Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 245 Hot Pot Restaurant

Chapter 245 Hot Pot Restaurant

The Four Seas has four seas, east, west, north, south, and Shangdi is currently on Yi Island in the Four Seas.

In the minds of many Yidao people, they do not belong to the Four Seas Kingdom.

The predecessor who grew up in the orphanage was a young and Dangerous boy of the Zhulin Gang.

On Yidao in this era, gangs of all sizes can be seen everywhere.

The Zhulin Gang is the largest gang in Yidao, with over [-] members.

The predecessor joined the Bamboo Forest Gang at the age of 15, and is now a second-level member.

In the Zhulin Gang, the first-level members are the lowest, equivalent to thugs.The second-level members are already small bosses, the third-level members are the highest positions under the hall master/elder, and above the hall master/elder is the gang leader.

Looking at the goat in front of him, Shandi went out to buy some condiments, and went home to cook a big pot of mutton.

"No smell, full of fragrance, good meat quality, good stuff!"

After eating and drinking enough, Shangdi entered the portable space again.

Armed with an infinite bullet pistol, slaughter as many goats as you can see.

The corpses of goats flew into a space ring.

Where the goats came from, Shandy didn't know, and he didn't bother to care.

By killing a goat, you can get mutton and increase four attributes and experience points.

Such a good thing that kills three birds with one stone, Shangdi never has too much.

Turning on the perspective and the pupil of reality, he looked at the sky and the ground, but found nothing unusual.

"I don't know if this portable world can be included in the exclusive space?"

With a heartbeat, the portable world disappeared without a trace, and Shangdi appeared in the room.

"The predecessor Goldfinger is a magic weapon?"

Taking out the portable world, Shandy went in again to hunt goats.

"Strength, agility, mental strength, and physical fitness will not increase if they reach [-] points?"

Shangdi, who is not surprised at all, ignores the four attributes and hunts goats to his heart's content.

"Nine sheep in one shot, so much mutton, what to do with it?"

Taking out a fire-type divine gun, Shandi pulled the trigger again.

A fireball burst out, and nine consecutive sheep were burned to ashes.

"It's too wasteful, let's use an infinite bullet pistol."

After killing more than 1 sheep, Shandi bought a life with [-] experience points.

After killing 100 million sheep, he bought another life.

"Go out first, and come in to kill the sheep when you are free."

In the endless portable space, there are goats everywhere, he doesn't know how many there are.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi." The voice sounded, but it was the notification tone of a pager.

"Pagers, mobile phones, landlines, technology is too backward."

After looking at the information, Shandy turned and went out, inserted the card to make a call.

"I'll be waiting for you in Wanfu Building." Liu Hu's voice sounded.

"Yes." Shang Di replied, called two of his subordinates, and headed to Wanfu Building.

The second-level members of the Bamboo Forest Gang can recruit five to thirty subordinates.

"Boss, what did Brother Hu want us for?" Huang San asked.

"How do I know?" Shandy asked rhetorically.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, just follow the boss." Zhang Hua said.

When he came to Wanfu Building, Shangdi shouted calmly: "Brother Hu!"

"Brother Hu." Zhang Hua and Huang San called out respectfully.

"Eight o'clock in the evening. Bring people here." Liu Hu said.

"Yes." Shangdi nodded, without asking why.

"You haven't showered for a few days?" Liu Hu frowned.

"I practiced boxing at home, so I came in a hurry." Shan Di prevaricated.

It took him dozens of hours to kill more than 100 million goats in the portable world.

Go home, take a shower and change clothes, call twelve subordinates, and head to the assembly point.

Before eight o'clock in the evening, more than 300 people came to the workshop of the abandoned factory.

"Brothers, the Dongyang gang has colluded with the black dragon group of the island country," Liu Hu said angrily.

Everyone picked up a cold weapon and left the factory in twos and threes.

"Do it!" Liu Hu shouted loudly.

More than 300 people rushed into the property of the Dongyang Gang, and those who dared to resist were knocked to the ground.

Shangdi only attacked members of the Dongyang Gang and did not smash anything.

