Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 228 The Great Harvest

Chapter 228 The Great Harvest

Asking someone to bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, Shangdi copied the scriptures of the Five Elements from beginning to end.

Li Huilan brought a middle-aged man, knocked on the door and walked into the room: "Old Ancestor, this is Mr. Shang."

"Your Excellency has such a strong cultivation." The ancestor of the Li family thought to himself.

"Shangjiazhuang, Wuliu Town, Shangdi." Shangdi cupped his hands.

"Li family, the capital of the emperor, Li Yuntian." The ancestor of the Li family clasped his fists in return.

"I won't talk nonsense, the scriptures of the Five Elements can be exchanged, but I want one god-level exercise, three emperor-level exercises, nine emperor-level exercises, and 27 king-level exercises." Shang Di cut to the point Said.

"I hope we can reach an agreement that the exercises exchanged should not be passed on." Li Yuntian said.

"Okay." Shangdi nodded in response.

"In three days, we will exchange." Li Yuntian said.

"Okay!" Shandy nodded.

Back at his residence, Li Yuntian had someone check the Shangjiazhuang in Wuliu Town.

With the help of the monster Lightning Bird, the letter arrived in Qingyun County in less than half a day.

The Yanhua Chamber of Commerce is the property of the royal family and is managed by the Li family in the imperial capital.

"At the age of 23, his strength is no worse than mine. This is an unprecedented martial arts genius."

Li Yuntian, who had thought about it, asked the current patriarch of the Li family to go to Wuliu Town to propose marriage in person.

This morning, the two sides began to exchange exercises.

After reading all the hand-written exercises, Shangdi smiled a little more on his face.

Li Yuntian who got the Great Five Elements Manual was also overjoyed.

"The Sutra of Wind and Thunder, the Sutra of the Great Five Elements, and the Five Elements of Wind and Thunder."

After leaving Li's mansion, Shangdi bought a courtyard house and tried to practice Fenglei Sutra.

It only took a few days for him to cultivate the Fenglei Sutra to the highest level.

"Anyway, there's nothing wrong with it. Let's combine the two techniques."

According to the Sutra of Wind and Thunder and the Sutra of the Great Five Elements, Shang Di created the Sutra of Wind and Thunder of the Five Elements.

"Replace the five elements of heaven and earth with the five elements of the human body, and integrate the scriptures of the five elements into Zhou Tiangong."

Shangdi, who has nothing else to do, devotes himself to reforming all kinds of exercises.

With no fear, he practiced his self-created exercises time and time again, and deduced and optimized them time and time again.

This morning, there was a knock on the door.

"Uncle?" Shandy opened the door.

"Xiao Di." Shang Yi smiled.

"Uncle, what is this?" Shangdi asked as he walked.

After Shang Yi sat down, he said: "I will give you a marriage."

After the uncle finished speaking, the anger in Shangdi's heart disappeared.

The Li family in the imperial capital is so powerful that the Li family went to Shangjiazhuang to propose marriage in person, and the uncle couldn't help it.

Knowing that the target is Li Huilan, Shang Di does not reject it.

Thinking about it carefully, he was a little dumbfounded. He should have taken the initiative to do such a thing.

"It's not good to be inferior to many people for many generations!"

Sighing secretly, he cheered up and chatted with Shang Yi for a while.

More than half a month later, Shang Di led a team to Li's mansion to welcome his relatives.

He was busy until nightfall, when he was free.

Back in the room, looking at the bright and charming Li Huilan, Shangdi smiled a little more.

"The technique of soul separation in the distraction period is infinitely useful. As long as the distraction is successful, it is easy to multi-task."

"The soul is divided into three parts, one is comprehending the techniques of becoming immortal, one is becoming a god, one is deducing and practicing one's own martial arts, and the other is responsible for controlling the body."

The art of soul separation is not to divide one soul into several, but to separate out several thoughts.

The soul of a normal person has only one thought.

With the experience of soul separation, Shandy separated the soul into three thoughts in just a few minutes.

One thought comprehends the Yin-Yang Sutra of Chaos, Purple Night God Thunder Jue, Chaos Sutra, Hongmeng Sutra, Chaos Hongmeng Sutra, one thought deduces and cultivates one's own martial arts, and the remaining one controls the body.

It took a few minutes to get used to, and Shandy was able to handle it.

