Chapter 994 Wait!

And after a while, when the beautiful female police officer left, Ryder in the next room couldn't help but bluffed with joy...

"Hey - dude - what was it like when that pretty female police officer kissed you just now -"

Li Chen at this moment: "..."

It seemed that besides being speechless, he didn't really want to say anything.

What can you say when this kind of shit happens?What else do you want to say?

Apart from missing his daughter-in-law and occasionally that oriental beauty writer in his heart, he really didn't know what to say?
In short, there is nothing to say at the moment.

The only thing I want to say...maybe is: Finally, he's not in the ocean anymore!

However, Ryder continued to bluff...

"Hey, brother, talk! Don't keep talking!"

Li Chen: "..."

Ryder: "Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you still indulging in the sweet happiness after being kissed by a beautiful police officer?"

Suddenly, there was no way, Li Chen had no choice but to reply: "Damn, you can die if you don't talk?"

"Hey, brother, in this situation, besides talking, what else can you do?"

This is true.

After a while, that bastard Ryder said again: "Brother, you said... When can we really see the sun again?"


"Wait!?" Ryder was a little dazed.

So, Li Chen finally couldn't help but said: "Go to Mrs. Ni! Don't you know the procedure?"

The so-called procedure is naturally still in the stage of the investigation procedure that is about to start.

Then naturally the prosecution will prosecute and wait for the trial.

Trial, that is, waiting for the verdict.

As for whether to convict, or what crime to convict, it is still unknown?
It's just... the international captain knew in his heart that according to the lightest sentence... maybe he would have to be imprisoned for a year or so.

Of course, in this case... it also depends on the political game between countries.

In short, it is impossible to say that they are completely innocent.

After all, he killed so many people from the Coast Guard of Country T, and even blew up the headquarters of the Coast Guard of Country T.

In short, they are now major criminals.

Afterwards, Ryder couldn't help but said again: "Hey, brother, tell me... where are those four women locked up?"

Li Chen said impatiently: "Go and ask the police officer!"


At this moment, Delia returned to her office and was already formally understanding some important aspects of Li Chen and other cases.

At the same time, she was also checking some related news reports and the like.


That night, six women including Tan Jixia and Su Qian'er were sleepless in the Manhattan Hotel.

Although now I finally know the whereabouts of the captain, but...although it is close at hand, it seems like a world away.

Because the six women don't know how to go to the T country police station to meet their captain?

I only know that their captain must be locked there now.

Suddenly, Su Qianer was asking the older Tan Jixia, she asked: "Sister Jixia, you said... In this case, will the captain be released without charge?"

However, Tan Jixia's beautiful eyes wrinkled...

After thinking about it, she finally couldn't help but said, "That's enough."

Hearing that it was bad enough, the cute girl immediately got emotional: "Why? Why is it bad enough?"

Tan Jixia just rolled her eyes at the cute girl: "Killing so many people is equivalent to a war criminal, what do you think?"

The cute girl said: "Those people deserve to die, okay?"

Immediately, Qiong'er also said indignantly: "That's right! Those people don't deserve to die! Hmph!"

Suddenly, the foreign girl Lina said positively: "Oh... I think... we should consider hiring the best lawyer team for the captain!"

However, Tan Jixia said: "Don't worry, we don't need to worry about these. Our embassy in country T will come forward. We will also arrange a team of lawyers to go there."


Early the next morning, the president of Russia personally called the head of country T.

The president of Russia is a bit tougher.

It means... to demand that country T immediately release the Russian girl Katerina acquitted.

When the head of country T tactfully stated some facts, the Russian president asked: Can you tell me, as a girl who was shipwrecked in the ocean, is she at fault?
This question was asked so that the head of State T was confused: "???"

Then, the Russian president asked again: Is she a fragile girl?Does she deserve humanitarian aid?So now I would like to ask... What have you guys from the Coast Guard of Country T done?Why would a weak girl make such a sad and indignant move?

After these repeated questions, the head of state of T country is really a little confused, and he doesn't know how to answer?

Next, country H and Dongyang country also called the head of country T respectively.

It is required to make a reasonable explanation for the deaths of Jeon Hye Kyo and Ito Chuanxiang, and to have a reasonable explanation for the nationals of all countries.

At the same time, it is required to have reasonable comfort for its family members!

Later, the head of country Y also personally called the head of country T.

Because Alice and Jessie, as well as Ryder and Sun Jiaying, are all survivors on the Mir.

In this regard, regardless of their nationality, in short, country Y should be responsible.

After all, the four of them boarded the Mir in Country Y.


As for country X, the ambassador to country T asked to see the head of country T.

In the afternoon, the head of country T met with the ambassador of country X to country T at the head of state.

The ambassador was very sincere. First of all, he expressed his apology for the actions of Li Chen, a man of X nationality.

But then, the ambassador also asked a series of questions...

For example: As a survivor who saved himself and survived, was Li Chen, a man of X nationality, at fault?Is it wrong to ask the personnel of the Coast Guard of Country T for rescue? Why did the personnel of the Coast Guard of Country T shoot and kill a group of innocent lives?We have also confirmed that the sea area at that time was on the high seas, not the sea area under the jurisdiction of country T. Do the personnel of the coast guard of country T have the right to enforce the law on the high seas?If so, who gave it the power?

What's more, the ambassador also asked: If the personnel of the Coast Guard of Country T are unwilling to provide humanitarian assistance, shouldn't they also shoot and kill them? What is the purpose of the Coast Guard of Country T in doing this?What are you trying to hide?
This series of questions, the head of state T is really a headache...

For a while, it was impossible to answer one by one.

It's just that the head of country T knows that this... really disgusts country T!

For such a big incident, if all are acquitted, it seems to mean that country T is too weak?
The head of state... seems too incompetent?

But what should I insist on...on the surface, it seems that it is not easy to say?

Therefore, the head of country T is thinking in his heart, maybe it would be safer to openly invite the personnel of the international investigation team to intervene...

(End of this chapter)

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