Chapter 991 So Powerful?

Just this night, after the video of the interview with Ryder was spread wildly by the domestic Internet media, what I didn't expect was... Overnight, Captain Li Chen became an Internet celebrity captain...

Netizen from Qingchuan: Captain Li Chen, fellow townsman, you are our pride in Qingchuan!I also want to go to the desert island to give birth to monkeys for you!
Netizen from Shanghai: We urge the country T to release our Captain Li Chen immediately!
Netizen from Yanjing: Let country T get the hell out of here!It is really not suitable for living in the global village!

Netizens in Guangzhu: GT and the two countries are colluding, fuck the earth!
Netizen from Liaoshen: Captain Li Chen, man!real man!Sister, I miss you!Waiting for you to return home!

Netizen from Xihang: I tell you... Country T, please release me Captain Li Chen immediately, because he is my man!


Just tonight, the video of the interview with Ryder was spread wildly all over the world...

Netizen from country G: Oumaiga... so our country is so despicable!
Netizen from country T: Have our officers in the Coast Guard forgotten to pay the IQ tax?Nonsense!

Netizens from country F: Country G is despicable, country T is clumsy, and the combined IQ of the two countries is equal to 500.

Netizens from country P: Country G is dirty, despicable, shameless, and dirty! To hell with country T!
Netizen from country H: Return our little Qiao (Jeon Hye Kyo)!

Netizen from Toyoko: Didn’t the official announce that DW558 has no survivors?Should my Toyo politicians also be responsible for Ito Chuanxiang's death?


Tonight, in the capital of State T...

Some brains are even having a headache, because this is the time to test their outstanding wisdom.

Especially the head of state T is a headache...

Because for the self-rescue and survival team of those six people, it seems a little unreasonable not to deal with it according to the relevant legal principles?

After all, country T... two ships of the Coast Guard, nearly [-] coast guard personnel on board were all killed, and even the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T was blown up.

But now, due to the seriousness of the situation.

As for the director of the Coast Guard of Country T, he has been controlled by the military and police personnel of Country T, and he has also been imprisoned in a small black room.

This matter... how to deal with it next, how to judge, etc., naturally, there must be an investigation process.

The head of State T is thinking... this is already an international incident, and it is estimated that... the international investigation team may also intervene?
It's a bit difficult to do it in full compliance with the laws of country T!
In fact, the head of country T, like a younger brother, secretly made a phone call...

The so-called secretly calling means not disclosing to the media.

It will not disclose exactly what was discussed.

Country T is a small country after all, so it has to seek asylum from a big country.

However, the head of country T is also pragmatic, and he understands in his heart that in fact... the country of the United States is unreliable.

The United States... is actually full of wolf ambitions.

Therefore, in recent years, the head of state T has been working hard to improve the relationship with China.

But because of this matter... If country T handles it improperly, the side will naturally care about it.

However, on the phone, he was polite and did not make any excessive demands.

Just to say: according to the relevant local laws and regulations to deal with.

However, the head of country T is a sensible person, and he knows that this sentence actually has a deep meaning.

That can't just deal with people on our side, you also have to deal with people on your side who have made mistakes.

This is just one of them. In addition, diplomats from country H have also posted on social media, demanding that country T be responsible for Jeon Hye Kyo's death.

In addition, the foreign minister of the Eastern country also posted a post on social media, demanding that country T be responsible for Ito Chuanxiang's death.


As for this night, country G, the capital of the head of state.

Those brains and brains are having trouble sleeping and eating tonight...

Moreover, the head of country G has never dared to talk to the head of country T on the phone.

After all, this matter now... is difficult to end.

Both radicals and moderates understand that it is impossible to make trouble now.

The capital of country T will not cooperate either.

Now that it's an international event, who the hell is still playing with you?

Naturally, he was thinking about how to wipe his butt clean?
Of course, more importantly, country G is also afraid.

After all, it's involved now.

Because this evening, the ambassador of the embassy in country G has already posted on social media, asking country G to give a detailed explanation of the incident in the ocean.

What makes country G even more embarrassing now is how to face country Y?
They keep claiming that GY and Y are friendly countries, and now that such scandals are exposed, what does country Y think?
This evening, the diplomats of country Y have also posted on social media, strongly condemning country G's bad behavior, demanding that country G must explain the survivors who shot and killed the Mir, and have an explanation to country Y and the international community !
The more important point is... the United Nations posted a post on social media about this matter, and it also condemned GT and the two countries.

And the implication of the United Nations is that the international investigation team may intervene in this matter?

It can be said that now, both country G and country T are in trouble.

Almost at the same time, the heads of state of GT and the two countries were asking the same question half-mumbling...

That young man named Li Chen... so powerful! ?

Maybe I have to admit that the young man named Li Chen is indeed amazing!
This is really a stone that stirs up a thousand waves!

Even the United Nations was alarmed.


But tonight, some guys in T country, military and police really hate that kid named Li Chen.

How to say it specifically... After all, he shot and killed nearly [-] personnel of the Coast Guard of Country T, and even blew up the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T. Can he not be hated?

This destructive power is simply too powerful!
It seems to be bullying the incompetent people in country T.


At this moment, a temporary interrogation room.

A guy from the military and police, holding a chicken feather as an arrow, temporarily dragged Li Chen into this temporary interrogation room...

"I'm asking you something, don't you hear? Is my Chinese not standard? Can't you understand?"

However, Li Chen, who was sitting in front of the interrogation table, didn't say anything, and didn't even look at him very much.

However, generally speaking, Li Chen still glanced at it, and this military and police officer... is three-dimensional and five-thick, and Kong Wu is powerful.

It's just that in Li Chen's eyes... this is a fool.

I don't know who gave him the power to interrogate him in the middle of the night?

I don't know this guy's name for the time being, I only know that his police number is 111104, because it is hung on his chest.

This 111104, seeing that Li Chen doesn't like him very much, he is even more furious...

Suddenly, he got up angrily, as if he was about to beat him...

Seeing him suddenly, Li Chen's heart shuddered, and he was somewhat afraid of him.

After all... Now I am handcuffed, if I use force... I can't beat this guy.

Therefore, he could only think secretly, try to protect himself as much as possible.

As for when to return it, that is another story.

But this matter... must be kept in mind, 11104!

Sure enough, all of a sudden, this 111104 punched me...

Fortunately, Li Chen reacted quickly, so he raised his hand to protect his head in a panic...

"Hold the grass, are you still hiding!?" 111104 became even more angry.

(End of this chapter)

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