Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 227 Supernatural powers?

Chapter 227 Supernatural powers?
After a few days of tireless experimentation, Shangdi was able to use Yuanli to imitate some magic and spells.

He, who was at the peak of the god level, suddenly realized that he hadn't comprehended supernatural powers yet.

"Emperor-level fighters have the ability to regenerate flesh and blood, I don't seem to be able to test it!"

The nine-level rebirth of broken limbs and the three-level quick recovery can make his injuries heal quickly.

The recovery power of a god-level warrior is already extremely strong, and he has no way to test the ability of flesh and blood rebirth.

"The magical powers mastered by emperor-level warriors are all suddenly awakened."

The helpless Shangdi, while earning money from the system, waited for the awakening of supernatural powers.

Ten days later, he who was slaughtering birds and monsters with a gun suddenly froze.

"The speed of their flight seems to have slowed down a lot."

"No, it's my dynamic vision enhanced!"

Out of curiosity, Shangdi immediately took a look at the main page of the Gunslinger system.

"Dynamic vision, night vision, clairvoyance, and the pupil of reality have all become level nine. My supernatural power is a kind of pupil technique?"

The four talents have all become level nine, and Shangdi is overjoyed.

After an unknown amount of time, he crossed the endless forest, and after identifying his direction, he set off to return to Wuliu Town.

Using Yuanli to perform teleportation, he returned to Qingyun County in just a few minutes.

Possessing the talent of spatial positioning, he knows exactly where he has been and in what direction.

"I'm 22 years old, and my lifespan is endless. Let's go up a level first."

Consuming 57 million barren energy, the life reserve increased from 58 to [-].

Fifty-five million barren energy disappeared, and the plunder increased from 500% to 60.00%.

Seeing that there were still more than 200 million desolate energy, Shangdi increased the body fragmentation, broken energy, and soul destruction by ten points.

"There are only 2108 million barren energy left."

Using 110 million Yuan Yuan, Shangdi increased the diameter of the damage by [-] centimeters.

The 100 million desolate energy disappeared, and the good luck increased from thirty to forty points.

"The money earned through a year of hard work will be used up in a few seconds!"

Shangdi, who sighed secretly, walked towards Wuliu Town.

"Everything is fine in Shangjiazhuang. I have many nephews and nieces."

"The parents of my previous life are also my parents in this life, so I should pay homage to them!"

Shang Di didn't go to see his uncle and second uncle, but quietly went to the grave to burn incense, and then went to the imperial capital.

"I haven't heard that there is any realm above the god level. Could it be that the strongest person in this world is the god level?"

"I'm only in my early twenties, so I can enjoy myself for decades, and it won't be too late to go to the stars."

Suppressing the idea of ​​launching a satellite bomb, Shangdi strolled towards the imperial capital leisurely.

Under normal circumstances, human gods, demon gods, and ghost gods all have endless lifespans.

With an innumerable lifespan, Shangdi, who was invincible in the ancient continent, was not in a hurry to improve his strength.

In your spare time, pondering about the exercises can also accumulate foundation, which is convenient for future accumulation.

Walking at sunrise and resting at sunset, Shangdi rushed to the imperial capital on foot along the official road.

A few days later, while he was on his way, he encountered another fight.

In a world where power is paramount, there are always some people who rely on their own strength to act recklessly.

"Is she here too?"

Looking at Li Huilan in the distance, Shang Di smiled and walked over.

A masked man shouted, "Kill him!"

"Looking for death!" Shan Di used his famous stunt of Broken Star Finger.

With a little finger in the air, the pistol controlled by mental power fired out invisible bullets.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of masked people lay motionless on the ground.

"It's you?" Li Huilan was stunned.

"Long time no see." Shandy smiled.

"There is no way to repay the grace of saving life." Li Huilan quickly thanked her.

"Such as a promise with your body?" Shandi teased.

Li Huilan was very shy and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Since you don't want to, there will be a period later." Shangdi didn't care either.

"Where are you going?" Li Huilan asked.

"Emperor Capital." Shangdi said casually.

"We are also returning to the imperial capital, why not go together?" Li Huilan suggested.

