Chapter 995 Another Shocking News

Also in the afternoon of this day, the Chinese in country T, as well as Russians, people from country H, Orientals, people from country Y, etc., spontaneously formed a protest team and surrounded the gate of the capital of country T and the police of country T. In front of the department headquarters...

Holding various slogans and pulling various banners to express their protest against the government of country T.

Those slogans, such as: immediately release Captain Li Chen, immediately release the Russian girl, immediately release the survivors on the Mir, country T owes us an apology to the people of country H, country T owes us an apology to the people of the East...

This is really lively.

The whole country of T is now... a headache because of this incident.


Just this afternoon, in front of the headquarters of the T State Police Department...

Suddenly, uniformed officers from the police station came out, and a group of people suddenly swarmed up...

It also includes a lot of media reporters, etc...

Media reporter: Hello, can we now conduct an interview on the case of the self-rescue team at sea?

Protesters in Huaguo: When will Captain Li Chen be released?

Protesters in Russia: When will we free our Russian girls?

Protesters in Country Y: When will all the survivors on the Mir be released?
Protesters in Country H: What kind of responsibility will the Coast Guard of Country T take for the death of Xiao Qiao (Jeon Hye Kyo) in our country?
Protesters in the East: For the death of the best-selling author of our country, Ito Chuanxiang, what kind of responsibility will the Coast Guard of the country T have?
This is really lively!

The people at the headquarters of the T country police station are all having a headache!

It's such a mess... They really don't know what to do?
If you look closely, you will find that six women, including Tan Jixia and Su Qianer, are also joining in the fun in this group...

For them, the purpose is very simple, they just want to see Captain Li Chen.

But now, apart from joining in the fun with this group in this way, other...they don't know what to do?


And on this day, all the relevant countries expressed their high gratitude to Hua.

The Russian diplomat first posted on social media: Thank you, Li Chen, Captain of Huaguo, for rescuing the Russian girl in the ocean, and all kinds of help. The Russian people express their high respect!Thank you again for the selfless spirit of Captain Huaguo Li Chen!
H country diplomats also posted on social media: Thank you Hua Guo captain Li Chen for his indignant reaction to our citizen Quan Huiqiao being shot and killed by people from T country's maritime police station!The citizens of our country firmly believe that Li Chen, the captain of Huaguo, is a hero, a fearless hero, and definitely not a prisoner!The prisoner should be a member of the Coast Guard of Country T!Thank you again Captain Li Chen!Thank you Huaguo!Thanks also to the people of Huaguo!Hua H's friendship lasts forever!

Successively, diplomats from Eastern Country, Country Y, and other related countries all posted on social media, insisting that Captain Hua Guo Li Chen is a hero, and thanked Hua Guo.


It's just that Li Chen, who is still being detained in the T country police station for the time being, doesn't know that he has caused such a sensation.

He didn't seem to have thought that... he would become the international focus.

But there is one thing that he himself has a clear conscience, that is... As a soldier, he never disgraced Hua Guo.

As for whether he is a prisoner or a hero now, he doesn't want to study too much.

Now he is only thinking about one question, when will he be sentenced?
It's not that I'm afraid of being imprisoned, but I just want to know how long I will be imprisoned?

When will I be free?

Because he also wanted to personally send the ashes of Hye Kyo and Chuan Xiang back to their respective countries!



Just later in the day, a news report that shocked the international community came out again...

The media of the country said: After the identification of the shrapnel on the uninhabited island near the country G by international weapons experts, the shrapnel came from the XX military base in the country G.Combined with what Mr. Ryder in the sea self-rescue and survival team said, G had massacred more than [-] to [-] survivors of the Mir, or it is completely true!As for the reason for this criminal act of country G, I really want to hear the explanation from the {z} government of country G!

As soon as this news came out, naturally, it was like a shocking thunder...

Country Y netizen: Seriously suspect that Mir was sunk by country G!

Faguo netizen: The Mir crash must have been caused by country G!
Netizens from Country T: Country G is despicable, shameless, and villainous, causing our country T to suffer as well. People in country T wake up and see the true face of this pig teammate!
Netizen from Huaguo: Now it can be completely confirmed that the Coast Guard of Country T is an accomplice of Country G, and the identification has been completed.

Country H netizen: Country G, fuck the earth!

Netizen from Toyoko: Country G is also responsible for the death of our best-selling author!
Country G netizen: So we live in such a despicable country?


As soon as the news came out, the head of state of G was up and down, but there was no peace.

It means that the poor performance in the early stage has now been fully revealed.

Now this's big!

Originally, the head of state G still admired the top military officer, but now looking at him, he wished he could give him a few slaps!
This is completely bringing the entire G country into a ditch.

Now, as the head of state, he has been completely disgraced.

The point is this explained to the international community?
How does country G speak now?

At this moment, the core officials surrounding the head of state all have gloomy faces...

It seems that for a while, I don't know what to say?

Especially the big paper tiger country in the West, the United States also suddenly jumped out to speak, saying that country G can be defined as the country that initiated the war.

This matter... is really big!

G Yuan was so frightened that the tiger's body trembled.

One of the core members finally said something positively, meaning: Now we must face everything squarely, and we can no longer try to cover up anything.

However, the top officer in the military still couldn't help saying, meaning: Damn it!It was all caused by that Hua country kid!

Suddenly, the head of state G finally couldn't help but annoyed the military chief, meaning: Okay, you'd better shut up!
Think about it too, if it weren't for him, could so many things have happened?

Moreover, the head of country G also knows that it is completely meaningless to try to attack that Hua country boy.

It may even make country G's crimes worse.

But you must know that Huaguo has also come forward in this matter.

Country G is actually the country that is most afraid of China, because it seems to be a low-key country, but in fact... perhaps some things have already been going on silently?
Moreover, in terms of comprehensive national strength, there is no need for Hua Guo to open fire on country G at all. Just a travel ban can make the entire country G tighten its belt.

So the head of state G still has to be cautious about this matter.

Of course, at first, he didn't think that... Hua Guo people were involved.

Because at first, the ship was going to country T, and they thought it might be people from country T.

(End of this chapter)

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