Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 226 Destroying Ghosts and Gods

Chapter 226 Destroying Ghosts and Gods
Entering the leafy endless forest, Shandy makes another cameo as a porter.

Beautiful and useful plants were transplanted into the space bracelet by him one by one.

A low-grade fairy-level space bracelet has an internal length and width of about 25 kilometers, and a height of about [-] kilometers. When converted into volume, it is about [-] billion cubic kilometers.

When refining the space bracelet, he was the main god of many lines, and he was also a fairy.

Infused with time, space, and the five-element law of the space bracelet, the internal volume far exceeds that of ordinary space fairy-like artifacts.

"Delicate texture, exquisite texture, hard as steel, and elegant fragrance, the raw material of the best furniture."

On a whim, Shangdi pulled up more than 100 big trees and transplanted them into the space bracelet.

"When I have time, I use this kind of wood to make some furniture."

With an idea, Shangdi planted one heavenly vein, three top-grade spiritual veins, nine high-grade spiritual veins, 27 middle-grade spiritual veins, and 81 low-grade spiritual veins in the space bracelet.

"Medium-grade spiritual veins can give birth to low-grade spiritual stones. After a long time, will I have inexhaustible spiritual stones? The space bracelet is a low-grade fairy weapon, and most of the spiritual energy cannot make it advance."

Shaking his head, he no longer considered the matter of the space bracelet, and Shangdi continued to look for something that could be used.

The monsters encountered along the way were either stabbed to death by black iron guns or annihilated by bullets.

A few days later, looking through the mud and rocks, Shandy discovered an underground palace.

Exercising the ground escaping technique at the level of innate supernatural powers, he escaped to about [-] meters underground in the blink of an eye.

"There is no defensive formation, just to be on the safe side, let's use robots to explore the way."

A humanoid intelligent robot opened the way in front, and Shangdi followed in a hurry.

A few minutes later, a man in white flew over without touching the ground.

Shangdi, who opened the pupil of reality, discovered that the man in white is not a human being, but a mass of soul power. To put it bluntly, the man in white is the ghost of the current world.

"It's been many years since anyone came to be a guest of this god." The man in white laughed.

"Are you a ghost?" Shandy tried to ask.

"How do you know that this god is a ghost god, not a human god or a demon god?" the man in white asked suspiciously.

"Go!" Shandy ordered.

The intelligent robot clenched its fist and rushed over quickly.

"An ant-like existence, dare to attack this god?" The man in white snorted coldly, and a mental attack hit the intelligent robot.

An intelligent robot without a soul, completely immune to mental attacks.

"How come?" The man in white was stunned.

The intelligent robot that quickly stepped forward didn't take advantage of it either. Its physical attacks were ineffective against ghosts and gods.

At this moment, Shandy, with an infinite bullet pistol in each hand, pulled the trigger as quickly as possible.

Shadowless and invisible bullets, like a violent storm, kept hitting the man in white.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the miserable screams kept ringing.

The ghosts and gods whose breath is constantly weakening, their souls are damaged again and again, and they have no ability to fight back, nor can they escape.

There are tens of thousands of bullets with soul-killing bullets attached every second, even ghosts and gods can't hold them back!

Just like ordinary people are hit by bullets, even if they are not killed, they will be injured. Since they are injured, they will feel pain and affect their speed.

The ghosts and gods who were constantly being hit by bullets turned into fish and meat that were allowed to be slaughtered, with no power to resist.

After fighting for more than half an hour, the ghosts and gods were scattered.

"The vitality of the god-level is too strong. The life span of a god-level cultivator is endless, and the recovery power is shocking."

After killing a ghost, Shangdi felt a sense of accomplishment.

"It's a pity that my four attributes have all reached their limits. Before my cultivation level breaks through, the four attributes will not increase."

Looking at the main page of the gun god system, Shandi laughed happily.

Killing a ghost, the barren power directly increased by more than 8000 million.

To calm down his excitement, Shangdi bought a life with 1000 million barren energy.

"57 spare lives, and one more resurrection."

Thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty thousand barren energy hours, body fragmentation, broken energy, and exterminated soul all increased by forty points.

Consuming 55 barren energy, the plunder increased from 50.00% to 60.00%.

Using 1000 million barren energy, Shangdi added a combo.

"When fighting with the enemy, bad luck is infinitely useful."

With this in mind, Shang Di used 100 million barren energy to increase the bad luck from thirty points to fifty points.

After looking at the exchange page, he used 550 barren energy to increase the length change, weight change, hardness change, toughness change, and sharpness change.

"There are still 150 million barren energy."

After hesitating for a few seconds, Shangdi chose to upgrade Tianyasisi.

One thousand one thousand ten thousand one thousand one thousand desolate energy disappeared, and the distance between the sky and the sky rose from 110 centimeters to 550 centimeters.

The barren energy was exhausted, and Shangdi, unable to continue to upgrade, began to explore the underground palace.

The pupil of perspective and reality sees through everything, and the robot opens the way ahead.

Not long after, Shandi walked into the main hall.

A coffin is in the middle of the main hall, surrounded by many funerary objects.

"Even if you were glorious in life, you can only put it in a box after death."

Talking to himself, Shandy looked through the coffin.

"The Great Five Elements Scripture? Emperor-level god-level exercises?"

"A god-level warrior in life? Become a ghost after death?"

"Life is a hero, after death a ghost hero, this guy is really awesome!"

Looking at the dense cracks on the dry bones, Shangdi was full of doubts.

"If there is no accident, as long as the injury is too serious, the god-level warrior will die."

Abandoning messy thoughts, Shangdi began to comprehend the scriptures of the Five Elements.

"A god-level cultivator in this world is as powerful as a main god or an immortal."

Leaving the underground palace, Shangdi found a place surrounded by mountains and rivers, and practiced without distraction.

A steady stream of heaven and earth vitality poured into his body. With the operation of the exercises, the vitality was refined into vitality, which was integrated into his spirit, energy and spirit. After several hours of meditation, his cultivation level broke through.

"Early Emperor level, continue!"

Devouring the vitality of refining heaven and earth with all his strength, his cultivation base continued to grow.

"Emperor-level middle stage."

"Emperor-level late stage."

"Emperor-level peak."

After more than a month of penance, Shangdi's cultivation broke through to the early stage of god level.

After practicing for more than three months, his cultivation soared to the peak of the god level.

To cheer up and move his body, Shang Di took the Wandu black iron gun and hunted monsters everywhere.

His cultivation base has quickly risen to the peak of the god level, and his four attributes have not yet reached the limit.

Monsters below the emperor level are all dealt with with pistols.

Monsters above the emperor level were all used by him to hone his rainstorm marksmanship.

The four attributes continue to grow, and the barren energy is getting more and more.

Shandi, who roams the endless forest, slaughters monsters and ghosts to his heart's content.

He also killed many of the animals he met along the way.

Good-looking and useful plants are submerged into the space bracelet one by one.

"A pure martial artist should cultivate himself, even without the energy of heaven and earth, he can still cultivate!"

"The martial arts in this world, starting from reaching the yellow level, must refine the vitality of the world."

"Compared to cultivators, warriors in the ancient continent just don't know spells."

Shandi, who wanders through the endless forest, is thinking about self-cultivation while hunting monsters and ghosts.

The energy of the world in some worlds is exhausted, and many of the exercises he has mastered cannot be cultivated.

In order to live forever in a world where energy is exhausted, one must create a technique that can be cultivated without relying on the energy of heaven and earth, and can be cultivated to the realm of immortality.

The gun god system endowed him with powerful attack power, but it couldn't make him stay young and immortal.

As long as it is a normal person, who would not want to live forever?

In less than half a month, Shangdi's four attributes had reached their current limit.

"Strength 1968300, Dexterity 1968300, Mental Power 1968300, Constitution 1968300."

Contemplating for a moment, Shandi silently considered how to use Yuanli to cast magic and spells.

(End of this chapter)

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