too suddenly and too despicably!
Li Chen, who was already furious, suddenly reacted, he rolled over in a panic, copied the hidden AK47 from the side, and immediately counterattacked quickly...

'Da da da da da da da...'

This time, it was the grandchildren from the Coast Guard of Country T who were stupid.

Immediately afterwards, Ryder also touched an AK47, and it was a quick counterattack...

'Da da da da da da da...'

After the gunshots in the hands of the two men rang out, the other party, the grandsons of the Coast Guard of Country T, were also caught off guard.

The twenty or thirty people standing at the bow of the boat fell into a pool of blood in an instant...

And Ryder also felt that his Huaguo brother, this time, will be desperate if he fights together!
Damn... After all, his wife suddenly disappeared like this, so would he still care about his own life?

And this sudden scene in the ocean happened to be snapped up by two international rescue helicopters...

Since Li Chen and the others happened to have a big 'SOS' form on their white medium-sized freighter, suddenly, the two helicopters for the international rescue were also dumbfounded.

It's like I don't understand at all... How did the people from the Coast Guard of Country T get involved with the people who needed rescue?
Damn it... I don't even know what's going on?

When the two ships of the Coast Guard rushed out with guns, at this moment, how could Li Chen care so much...

Just open fire...

'Da da da da da da...'

Although Ryder had already noticed the two helicopters in the sky at this moment, but suddenly saw the sign of international rescue, this guy didn't bother to take care of it, just held his gun and continued to fire at each other...

'Da da da da da da...'

All of a sudden, Alice and the other three women didn't care anymore, and they all crawled out holding the pole ak47...

Because the actions of the Coast Guard of Country T are really sad and indignant!

And this scene happened to be filmed by an international rescue helicopter.

It seemed that the weak women had to come out to fight back. The two helicopters in the international rescue thought... Maybe there was something wrong with the people from the Coast Guard of Country T?

Right now, in the cockpit.

Katerina saw that the situation was not good, and this girl was also very tough. She turned on her full horsepower and panicked in one direction in the ocean, that is, driving the boat, and drove towards the sea area in the northeast direction...


As for this moment, the personnel in the two ships of the Coast Guard of Country T panicked for a moment, not knowing what to do?

This time, in this contest, the people from the Coast Guard did not have any advantage.

More than [-] coast guard personnel have died in the gunfire.

Originally, the two ships were about to fire, but they were stopped.

Because there are already people warning, and there are helicopters of the international rescue team in the sky...

If the war continues, the incident will definitely explode!

It is developing towards an escalation trend, and in the end, no one can hold back!

But, at this moment, Li Chen and Ryder don't care so much.

After the two reloaded the bullets, they continued to crawl on the boat and fired at the two ships...

'Da da da da da...'

In fact, for the moment, neither of them had any reason left.

There is only one idea, that is to dry sink those two T country ships!
There are only a few words in my heart: grass, tama!


As for Katerina in the cockpit right now, this girl is also extremely tough.

When she realized that the two ships were not so dexterous in turning around in the ocean, she drove the boat and circled around the two ships...

She also seemed to understand the intentions of Brother Li Chen and Big Hei.

Just want to dry sink these two ships.

In fact, at this moment, Li Chen and Ryder can't control the ship either.

Anyway, how the girl of the fighting nation controls the ship can be done according to her wishes.

In fact, based on Li Chen's temper, he wanted to get close to the ship and jump on it.

The outer periphery of this ship is full of thick steel plates, which are difficult to penetrate at all.

After seeing Jessie crawling aside, Li Chen hurriedly said to her: "Quick! Go to the cockpit! Let Linna approach the ship! Hurry up!"

Obviously, he was still unwilling to kill more than [-] coast guards!

What's the matter... I have to have these two ships to be buried with my wife!
Grass, Tama!

When Ryder understood the attitude of his brother Hua Guo who was gnashing his teeth, he put a hand on his shoulder and said, "Brother, no matter life or death this time, I will accompany you!"

Suddenly this guy said such a sentence, although Li Chen was very moved, but for a while, he didn't want to say anything.

Because at this very moment, he couldn't express himself.

I just don't want to talk, I just want to kill all the bastards on these two ships!
As for the doesn't matter anymore!

Fuck it!
Anyway, the daughter-in-law is gone...

(End of this chapter)

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