The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 987 Fierce self-defense counterattack

Chapter 987 Fierce self-defense counterattack
Next, over the ocean, the two international rescue helicopters witnessed the more thrilling and intense self-defense counterattack...

Suddenly, I saw the white medium-sized freighter in the ocean, suddenly passing through the gap between the two ships...

Then I saw two women on the white medium-sized freighter, each with a gun in hand, one left and one right, respectively aimed at the ship on the left and one right, and fired fiercely to cover...

'Da da da da da da da...'

At this moment, even if the two ships wanted to attack with artillery fire, they had to weigh it.

After all, the white cargo ship {c} has been inserted into the gap. Once the gun is fired, the three ships may end up in the ocean.

As for this kind of thing, the officers of the Coast Guard in country T naturally don't have the courage.

Nor do they want to die together.

Under the cover of gunfire, two men on the white medium-sized freighter suddenly jumped to the left and right of the ship respectively...

At this moment, over the ocean, the two international rescue helicopters looked dumbfounded: "???"

Oh... Omega...

Perhaps they would never imagine what kind of crazy actions they would make if they were to die alone?
At this moment, Li Chen has successfully jumped to the ship on the left.

After tumbling on the deck, he raised his gun and fired again...

'Da da da……'

And at this moment, Ryder also successfully jumped to the ship on the right...

At this moment, Ryder has only one thought in his mind, and that is... to wipe out all the grandchildren of the Coast Guard of Country T on the two ships!

But you must know that in fact, each ship has more than 100 personnel from the Coast Guard of Country T.

In other words...these two ships add up to more than 200 people, close to [-] personnel from the Coast Guard of Country T.

As far as this moment is concerned, the two brothers are already red-eyed, no matter how many people there are, in short, they all have to be buried with him!
Grass, Tama!


Right now, the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T.

Those heads are already in a panic...

Because now, the entire interior of the Coast Guard of Country T is in chaos.

They may never have thought that the rabbit is in a hurry, and it is really biting!

At first, he was full of thought that the white medium-sized freighter in the ocean would be eaten, but he didn't know... At this moment, it was already Tamar who set him on fire.

This time, this matter, the personnel of the Coast Guard of Country T, naturally couldn't handle it.


Regarding country G, they also received a message at this moment.

However, they are now in the waters near country T, so they can only act in a hurry.

Obviously, with regard to this kind of Tamar matter, country G can't get involved.

They can only wait for further information now.


About this moment, in the ocean.

Li Chen has successfully penetrated into the interior of the ship on the left...

As for the casualties of the personnel on the ship, there are naturally countless.

Now, for this captain of the Hua Kingdom, it is natural that gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas...

Fuck it!
Guan Yu Nima, the Coast Guard of Country T is not the Coast Guard!

At this moment, Katerina, the girl from the fighting nation, parked the freighter between the two ships.

Immediately, I saw this girl, she didn't care about the cockpit, she just came out with an AK47 in her arms...

Obviously, this girl is also completely angry!

After all, her best sisters Hye Kyo and Ito are gone, so she doesn't want to.

To die is to die!
However, these bastards from the Coast Guard of Country T must be buried with them!
This girl's idea is very simple, that is... Anyway, she has lived in the ocean for so long, and she has already earned enough money.

Now I am not afraid to die in battle.

Afterwards, this girl also suddenly jumped vertically towards the ship on the left...

Suddenly seeing Katerina like this, Alice waited for the three women, and their morale was boosted...

Seeing that Katerina was going to help the captain of Huaguo, so Alice didn't care about life and death, and saw this foreign girl, also holding a gun, jumping towards the ship on the right...

Seeing this situation again, suddenly, Sun Jiaying, who was very knowledgeable about young women, suddenly exploded with vigor...

Ever since...the woman from Shanghai also suddenly jumped towards the ship on the left...

Life and death, at this moment, seem to be no longer so important.

Anyway, people are mortal!
After Jessie was stunned for a moment, she had no choice but to jump over to the ship on the right side in a panic...

Because Sister Linna and Sister Jiaying went to support Brother Li Chen, so she had no choice but to go to support Big Hei with Sister Alice.


Such a heroic scene in the ocean also made the two international rescue helicopters in the sky dumbfounded...

It wasn't until a while later that they remembered something, and then they were ready to call the police.

After all, they are only engaged in international rescue.

This matter, the affairs of country T, should be handled by the military and police of country T.

Because it's just this kind of shit... They can't enforce the law even if they do rescue.

As for this to deal with it in the end, the rescuers can only stand on a fair and objective standpoint and provide some corresponding evidence.

The rest...they can't really help.

If it's just a simple rescue, they have no problem.

The more important point is that they are not affiliated with country T, because they belong to a point of international rescue and belong to international rescue personnel.


At this moment, inside the ship on the left.

The first thing that came was just a burst of intense gunfire...

'Da da da da da...'

Just when Li Chen was about to break into the cockpit of the ship, suddenly, a group of people rushed up from the lower level of the ship...

Originally, this group of people thought that they should be able to take down that Huaguo boy, but who knew that behind them, there was another sudden burst of intense gunfire...

'Da da da da da da...'

Li Chen looked back in a panic, and suddenly saw that it was Katerina and Sun Jiaying who had come to reinforce him, he couldn't help but tremble...

But at the moment, it seems that there is no need for too much language.

They just shoot and shoot.

With the sound of 'da da da' intense gunfire, Li Chen broke into the cockpit of the ship full of anger...

The group of people who had already hid in the cockpit finally fell under the gunfire.

None were spared.


As for this moment, the exchange of fire in the ship on the right is also quite intense.

When Ryder suddenly saw Alice and Jessie coming for reinforcements, he couldn't help but smile happily...

"Oh... girls, good job!"

While talking, suddenly saw another group of people rushing out, so Alice shot decisively...

'Da da da da da...'

After finishing this group of people, Alice gave Big Hei a different look: "Don't talk nonsense! Keep going!"

"Oh, OK! Don't worry, girls, the victory must belong to us!"


(End of this chapter)

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