Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 247 Something Exploded

Chapter 247 Something Exploded
The young and Dangerous boy thrown into the portable space disappeared, and the money thrown into the portable space disappeared.
Shang Di, who was worried about gains and losses, cheered up his spirits and ran at a fast speed.

Bullets shot out one by one, and the goats fell to the ground one by one.

The experience points increased time and time again, and the goat's corpse kept sinking into the space ring.

Shandi, who traveled hundreds of kilometers, found a larger goat.

One bullet went down, nine goats fell, and the experience value increased by 27 points.

"Goats also have grades? If the previous goats were grade [-], these are grade [-]."

Looking at the main page of the Gunslinger system, Shangdi used 11 experience points to increase the combo by four times. So far, the combo has changed from eight times to twelve, and one bullet can attack thirteen goals.

Move forward at a speed like the wind, constantly killing the goats in sight.

After fighting until dawn, Shangdi's experience value rose to 10,000+ like a bamboo shoot.

55 experience points disappeared, and the plunder increased by 15.00%, becoming 90.00% five.

"Add another 500 million experience points, and the plunder will increase to [-]%!"

Shangdi, who was still full of thoughts, disappeared from the portable world and appeared in the room.

Go into the rented warehouse, take out the goats, and clean them up.

Load the processed mutton into a van and go home to take a shower and change clothes.

Driving to the hot pot restaurant, Shandi asked people to move the mutton into the freezers.

"Ordinary house prices are more than 4000, and villas are more than 8000. I am so poor!"

"The business of the hot pot restaurant is very good. If we open more branches, we will not worry about not making money."

"The quality of mutton at six yuan a catty is far superior to that on the market. It seems too cheap?"

As for the source of the mutton, Shandi didn't think about it, even if he was suspected, he didn't care.

The Bamboo Grove Gang is the largest club in Yidao, so it's fine if he doesn't bother others.

After dealing with the base and seasoning, Shangdi began to think about opening a branch.

Huang San, Zhang Hua and others called out respectfully, "Mr. Zhou!"

Mr. Zhou, whose full name is Zhou Hao, is the leader of the Bamboo Grove Gang.

Mr. Xu is Xu Sicheng, the financial elder of the Zhulin Gang.
"Mr. Zhou, Elder Xu. Brother Hu." Shang Di went up to meet him.

"Business is good, is there any room?" Zhou Hao asked with a smile.

"There are three private rooms upstairs." Shandi replied.

"Try your mutton hot pot today." Zhou Hao laughed.

Shan Di asked his men to go down to prepare, and personally led everyone upstairs.

"The business is so good, why not open a branch?" Zhou Hao asked.

"Mr. Zhou, it's not that I don't want to open a branch, it's just that I don't have a suitable store, enough manpower, and not enough funds." Shang Di pretended to be helpless and said.

"How many people do you want?" Zhou Hao asked with a half-smile.

"Almost every city with more than 2000 million people in Yidao has our Bamboo Forest Gang's territory. I calculated that we can open at least fifty branches." Shang Di said.

"Can the monthly income of each branch reach 10,000+?" Zhou Hao asked.

"As long as the scale is comparable to this store, on average, the monthly income of each store is 30, so it shouldn't be a big problem." Shan Di thought for a while and said.

"Very good." Zhou Hao nodded in satisfaction.

A group of people ate mutton hot pot to their heart's content, and returned to the headquarters full of satisfaction.

Two hours later, the head, elders, and head of the Zhulin Gang gathered in a conference hall.

"Elder Xu, tell me about the situation." Zhou Hao motioned.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou." Xu Sicheng replied and spoke slowly.

"I propose to promote Shangdi to the position of temporary hall master. If you agree, please raise your hand." Zhou Hao laughed.

The third hall master, Chen Ruicheng, said hesitantly: "Mr. Zhou, Shangdi is only a second-level member. Let him become the hall master directly, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Mr. Zhou's meaning is to let Shangdi act as the hall master temporarily and give him one year. If the annual profit does not reach 500 million, he will not be the hall master." Xu Sicheng said.

"In that case, I have no objection." Chen Ruicheng nodded in agreement.

