Chapter 251 Ten billion experience points per day

In Yidao, many wealthy tycoons have wives and concubines.

After settling down with Chen Tianyang, Shang Di said after going out, "You are free."

After a few seconds of silence, Nina said, "I want to follow you."

"Why?" Shandy asked.

"You have money and strength." Nina said without hesitation.

"Really?" Shandy asked again.

"Yes." Nina nodded.

After driving back to the villa, he practiced marksmanship for a while, and Shangdi practiced the scriptures of primordial chaos.

Time is like running water, and a few months have passed quietly.

"The cultivation of Qi refining is the middle stage of distraction, the cultivation of God is the late stage of Mahayana, and the cultivation of body refining is comparable to a low-grade spiritual weapon."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in my mind, Shandi entered the portable world.

The God of Consciousness used eight infinite bullet pistols to kill every goat in sight.

In a short while, Shandi came to the area of ​​the eighth-level goat.

Bullets shot out one after another, and groups of eighth-level goats were scattered. Their strength, agility, mental strength, and physique continued to soar, and their experience points increased rapidly.

"To kill a level eight goat, the experience value is 180 seven points."

"The four attributes have increased to 3000 million, so there will be no more increases?"

In an instant, Shandi came to the territory of the ninth-grade goat.

"The strength is comparable to that of the Transcending Tribulation Period, and one has more than 6000 experience points?"

After killing many goats of the ninth grade, Shandi started to slaughter the goats of the tenth grade.

"The strength is comparable to that of the Mahayana period. Fortunately, they were killed by bullets before they found me."

Killing a tenth-level goat, he can get more than 9000 experience points.

"Is there no eleventh-level goat? Or is there an eleventh-level goat in another area?"

"It's useless to think too much. Instead of wasting time thinking about it, it's better to earn more experience points."

Abandoning the messy thoughts, Shandi tirelessly hunted and killed the tenth-level goats.

"More than 1 million experience points, the more lives you reserve, the better, buy a life first!"

The 61 million experience points disappeared, and his reserve life became [-] times.

With powerful teleportation, Shangdi killed all the tenth-level goats in less than an hour.

Turning around and returning to the territory of the ninth-level goat, Shangdi killed it for half an hour.

"It's obviously not enough for me to kill. I thought I couldn't kill all the goats!"

In just over four hours, he killed all the goats in the world with him.

"If you kill all the goats in the portable world, you can get about 100 billion experience points."

Consuming 110 billion experience points, the life reserve increased twice.

"I'm out of money again, and I can still earn 100 billion experience points tomorrow."

Seeing that there were only hundreds of thousands of experience points left, Shangdi flashed back into the room.

"It only takes more than four hours to kill sheep every day. What do you do with the rest of the time?"

After thinking about it, Shandy drove out to buy a yacht.

Back at the villa, he refined a top-quality spiritual weapon in the shape of a yacht.

Taking advantage of the dead of night, Shangdi changed positions again.

More than 1000 million second-hand yachts have completely disappeared without a trace.

"Yachts that use spirit stones don't need to refuel."

On a whim, he bought more than 3000 acres of land with more than 1000 million yuan.

"There are mountains, lakes, and woods, and the sheep farm can open."

There are only hundreds of thousands of Shangdi left in Cary, and he is not worried about the source of funds.

Find a construction company and let them build the fence.

Mutton can be sold for hundreds of thousands every day, and Shangdi can earn millions of dollars every day.

The hotpot restaurant business is good, earning more than 100 million a day, but the hotpot restaurant business is poor, and there are also eight 10,000+.

Yidao has more than 2000 million permanent residents, and there are many tourists from all over the world.

Even if we open more than fifty hot pot restaurants, there will be no problem.

After looking at the construction site, Shangdi came to the office of Hall Master Sitang.

"Master Shang, what wind brought you here?" Zhao Xiong asked.

"Master Zhao, Ming people don't speak dark words, your subordinates." Shang Di said.

"I asked them to redo it." Zhao Xiong picked up the mobile phone, made a phone call, and reprimanded him a few words.

"The fence of the sheep farm has been built, and I will give you some extra money for tea." Shan Di laughed.