"Are you reluctant to part with me, or do you want me to escort you?" Shandi asked with a smile.

Faced with such bold words, Li Huilan didn't know how to deal with them. The opponent had the strength to kill a king-level master with one finger, so she couldn't offend her.

"Then let's be your companions!" Shandi said with a smile. He went to the imperial capital mainly to inquire about some news.

The corpses were buried, and the caravan was on the road again.

Shandi, who was riding a horse, took out some peanuts, ate them and threw them all the way.

A few peanut shells, at best, fertilize the earth and will not pollute the environment.

After eating the peanuts, he took out the fragrant, numbing and spicy barbecue and ate it with relish.

The bamboo sticks were used as hidden weapons by him to shoot and kill the mosquitoes around.

"The dream of eating meat has long been realized."

Feeling overwhelmed, Shangdi threw out the bamboo stick in his hand, took out a bottle of iced Coke, and gulped it down.

The next afternoon, another group of masked men ambushed the caravan.

With the 'Broken Star Finger', Shangdi instantly killed masked people one by one.

Curious in his heart, he asked directly: "Guard Li, what does the caravan have?"

"Mr. Shang, what do you mean?" Li Huilan pretended to be stupid.

"It's boring to hide it. There are very few things that can make my heart move. I may not be interested in what other people want. Why don't you show me what the masked man covets!" Shang Di laughed.

Li Huilan hesitated for a few seconds before taking out a piece of animal skin.

"Treasure map? This location looks a little familiar, so it's there." Shangdi suddenly realized.

"Mr. Shang, do you know this place?" Li Huilan asked.

"This treasure map is useless." Shandi said bluntly.

"The exercises in the Great Five Elements Manual are all top-notch in the Ancient Continent." Li Huilan said.

"Well, I agree with this point. The exercises of the five elements are far superior to ordinary exercises." Shangdi nodded.

"Mr. Shang, have you been to the Five Elements Palace? You also got the Great Five Elements Manual?" Li Huilan asked.

"I can't buy god-level skills, and I don't have a treasure map, so I have to find it myself." Shang Di answered the question.

"Mr. Shang, do you sell the Great Five Elements Manual?" Li Huilan asked with bright eyes.

"I'm not interested in gold, silver, pills or weapons," Shang Di said.

"I'll exchange it with you for a god-level exercise." Li Huilan said after thinking about it.

"I'll think about it." Shandy didn't refuse.

Emperor-level warriors and god-level warriors have no fixed place to live, and most of the exercises they practice carry with them with them.

He didn't want to hurt the innocent Shangdi, and he didn't want to take advantage of it.

In a world with interspatial rings and universe bags, it is normal for warriors to carry major exercises with them.

Only those unimportant exercises can be placed on the bookshelf.

"Mr. Shang, can you show me the Great Five Elements Manual?" Li Huilan asked.

"The original exercise has been destroyed by me, I can recite a section." Shan Di said slowly.

Li Huilan, who is only at the prefecture level, has no ability to distinguish the true from the false, so she plans to return to the imperial capital and let the ancestors of the clan verify it.

For the next ten days, a group of masked men robbed and killed her almost every day.

Shang Di killed batches of masked men, and Huang Yuan's strength increased a lot.

"It's safe now." Looking at the city gate in the distance, Li Huilan felt relieved. After a few seconds of silence, she asked, "Mr. Shang, do you have a place to live in the imperial capital?"

"If you have money, you have a place to live." Shandi laughed.

"If Mr. Shang doesn't dislike it, why don't you stay at my house for a few days?" Li Huilan said bravely, she didn't want any accidents before the Great Five Elements Manual was exchanged.

"Alright." Shandi agreed.

The Li family that Li Huilan belongs to is a branch of the royal Li family.

Li's Mansion covers an area of ​​more than 5000 mu, and there are pavilions and pavilions everywhere.

After arranging Shangdi's board and lodging, Li Huilan walked quickly to the residence of the ancestor of the Li family.

"You are?" the ancestor of the Li family asked suspiciously.

"Old Ancestor, I am." Li Huilan quickly explained.

"What's the matter?" the ancestor of the Li family asked.

(End of this chapter)

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