"I agree." Hall masters/elders raised their hands one after another.

If the annual profit is 500 million, and 750 million is handed over every year, the gang leader will take 10,000% of it, and each of their twelve hall masters/elders can get three [-]+.

In the Zhulin Gang, those who can fight level up quickly, and those who can make money level up quickly.

"Since everyone agrees, let's inform you that from tomorrow on, SanDisk will temporarily be responsible for the decoration of the main store, and the gang will pay for it." Zhou Hao said.

"Yes." Hall masters/elders nodded in response.

In the morning of the next day, Shangdi came to the headquarters of the Bamboo Forest Gang to determine the location of each branch.

Knowing that he became the hall master, Huang San and the others said excitedly: "Boss, congratulations."

"Find me 58 people, be reliable." Shandi said.

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison.

There is a hot pot restaurant and a store manager, and Shangdi intends to hand things over to Huang San and the others for base ingredients and seasonings.

As long as you control the formula of the base and seasoning, the branch will not worry about making money.

The mutton is supplied by him, and the quality of the meat is far from comparable to that of market mutton.

I rented a warehouse again, let Huang San lead people to handle the goats, and let Zhang Hua lead people to make base materials and seasonings
In just ten days, there were 57 more hot pot restaurants within the jurisdiction of the Bamboo Forest Gang.

Anyone who wanted to investigate the source of the mutton was subdued by empty bullets with loyalty attached.

To solve the problem of the source of mutton, Shangdi waited to collect money every day.

There are 58 hot pot restaurants, each of which is doing very well, with a net profit of more than 100 million a day.

Mutton makes a net profit of more than 50 yuan, hot pot restaurants can earn more than 50 yuan, and Shangdi earns more than 100 million yuan every day.

At the end of the month, Shangdi paid [-] yuan to Huang San and the others, and went to the headquarters again.

"Master Shang, how much did you earn last month?" Zhou Hao asked.

"Last month, 57 branches opened for 30 days, and one branch opened for 100 days. They made a total of more than [-] million. The detailed information is on it." Shang Di handed over the bill.

"The goal of earning [-] a month, you overfulfilled it in only [-] days." Zhou Hao sighed endlessly.

All the hall masters/elders are jealous, the other party makes a net profit of 10,000+ every day, and their earning ability is even stronger than them.

"Master Shang, how about opening some more branches?" Chen Ruicheng asked with a smile.

"58 hotpot restaurants are enough," said Shandy.

"How about opening some branches on Hong Kong Island?" Zhou Hao asked.

"The gangs on Hong Kong Island probably won't let our Bamboo Forest Gang get involved." Shang Di didn't want to waste too much time. The money in this world didn't do much for him.

"Then forget it." Zhou Hao didn't force it, and went to Hong Kong Island to open a shop, and all parties had to take care of it.

After paying more than 1000 million, Shandi left the headquarters. After thinking about it, he went to buy a villa.

"It covers an area of ​​more than 900 square meters and has all kinds of facilities."

After looking at the villa surrounded by mountains and sea, Shandi soaked in the swimming pool for a while, changed into a suit of clothes, and went out to buy an imported off-road vehicle priced at 10,000+.

You can't buy off-road vehicles produced by Four Seas in Yidao, and if it weren't for that, he wouldn't buy imported cars either.

"I have a house and a car, go kill the goat."

With a single thought, Shandi entered the portable world and killed the goat in one direction.

A bullet shot out, thirteen goats fell to the ground, and the experience value increased by 39 points.
"Thirteen goats have provided me with 110 seven experience points. Are these all third-level goats?"

The meat quality of the second-grade goats is much better than that of the first-grade goats. Without exception, the meat quality of the third-grade goats is much better than that of the second-grade goats. Shangdi does not sell the second-grade goats.

The size of the second-grade goat is comparable to that of a buffalo, and it can easily weigh one or two thousand catties, so it is not suitable for sale.

The trigger was pulled again and again, and the goats fell to the ground one by one.

Suddenly, Shandy was dumbfounded, but saw a dead goat disappear and a book appeared out of thin air.

 Thank you for the reward from the killer whale brothers who love penguins
(End of this chapter)

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