Although he is a gangster now, he doesn't want to be a bad guy.

Injuring those young and Dangerous boys of the Dongyang Gang is also killing harm for the people.

In less than an hour, the property that Dongyang helped Chen Tianyang take charge of was robbed by Liu Hu.

"Who wants this rose club?" Liu Hu asked.

Each of the second-level members was so moved in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak.

According to the rules of the Bamboo Grove Gang, members of the Rose Club will hand over [-]% of the profits to the gang every month, [-]% to the boss, and [-]% of the profits for themselves, and they have to take care of their subordinates.

Even if you get the Rose Club, you may not be able to stand firm.

The Dongyang Gang, who lost the Rose Club, could not swallow their anger.

"No one dares to stand up?" Liu Hu was stunned.

"Give it to me." Shandi stepped forward. He didn't want to do anything illegal. It would be nice to take care of the Rose Club. He had never been a young and Dangerous boy. He wanted to experience it for a while.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Liu Hu nodded.

Seeing that he took down the Rose Club, the remaining second-level members all planned to watch the show.

The Rose Club is very profitable, and the Dongyang Gang will definitely take it back.

"Who wants Derong Restaurant?"


"Who wants."


In an instant, the property that Chen Tianyang was in charge of was divided by Liu Hu.

"Boss, we got rich." Huang San said.

"If you want to get rich, it's the boss who gets rich." Zhang Hua retorted.

"If I have a bite to eat, you won't be hungry." Shandi laughed.

"Thank you, boss." The twelve subordinates said in unison.

"Go back and have a rest, and come to the Rose Club tomorrow." Shan Di said.

"Yes!" Everyone turned and left.

The Rose Club is a place for singing, dancing, and drinking, which is not suitable for him.

Shandi plans to transform the Rose Club into a mutton hot pot restaurant.

At this time, Chen Tianyang was recruiting his subordinates, planning to regain his property and take revenge.

"Boss, we fought with Liu Hu."

"Yes, Boss, Liu Hu is too deceitful."

"This matter originated from the Zhulin Gang, and Liu Hu is only the executor."

"Boss, what should we do?"

"Take a few days off first."

The next morning, Shandy came to the Rose Club.

Under his command, many things in the Rose Club were sold by Huang San and the others.

The beautifully shaped lamps were dismantled and sold.

Imported leather sofas are also treated as second-hand goods.

In less than half a day, the Rose Clubhouse was completely changed.

Bought some pots and pans, refrigerator freezer, table stools and the like
The earth-shattering sound of firecrackers sounded, and the Zhulin Hot Pot Restaurant officially opened.

Acquaintances rushed over one after another.

"Congratulations." Liu Hu took out a red envelope.

"Thank you Brother Hu." Shan Di thanked.

"Many people in the gang are accusing you." Liu Hu reminded.

"Don't worry, the profit of the hot pot restaurant is no less than that of the original clubhouse." Shang Di was full of confidence.

At this moment, Chen Tianyang walked in with a few of his men.

Yidao is the territory of the police during the day, and the gang's paradise at night.

Few gangs are active during the day.

"Boss Shang, please take care of some kindness." Chen Tianyang took out a clock.

Liu Hu frowned, the other party was not kind, but also a guest, so it's not appropriate to turn your face on the spot.

"Boss Chen is too stingy, you can sell things that cost a few dollars?" Shang Di sneered.

"Hahahahaha." Many people laughed.

"The mountain doesn't turn and the water turns, let's wait and see." As soon as Chen Tianyang finished speaking, he left with his men.

"Serve." Shandy said loudly.

The waiters brought the food and wine one by one, and after a while, the rich aroma spread.

Pedestrians passing by, smelling the alluring aroma, walked in one after another.

"Sir, our Zhulin Hot Pot restaurant opens today, free beer, [-]% discount on dishes." Huang San smiled.

"Waiter, two more servings, no, five more mutton."

"It's so delicious, waiter, and ten more mutton."

"Waiter, table number five, twelve servings of mutton."

(End of this chapter)

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