Chapter 996 Delia's Regret
This night, in response to the exchange of fire between the maritime self-rescue and survival team headed by Captain Li Chen of China and the Coast Guard of Country T, the official media of Country T finally gave the 6 maritime incident.

Not called a case.

Obviously, this characterization is relatively neutral.

At least it will not arouse the indignation of the international community.

State T’s official media issued an article saying: Since the 6 maritime incident was extremely complicated and involved people from many countries, and perhaps the conspiracy of some countries, in order to maintain the peace, stability and order of the international community, and also to reflect the international community’s It is open, impartial, objective, and transparent. Therefore, Country T will sincerely invite the international investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation of the 11 maritime incident.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with such an official announcement.

But this actually... also means that country T is still a little unwilling.

Because a direct acquittal is obviously unlikely.

After all, if this is the case... the people of country T will also feel that the government of country T {z} is too weak.

So in the end, the investigation that should be investigated, the trial of the trial, and the sentence that should be pronounced.

Only in this way, there will be a final explanation to the countries of the world.

At the same time, it also maintains the image of T country.


After the official announcement of country T, the 6 maritime incident has somewhat cooled down.

After all, the attitude of T country has been corrected.

So in the end, we still have to trust the international investigation team.


But in fact, the T country police headquarters is still working overtime, and is also preparing to set up its own task force.

At the very least, country T must know what it is, right?
You can't wait for the personnel from the international investigation team to come and ask three questions, right?
In the end, it was unanimously decided that Deputy Director Klaus would be the leader of the task force, and Delia would be the deputy leader of the task force.

Apparently, the Deputy Director is the team leader, that is, he takes the lead.

The person who does the specific work... is naturally the deputy team leader.

As for Delia... the reason why this beautiful policewoman was able to take on the important task was not that she was good at Chinese, but that she was indeed outstanding in all aspects.

This flower of the police station was originally the deputy head of the special case team.

This decision made by the headquarters made Delia feel a little happy...

Because I... can finally make up for the regrets of a few years ago.

How should I put it specifically... She used to be a female soldier, when she participated in that international special operation, as for her always playing against Captain and Li, and always fighting against him, in fact... It was just a girl's shyness at the time, obviously I like it, but I'm too embarrassed to express it, so I deliberately sing a different tune, just trying to get Captain and Li's attention.

But after going through the experience, she is now naturally mature.

It also has the unique charm and charm of women.

But, frankly... she doesn't like any of these pustules in the police station.

Although there are many pussies pursuing her, she just doesn't like it.

Because there is always a Captain in her heart, Li.

Although the two are about the same age, Captain Li at that time showed excellent leadership and abilities in all aspects, as well as a very special stability and calmness.

In short, in the hearts of girls... they are super handsome and super cool.

Anyway, at that time, in the end, Captain and Li led the international special operations team to successfully complete that mission, and... no casualties were found in the end.

It's just that after that farewell, there was no contact again.

Each other is the end of the world.

Who would have expected...the earth is really round, and this time they met in this way.

Although the current Captain and Li are criminals and she is a police officer, this does not affect his eternal image in her heart.


Tonight, the temporary detention room of the T country police station...

Suddenly there was a bang, it seemed that the iron gate opened and someone came in, and that bastard Ryder hurriedly ran to the iron window and poked his head to look around...

Suddenly, it seemed that the beautiful police officer came in last night, that bastard Ryder was so excited, he was busy yelling at Li Chen in the next room...

"Hey buddy, here comes the beautiful female police officer again—"

However, in the next room, Li Chen was lying on his bunk, not wanting to move.

Because I really don't have that kind of thought.

Seeing that beautiful female police officer approaching, that bastard Ryder said cheerfully, "Hey, beautiful police officer, are you here to send kisses again tonight? Can you give me one too?"

Delia looked at him with inexplicable disgust: "Be honest!"

However, Ryder is still cheerful: "Come on, beautiful police officer! Actually... I am China.Li's brother! He and I are good brothers, do you understand?"

And Delia still said: "Then you should be more honest!"

But Ryder is still talking endlessly: "Hey, let me tell you, beautiful police officer, we are actually innocent, you should know that. It's just that people from your Coast Guard forced us to this point Frankly speaking... this feeling is not good, we also know it. China.Li also knows it. If you don't believe me, ask him."

Seeing this big black man babbling endlessly, in the end, Delia had no choice but to be speechless, and had to ignore him.

Seeing that she only walked towards the next room, Ryder was so anxious: "Hey, beautiful police officer, what's wrong with you? Why are you ignoring me?"

This made Li Chen, who was lying on the bunk next door, want to laugh...

Because he knew that Ryder was like that.

Be shameless and never know what it is to lose face.

Delia stood by the barred window, looked into the room, and saw Captain and Li lying on the bunk gloomyly, she could only be inexplicably stunned...

After a while, she finally couldn't help but whispered through the window: "Hey, Captain, Li..."

There was no way out, Li Chen suddenly got up from the bed...

When he came to the window, he looked at this beautiful police officer from Country T. To be honest, he didn't know what kind of expression he should use.
Seeing him like that, Delia immediately smiled at him: "Don't be like this. Trust me, everything will pass."

Seeing her like this, Li Chen couldn't help asking: "Are you here to summon me?"

"No." Delia shook her head hurriedly, "I just want to ask for your opinion, because a media outlet in country H wants to conduct an exclusive interview with you, may I ask... what do you mean..."

Before she could finish speaking, Li Chen asked, "Am I not a prisoner now?"

Delia said: "No. Not yet. It is only a major suspect."

"Can I see the reporter?"

"Of course." Delia nodded, "Because you know, this incident of special. Our police station has nothing to do, special matters, you understand?"

Li Chen thought for a while, and then said: "Let's forget it. I'm sleepy. I want to sleep."


(End of this chapter)

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