After staying in the imperial capital for more than two months, he took Li Huilan to travel around the mountains and rivers.

From time to time to search an underground ruins, and sometimes to practice marksmanship, life is very comfortable.

The monsters and ghosts encountered along the way were either stabbed to death by black iron guns or killed by bullets.

With the help of Shangdi, Li Huilan's cultivation has grown rapidly.

Traveling all over the Yanhua Empire, the two came to the vast sea.

Walking on the colorful seabed, Shandi slaughtered sea monsters to his heart's content, and kept hoarding high-quality ingredients.

Decorations such as high-quality pearls, corals, and strange stones have been submerged into the exclusive space one after another.

As for the materials for alchemy and equipment, Shang Di would not refuse anyone who came, as long as he saw it, he would have to scrape it away.

Sea monsters of different levels added more or less barren energy to him.

"Emperor-level monsters have 30 to 50 barren energy, emperor-level monsters have 150 to 1000 million barren energy, god-level monsters have at least 9000 million barren energy, and as many as [-] million barren energy!"

Dive into the seabed to hunt for treasure, and find an island to rest.

The spiritual level villa in the exclusive space perfectly solves the problem of accommodation.

After wandering in the vast sea for several years, the two of them returned to the imperial capital.

In less than a minute, the system money that had been saved for more than ten years was squandered by Shangdi.

"Life reserve 59 times, penetration ability 370 centimeters, 580 points for broken body, broken breath, and soul extinguished eight times in a row. It would be great if there were endless system money."

Shang Di, who was still full of thoughts, adjusted his mentality and went to Li's Mansion together with Li Huilan.

Today, Li Huilan's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the god level.

After staying in the imperial capital for more than a month, the two left for Wuliu Town.

The servant guarding the gate asked, "This is Shangjiazhuang, who are you?"

"He doesn't seem to know you." Li Huilan smiled.

"I haven't been back for more than ten years, and it's normal for him not to know me." Shandi didn't care.

The butler came out, wiped his eyes, and tried to ask, "Master Di?"

"Yeah!" Shandy nodded in response, and stepped into the door.

The butler, who was about to go out, hurriedly ran to the main room, calling out that Master Di was back as he ran.

In an instant, tribesmen, big and small, ran over from all around.

I lived in Shangjiazhuang for a few days, and gave my uncle and second uncle some exercises and treasures from heaven and earth.

After paying homage to his parents, grandparents, and grandparents, Shangdi brought Li Huilan to Qingyun Mountain.

Usually farming, fishing, practicing guns, and occasionally going out to earn some system money.

Time flies like an arrow, time flies, and decades pass away quietly.

After confiscating the underground factory in the courtyard, Shangdi escaped into the underground base below Qingyun Mountain.

"The performance of the bullet satellite has been greatly improved."

"The longevity potion has finally been made. In theory, it can increase the life span of a hundred years. The specific effect has to be tested."

"The newly developed strengthening agent is expected to increase the strength by a hundred tons."

"Biochemical clones have been mass-produced, and they have no IQ, so they are just used for drug testing."

After looking at various research results, Shangdi was somewhat delighted.

All kinds of technical materials were copied, and then put into the exclusive space.

The three thoughts merged into one, and Shandy fell into deep thought.

"I have comprehended the ninth-level golden immortal level of the cultivation technique of becoming an immortal, becoming a god and becoming a sage."

"Cultivating one's own martial arts skills is still at the limit of mortals, which is equivalent to the Mahayana period or the mortal state."

Digesting the fruits of decades of labor for the two ideas, Shangdi was overjoyed.

"I'm over 100 years old, and it's time to start the journey of the vast starry sky."

Staying in the ancient continent, his cultivation is stuck at the peak of the god level, and his dream of being invincible is far away.

Take out a satellite gun and shoot a satellite bomb into the sky.

Not long after, there was a loud bang, and the satellite bomb shattered into slag.

"Is there an enchantment in the air?"

Looking at the picture sent back before the satellite bomb exploded, Shandy frowned.

Soar into the sky and go straight to the barrier.

After testing again and again, Shandy smiled wryly.

With a distance of 370 centimeters, combined with a penetration ability of [-] centimeters, and the ability to break defenses at the level of a fairy, they were unable to penetrate the barrier.
(End of this chapter)

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