The days of surviving on a desert island with the goddess

Chapter 989 Has been arrested according to law

Chapter 989 Has been arrested according to law
Right now, inside the ship on the right...

Ryder's guy is already positioning the headquarters of the Coast Guard in country G...

However, to be honest, this time, the Coast Guard in country G is completely innocent.

Because this matter was not done by the Coast Guard of Country G at all.

But, doesn't Ryder know?

He was just guessing, it should also be part of the Coast Guard of Country G?

So, there are so many of them.

After pressing the button a few times, four or five shells were sent out from the ship, heading towards country G...

As far as this moment is concerned, the helicopters hovering cautiously in the distance over the ocean are completely bewildered.

Don't know what's going on?
Why is there still something about country G?


However, in the end, the G air defense identification system intercepted three shells in the air.

However, in the end, there were still two explosions from the headquarters of the Coast Guard in country G...

'Peng, Peng——'


When the head of state G heard the news, he was almost scared to pee.

I don't understand at all, how did the flames of war fall on the territory of country G?
Why did they blow up the coast guard station in country G too?

In fact, this time, the one who is even more afraid is the highest officer of the military of country G.

Only then did he realize... He completely ignored the fighting power of the group on the white medium-sized freighter!
This damn...completely overturned in the gutter.

This time, the highest officer of the G country's military was confused.

Because next... what direction will this matter take?
It is completely impossible to control it.

Because now, it has been completely exposed to the eyes of the international community.

Even if that group of people were war criminals, Country T would not dare to kill them directly.

They even had to protect that group of people as national treasures.

Because of this, what the international community wants to see in the end is to enter the investigation process and want to know what's going on?



Right now, in the ocean.

I saw a man on each of the two ships, leading two women, walking towards the deck of the ship with a gesture of surrender...

Suddenly, the six people on the two ships walked towards the deck calmly and calmly. Suddenly, the military and police of country T were also dumbfounded: "???"

No one dared to order to open fire, and no one dared to order to kill the six people directly.

Because in the air, there are still helicopters that are the first live reports of many media...

Especially on the ship caught in the middle, but it has a big 'SOS' form...

Even a fool can see that it is a ship that needs international rescue.

As for why he made such a crazy move, there must be a reason!
At least it can prove to some extent that...the law enforcement by the Coast Guard of Country T is improper.

Because on the boat that was caught in the middle...but there were obviously two female corpses lying there.

With such a formation, who would dare to order the soldiers and policemen who have passed through T to be killed easily?

Besides, those six people... have already expressed their surrender.

Of course, regarding this matter, the military and police personnel of country T also want to find out more about what is going on?


Regarding the Mir ship in country Y, at around 5 pm, international public opinion finally released the latest developments...

According to the report, the divers from the country of Hua, Zeng Yu, were the first to discover the Mir at the bottom of the ocean next to an uninhabited island near country G.

Moreover, several items have been brought out from the Mir, which can fully confirm that the Mir has sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

As soon as this report came out, the divers in Huaguo talked wildly, and it immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

Of course, this incident is enough to prove that Huaguo already has the world's top level in the marine field.

This is also a manifestation of boosting the comprehensive national strength of Huaguo.

Facts have proved that... Huaguo will definitely attract the attention of the world.



On this day, later in the day, another piece of international news caused a worldwide sensation.

Li Chen, a man of Chinese nationality, was a survivor of HX714 last year. He has been surviving on a deserted island for nearly a year. He finally led a survival team in the waters near T country, and made a frantic self-defense counterattack against the improper law enforcement of the T country maritime police station. , and blew up the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T and the Headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country G. The survival team led by the man of Chinese nationality, Li Chen, has been arrested by the military police of Country T according to law.But why did they blow up the headquarters of the G Coast Guard, please pay attention to the follow-up reports.


As soon as this news came out, it aroused strong dissatisfaction and protests from the international community...

Netizen from country G: Those sons of bitches from country T strongly demand the release of Li Chen and other self-rescue rescuers!
Country Y netizen: The law enforcement by the Coast Guard of country T is outrageous!Why is there still so-called bullshit law enforcement against the survivors of the air crash?Shouldn't humanitarian aid be implemented immediately? Are the guys from the Coast Guard in country T all pigs?
Netizen from country P: hold a chicken feather as an arrow.Law enforcement against self-rescue teams of survivors at sea? Is the Coast Guard of Country T a joke for him?

Netizens from Huaguo: Strongly request T country to release Li Chen, and strongly condemn T country's excessive law enforcement!Strongly condemn country T for not having the spirit of humanitarian rescue!

At the moment, the Manhattan Hotel...

When Tan Jixia, Su Qianer and other six women were surprised to see the relevant reports, and then they were surprised to see the photo taken by the media, Captain Li Chen standing on the ship with his hand raised in surrender. In an instant, the six women were excited. , my heart is full of mixed feelings...

The cute girl was the first to cry and said excitedly: "How is it? I said that the captain is definitely not dead, right? You see... Li Chen... is the one whose surname is Li... is our captain!"

Then, she couldn't help crying and said: "How is it? Let me say that he is on that ship! Is he there? Are you talking?"

However, at the same time those women were crying, their hearts were heavy...

Because what will happen next, don't know yet?
At this moment, another video interview filmed by Russian media began to play on the TV in the hotel...

Li Chen, who was handcuffed, was about to be taken away, the Russian media rushed to interview a few words...

Media reporter: May I ask why you made such a crazy move?
Li Chen looked at the media camera expressionlessly, hesitant to speak...

Then, after a while, he suddenly turned around and said to the media camera: Is it wrong for us to ask for help?


Suddenly listening to the captain's words, "Is it wrong for us to ask for help?", suddenly, the six women burst into tears...

"Why? Why are the people from the Coast Guard of Country T?" Qiong'er cried and hissed.

"Hmph! Those bastards from the T country's maritime police station! Beasts! They're not human! Why do they treat our captain like this?" The cute girl was extremely annoyed.

Only Tan Jixia and the second child Su Qianer kept silent...

Qin Xiaowan just cried, and then she didn't know what to say, she only knew that she felt like a stick in her throat at the moment...

Because they all know that it is not easy to survive on a deserted island, and in the end they just want to ask for help. What the hell is wrong with it?

(End of this chapter)

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