"We're all brothers, so we're out of touch." Zhao Xiong shook his head.

Shandy chatted with the other party for a while, then turned and left the office.

"Brother Xiong." Liu Kun, the person in charge of the construction company, walked in quickly.

"How do you do it?" Zhao Xiong asked coldly.

"Brother Xiong, we have always done this before." Liu Kun wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"The walls of the sheep farm should all be redone, and the materials should not be shoddy." Zhao Xiong said without doubt. If this matter becomes serious, he must be the one who suffers in the end.

"Yes!" Liu Kun nodded in response.

"How long is the construction period?" Zhao Xiong asked.

"Three months." Liu Kun replied.

"Leave it to me in a month." Zhao Xiong said.

"Yes." Liu Kun didn't dare to bargain. There is not much technical content in building the fence, and he can make full use of the strength of the number of people. As long as there are enough people, it can be built in half a month.

"Okay, go get busy." Zhao Xiong waved his hand.

"Yes, Brother Xiong." Liu Kun nodded.

Shangdi, who was driving, saw the rockets coming from far and near, and his consciousness surged out. The rockets that flew head-on turned back on the spot. After an explosion, there were two more corpses on the ground.

"The black dragon group in the island country is endless. If you cut the grass and don't get rid of the roots, it will regenerate when the spring breeze blows."

After driving back to the villa, Shandi teleported to the Black Dragon Group after he became invisible.

He who has used the soul search technique, naturally knows the lair of the Black Dragon Group.

Bullets shot out one after another, and corpses fell to the ground.

After killing the president of the Black Dragon Group, Shang Di retreated and left quietly.

"No one should bother me now."

Back at the beach house, Shandy enters the portable world.

A few hours later, with an increase of 100 billion experience points, he returned to the villa again.

The 33 billion experience points disappeared, and the fragmented body, broken breath, and destroyed soul all increased by [-] points.

Consuming 11 billion experience points, the killing diameter increased from 560 cm to 580 cm.

Using more than 20 billion experience points, the End of the World and Bullet Redirection both increased by [-] centimeters.

After thinking about it, Shangdi used more than 20 billion experience points to increase both good luck and bad luck by [-] points.

"There are still more than 11 billion experience points, add some money to the penetrating ability."

In one thought, the experience value dropped by more than 11 billion, and the penetration ability increased by 1000 centimeters.

"The goats in the portable world are refreshed every 24 hours, and can only provide tens of billions of experience points every day."

To cheer up his spirit, Shangdi mobilized the true energy in his body to temper his body silently.

After the night fell, he passed on the self-increased true energy to Xu Jingwen, Xu Jingya, and Nina, and the cultivation of the three women improved a lot.

"The limit lifespan is 5000 years. In the next few thousand years, as long as my physical strength does not reach the level of the best immortal weapon, my Qi refining cultivation will remain in the distraction stage."

Although the Dao of Heaven is strong, it must abide by the rules of the Dao.

If Tiandao can attack with all his strength, even if his strength is comparable to that of a saint, he will not be able to withstand the power of heaven's punishment.

Shangdi, who has experienced Heaven's Punishment several times, felt that if his physical strength reached the level of the best immortal weapon, he would be able to resist the power of Heaven's Punishment.

After all, he had survived some thunderstorms every time he was punished by heaven, and he didn't die from the first thunderbolt.

At around 1000 o'clock in the morning, Shandi came to the warehouse again and let out more than [-] sheep.

Today Saturday, there are many people eating hot pot, and more lamb is needed.

Kill the goats in the world with you, control the yacht with your spiritual sense, and come to the vast sea.

"Bluefin tuna, made into spicy pickled fish."

"The fish I catch, I can eat whatever I want."

"Slice the fish into thin slices, and it should be good for hot pot."

After a while of fishing addiction, Shandy sent the yacht back.

"I am the leader of various clubs on Yidao, but I am not like a member of the clubs."

Secretly complaining a few words, Shangdi, who is not doing his job properly, sliced ​​the fish as thin as a cicada's wing, and ate the hot pot leisurely.

"The aroma of the fish itself is overwhelmed by the seasoning. No wonder some people say that high-quality ingredients only need the simplest cooking method."

(End of this chapter)

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