Chapter 997
The foreign minister of China, who is busy with everything, is still dealing with various affairs in the office at the moment...

Suddenly, the assistant to the foreign minister knocked on the door and came in, holding a document in his hand...

The foreign minister glanced at it, and asked directly: "Is it the detailed information about Li Chen?"

"Yes. Yes." The Assistant Foreign Minister nodded hurriedly.

Hearing that it is, the foreign minister said excitedly: "Quick. Bring it. Let me have a look."

Therefore, the assistant to the foreign minister hurriedly submitted the detailed information about Li Chen...

The foreign minister took it over, and immediately read it carefully and carefully...

Everyone knows that the foreign minister of China handles affairs very rigorously, and his foreign words are like pearls.

In short, everything reflects the demeanor of a great country.

At the request of the foreign minister, the relevant departments also sorted out Li Chen's personal information, files, etc. in detail...

In fact, the foreign minister was deeply impressed by this young man named Li Chen.

Because on several occasions, the foreign minister has heard that the military leaders highly appreciate this young man.

Now, the foreign minister just wants to know whether it is true that Li Chen claimed that he was a survivor of HX714 last year?

Also... After this young man retired from the army, did he have any bad deeds, etc.?
Only when you have a thorough understanding of all aspects can you speak loudly.

The cultural root of Huaguo is both internal and external cultivation.

In other words... you need to be hard on your own to strike an iron.

As long as everything is true and you are strong, you will naturally not be afraid to speak loudly.

Seeing that the foreign minister was a little tired, the assistant to the foreign minister couldn't help but said with some distress: "Minister, actually I checked it twice. I personally think...the fact that he is a survivor of HX714 is completely true. After retiring, he personally He has no bad deeds. He has always been law-abiding, and he has never forgotten that he was a soldier. This time he survived on a deserted island, and the relevant countries regard him as a hero. I think he is worthy of the name, and he is indeed an ordinary hero.”

After listening to the foreign minister, he took a closer look, but couldn't help but smile inexplicably: "Such an outstanding young man, is he still unmarried? Tell me... what's wrong with this girl now? What kind of vision? If this is left in the past... so Excellent guy, how many mothers-in-law will miss him!"

As he said that, the foreign minister said half-jokingly: "It seems that our country's material civilization is still developing too fast? It's really time to focus on the construction of spiritual civilization."

It can be seen that the foreign minister who is naturally humorous does not forget to joke, and the assistant to the foreign minister can't help but smile...

Afterwards, the foreign minister said he looked at his assistant without getting down to business, and then asked, "Then what do you think...the 6 maritime incident in country do you think about it?"

The assistant to the foreign minister couldn't help but frowned...

Obviously, this matter is not well judged for the time being.

After thinking about it, the assistant to the foreign minister replied rigorously: "If I think about it differently, if I am forced to be so anxious, maybe I will do the same thing? The desire to survive...human instinct."

Hearing the answer from the assistant to the foreign minister, the foreign minister smiled distressedly: "Yes. Last year, the survivors of HX714 drifted in the ocean for nearly a year. In that environment... what kind of Perhaps it is hard for us to imagine the desperation. Just happened to meet the personnel of the Thai Police Station... and... the rabbit is in a hurry, and it also bites people."

Taking the opportunity, the assistant foreign minister said: "Now all parties have confirmed that the sea area involved does not belong to the sea area owned by country T, but is only within the scope of the high seas."

Therefore, the foreign minister said: "Then this matter... Go to country T later. Since country T has officially announced that it will invite the international investigation team to intervene, let's cooperate with the investigation. Since according to the rules of the international game, Let's follow the international rules of the game."

"Yes. Okay." The assistant foreign minister nodded hurriedly.

"Then... about the legal team..."

Before the foreign minister finished speaking, the assistant to the foreign minister hurriedly said: "I know this. Don't worry."



The next day, country T.

Regarding the members of the country T task force, the investigation process of the T country coast guard has officially started.

Obviously, first of all, you need to know where you are going wrong?

However, the guilty head of the Coast Guard of Country T recruited him immediately after being interrogated.

What he meant was... the Mord officer of country G gave them 100 million to the Coast Guard, and asked to get rid of the white medium-sized freighter of country G at sea.

What Officer Murd means is... no matter who they are, no one can be left alive.

After this matter was recruited, suddenly, like a shocking thunder, the personnel of the T country task force were all dumbfounded...

Originally thought that the Coast Guard had any basis for law enforcement, but it turned out to be such a situation!


Later, as the leader of the task force, Deputy Director Klaus could only directly report the situation to the head of country T.

After hearing this, the head of State T was suddenly dumbfounded...

Because this thing... The cause of the incident is actually a problem with the Coast Guard of this country.

So next... how to play this card?
Can't fight.



Just this morning, the head of state G could no longer withstand the pressure of international public opinion. In the end, he had no choice but to make an arbitrary decision.

Without Officer Murd's knowledge, he was suddenly stripped of his guns, military rank, etc. by a group of people.

Then it was immediately under control.

Apparently, the head of state G also understands that now that the incident has become serious, it is not enough to appease the public's anger just by apologizing with Lord John.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a Mord officer to apologize!

Subsequently, country G has officially announced to the international community...

The content of the official announcement is: Regarding the wreck of the Mir in country Y and the 6 maritime incident in country T, party G has always attached great importance to it. Now, after investigation, there are indeed some individuals involved in our party G.At the same time, our side solemnly declares that the Mir on the Y side did not belong to our side, but was killed in the ocean.However, after the survivors of the Mir landed on an uninhabited island near our side, they were indeed killed by our John family.In addition, our military officer Murd has an interest relationship with the John family. Therefore, Officer Murd helped the John family destroy evidence and used our military power to bomb the uninhabited island. It ended up in a fire.In addition, Officer Murd also bribed 11 million yuan to the Coast Guard of Country T, asking the Coast Guard of Country T to help him get the white medium-sized freighter in the ocean (the freighter of the shipping company owned by the John family of our party G) Carry out extermination.Now we solemnly declare that we will absolutely safeguard world peace, stability and order, and will never shield any law-breakers.Regarding Lord John and Officer Murd, they are now under the control of our national police.

(End of this chapter)

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