Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 246 Three Scraping Teams

Chapter 246 Three Scraping Teams

From noon to nine o'clock in the evening, the 36 tables were never vacant.

Free beer, [-]% off the price of dishes, and the delicious hot pot, the diners praised it unceasingly.

The quality of the mutton from the portable world far exceeds that of normal raised goats.

The last table of guests left, and Shandy began to settle accounts.

"There is no scanning code to pay, and counting money is too troublesome."

The total income was more than 3 yuan. After deducting various costs, I made about 600 yuan.

The purchase price of a piece of beer was 18 yuan, and each piece of beer was 24 bottles. A total of more than 3000 two hundred bottles were drunk, and the beer lost more than 400 yuan. The mutton was priced at [-] yuan per catty.
"Mutton doesn't cost a penny. I earned more than 5000 yuan just by producing and selling mutton myself."

After a rough calculation, Shangdi found that the money he could control was over [-] yuan.

Thirty percent of the hotpot restaurant's profits will be handed over to the gang, two will be handed over to the boss, and the remaining fifty percent will be handled by him.

There is no charge for beer today, and the price of vegetables is 2% off. Tomorrow, I can earn more than [-] yuan.

The previous Rose Club had a monthly profit of around 20.

Taking out thousands of dollars, Shang Di said, "Three hundred per person, don't think it's too little!"

"Thank you boss!" Huang San and the others were overjoyed.

The current average salary in Yidao is about [-] per month, and in the developed coastal areas of the Four Seas, the monthly salary is around [-].

"Thank you boss." The three chefs nodded their thanks.

"Work hard, I won't let you go hungry!" Shan Di encouraged.

At this moment, Chen Tianyang walked in from the outside with more than fifty men.

"Eat, come back tomorrow, fight, go out with me!" After Shandi finished speaking, he went straight outside.

When he came outside the door, Chen Tianyang waved his hand and said loudly, "Give it to me."

All corners of the country, all corners of the country.

The invincible Shangdi made every move, and in an instant, more than fifty people were lying on the ground.

Huang San and the others rushed out with steel pipes, staring dumbfounded at all this. Before they could make a move, Chen Tianyang, together with fifty or so subordinates, was brought down by their boss.

"Come over with 10 yuan before three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, and the matter will be settled. If there is another time, you will be responsible for the consequences." As soon as Shang Di finished speaking, he closed the door and left.

"Boss, what should we do?" Fan Chang asked.

"Go back." Chen Tianyang looked ugly.

Walking through the dimly lit streets, an idea popped into Shandy's mind.

After pondering for a few seconds, he decided to set up three scraping teams.

Heavenly Dao and Heavenly Punishment are extremely powerful, and there is no prospect of becoming an immortal, but he does not want to sit still and wait for death.

Before being able to deal with Heaven's Dao and Heaven's Punishment, Shangdi planned to collect more cultivation resources.

He has the skills to become a god and become a saint. As long as the resources are sufficient, he can improve his body and spirit continuously.

In the last world, when his qi refining cultivation reached the fusion stage, his god refining cultivation was comparable to a first-order heavenly immortal.

It's a pity that the heavenly punishment from heaven far surpassed his strength, and he finally ended up in ashes.

After several failed trials, Shang Di planned to train his body and mind with all his strength, trying his best to limit his qi refining cultivation.

After passing through the catastrophe several times, he found that if his qi refining cultivation base does not break through to the catastrophe period, there will be no punishment from heaven.

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandy looked around for a suitable target.

The purpose of setting up the scraping team is to collect the cultivation resources of the vast starry sky.

Those villains with unforgivable crimes are the most suitable to join the scrape squad.

The vast starry sky is boundless, and Shangdi does not want innocent people to suffer from the darkness and endless loneliness.

Using the empty ammo with loyalty attached, he subdued three notorious young and Dangerous boys in less than two hours.

"When their strength reaches the innate level, they can be released."

After exhorting the three young and Dangerous boys one after another, Shangdi turned around and returned home.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Fan Chang brought a plastic bag.

After counting, Shangdi nodded in satisfaction.

