Chapter 990 Interview with Ryder!

Next, the TV media played another tragic video about the three ships...

In this video, the cute girl couldn't help but panicked and pointed her finger excitedly: "Look—look—over there—Juan Hye Kyo—she—she's dead—must have been captured by the Coast Guard of Country T. People shot and killed—"

Seeing such a scene suddenly, to be honest, the six women could guess what happened.

Because of their captain's temper, it must be because people from the T country coast police station shot and killed Quan Hye Kyo and other women, so their captain was furious!
It's just...Ito Chuanxiang, the six women don't know each other, and they don't know what's going on for a while?


After that, the TV media played another video of the news interview at the first scene...

It seems that with the permission of country T, Huaguo Central Media conducted an interview with Ryder.

Because the background scene of the interview was already in a detention room in country T.

In fact, Country T already knew that this Mr. Ryder was an international celebrity.

As for why he is also in this incident, it is worth investigating.

This time, although he has become a prisoner, Ryder knows very well that he will definitely be protected by country T, so he naturally says what he has.

Huaguo Central Media: Mr. Ryder, can you tell me why you are also in this self-rescue and survival team?

Ryder: Oh... this... is a bit of a long story.In fact... I was a survivor on the Mir.

Huaguo Central Media: Then you and Li Chen...

Ryder: I met him on the Mir.Because at that time Mir had implemented humanitarian rescue to them in the ocean.

Huaguo Central Media: Then what kind of person do you think he is...?Is it easy to get angry?

Ryder: Oh...No!He is a great captain!We all love him!A veritable international captain!He should be the pride of your country!You should be proud of him for being able to kill all those sons of bitches in the Coast Guard of Country T!Because...he is actually very humble, he is not the kind of guy who gets angry easily!It's just... the actions of the Coast Guard of Country T angered him, do you understand?We are just asking for humanitarian assistance, what can be wrong?But... People from the Coast Guard of Country T shot and killed the two women in our team first!Of these two women, one is Jeon Hye Kyo, an actress from Country H!One is Toyo's best-selling author Ito Kawaka!
Huaguo Central Media was surprised: Quan Hye Kyo?She... Didn't she take the crashed flight HA312 last year?
Ryder: Oh, yes.That's right.She is the survivor of HA312.Surprised?In fact... I know... Country H has already announced that there are no survivors on HA312, but isn't that a shame?
Huaguo Central Media: Can you tell did you all get together?
Ryder: Of course.In fact... Jeon Hye Kyo was rescued by our captain Li Chen in the ocean!Of course, Jeon Hye Kyo told me this too!I also believe that all this is true!Because... for the sake of gratitude, Jeon Hye Kyo has fallen in love with Captain Li Chen, and they are in the ocean... they have used the sun and the moon as a matchmaker to make a private appointment for life, understand?In other words, the actress from country H is already Captain Li Chen's wife, do you understand?
Huaguo Central Media: Wait a minute, Mr. Ryder, let me interrupt.Let's talk about Toyo's best-selling author Ito Chuanxiang now!She... She seems to be on the DW558 flight that crashed last year, right?
Ryder: Yes.That's right.It seems that Dongyang Country has also officially announced that there are no survivors on DW558. Is this also a slap in the face of Dongyang Country?
Huaguo Central Media: Then she...

Ryder: Wait, I'm not done yet.I'm going to talk about her and Captain Li Chen now.At that time, DW558 crashed and she fell into the ocean. Captain Li Chen desperately swam into the ocean and rescued her ashore.At that time, she was rescued and thought she was dead, because Captain Li Chen gave her artificial respiration for a long time, but she didn't respond.But later, it was saved.Therefore, she is also very grateful to Captain Li Chen.

Huaguo Central Media: She was also rescued by Li Chen?

Ryder: Exactly!So I say...he is a hero!He is the pride of your country!He should have been right!me too!We're in the middle of the ocean...just trying to get rescued, that's all!

Huaguo Central Media: Then... the Russian girl Katerina...

Ryder: She's a shipwreck survivor.It was also Captain Li Chen who saved him.In the beginning, the four of them were together before the Mir implemented humanitarian assistance.It is already a small team of self-help.Can you imagine the terrible environment in the ocean?Captain Li Chen has been leading the three women to save themselves and find their way home, but they never thought that... this road... would be so difficult!
Huaguo Central Media: Then...the Mir ship crashed, and it was Li Chen who saved you guys, is that right?

Ryder: So to speak.Basically the truth.That's why I said he is a hero, the pride of your country of Hua!Because he leads us to help ourselves, find food, and more!So we call him the international captain! can also ask those women, I guarantee, all of those women will say...they have fallen in love with Captain Li Chen!

Huaguo Central Media: Then... what happened in the waters near country T...?

Ryder: Oh... this... finally gets to the point!I hope this paragraph, you all heard clearly!In fact, on the uninhabited island of country G, we have already been suspected of being murdered by country G!Because at that time...the Mir ship crashed, in fact...there were more than [-] or [-] survivors, and the [-] or [-] of us successfully landed on the island at that time, but later... I don’t know what happened, country G On the other hand, some sons of bitches... flew a warplane to us in a brutal massacre!So there are only a few of us left!Later... probably the Mir's loss of contact has attracted the attention of the international community, so those sons of bitches in country G... probably feared that the matter would be exposed, so they sent fighter planes to attack the uninhabited island again. The indiscriminate bombing eventually caused the entire island to catch fire and burn down!At that time... In fact, the few of us were hiding in a cave, so we were lucky to escape, you know?
Hua Guo's central media was surprised: Are you sure it is a fighter plane from country G?

Ryder: Of course!I have also been a soldier, so of course I can tell what a fighter is!

Huaguo Central Media: Then... your ship...

Ryder: Sorry, but I'm not done yet.Regarding our ship, after the typhoon and ocean tsunami that night, it rushed to our location from nowhere, so we were lucky, so we boarded that ship.But we dare not go to country G because we are afraid of being killed.So we had to go to country T.However, those sons of bitches from the Coast Guard of country T... must have been bought by country G, so they killed us to silence them!As you can see, they even kill women, so... we are pissed off!So Captain Li Chen had to lead us to fight back in self-defense, do you understand now?

(End of this chapter)

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