Near ten o'clock in the evening, the hot pot restaurant was closed.

After a simple calculation, the profit of the hot pot restaurant is more than 3000 yuan, and the 'cost' of mutton is more than [-] yuan.

"In addition to salary at the end of the month, everyone will be given a red envelope." Shang Di laughed.

"Thank you, boss." Huang San and the others were overjoyed.

The condiments and seasonings for the hot pot are handled by Shangdi himself.

Twelve subordinates are responsible for things like washing, cutting, serving, and washing dishes.

The business of the hotpot restaurant is on the right track, and Shangdi is free again.

Sometimes to improve the strength of the three young and Dangerous boys, and sometimes to enter the portable world to kill some goats.

There are endless goats in the portable world, and those goats never seem to decrease.

With the help of the elixir, the three young and Dangerous boys became innate warriors in less than half a month.

That night, Shandi asked Wuying to take over the satellites and drones, and sent three scraping teams flying.

Each scraping team has a high-level metal giant, a young and Dangerous boy in the innate realm, and a space ring.

In each space ring, enough supplies are stored for one person to live for 200 years.

Three young and Dangerous boys in the innate realm, ride the palm of the metal giant to the vast starry sky.

"The theoretical lifespan of a congenital warrior is 150 years, the longevity pill increases the lifespan by a hundred years, and the longevity potion increases the lifespan by a hundred years. Under normal circumstances, the lifespan of those young and Dangerous boys is at least 300 years."

A few days later, Shandy started paying his salary.

Opened for 26 days this month, the hot pot restaurant earned more than 60 yuan.

"Living expenses are 18 yuan, wages are [-] yuan, red envelopes are [-] yuan, and each person is [-] yuan." Shang Di gave each of his twelve subordinates a stack of [-]-yuan bills, and he distributed more than [-] yuan.

He earns 31 yuan just from the mutton he produces and sells himself. Adding in the profits from the hot pot restaurant, he earns more than 50 yuan a month.

"Thank you boss!" Huang San, Zhang Hua and others were very excited.

The per capita salary is about 1 yuan. In just [-] days, they received [-] yuan, which is more than that of many white-collar workers.

Before the boss had no property, they had a fixed living allowance of only [-] a month.

Even Shangdi, a second-level member, only has three thousand a month.

"Everyone has worked hard, take a day off tomorrow." Shan Di thought for a while and said.

"Boss, the hotpot restaurant's business is so good, how about we take turns to rest?" Huang San suggested.

"Alright, every time two people rest, the other ten people go to work." Shandi nodded.

The doors were closed, and everyone left separately.

Shangdi handed over 18 to the financial elders of the Bamboo Forest Gang.

After leaving the headquarters of the Zhulin Gang, he went to Liu Hu's residence.

"Here we come." Liu Hu smiled.

"Brother Hu, this is the money from the hot pot restaurant." Shang Di handed over the bag in his hand.

"So many?" Liu Hu was stunned.

"The business has been going well recently, with a net profit of more than 2 yuan a day." Shandi laughed.

"Very good." Liu Hu praised with a smile.

"Brother Hu, if there is nothing else, I will go back first." Shang Di said.

"It was given by someone else. I already have it. You can use it." Liu Hu handed him a box.

"Thank you Brother Hu." Shan Di thanked and left with his things.

Inside the box that Liu Hu gave him was a big brother with a market price of at least [-].

"It's like a brick, and you can't send text messages. It's useless except for showing off."

Shandy, who was riding a motorcycle, tested the portable world on a whim.

A young and Dangerous boy who has done all sorts of bad things, was taken into the portable world by him.

After returning home, Shandy entered the portable world.

"The yellow hair just now, why is it gone?"

Seeing that there was no trace on the ground, Shandi was very puzzled.

"It seems that this portable world, except for me, will disappear when other people come in."

After several more experiments, Shangdi felt a little depressed.

If the animals outside can survive in the portable world, the production problem of cloning biochemical humans will be solved.

Cloning cyborgs is definitely a powerful tool for testing medicines, but all foreign things will be wiped out by the portable world.

(End of this chapter)

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