Chapter 252

After a few minutes of silent thinking, Shandy came up with a dozen ways to cook bluefin tuna.

It is not difficult for him to remove the fishy smell and retain the fishy smell.

After eating fish hot pot, Shangdi walked into the best spiritual weapon training room.

Increase the gravity by a thousand times, and put on a spiritual vest that weighs a thousand tons.

"Temper your body, the heavier the better!"

3000 million points of strength, one point of strength is about one hundred catties, his body strength is about 30 billion catties, two thousand catties is equal to one ton, his body strength is as high as 150 million tons.

In the training room with a thousand times the gravity, wearing a spiritual weapon vest weighing a thousand tons, Shandi was in pain and joy.

Body training is divided into external training and internal training. Internal training and external training are constantly alternating, so that the strength of the body can be improved at the fastest speed.

Within a few minutes, Shandy's clothes were soaked with sweat.

Sweating profusely and panting, he stopped running and practiced his fists, legs and guns.

When he was exhausted, Shangdi sat cross-legged on the ground, mobilized the true energy in his body, and tempered his body.

The true energy is exhausted, devouring the aura in the refined spirit stone.
"The cultivation of Qi refining has increased a little, and I have to sacrifice myself for others at night."

Not long after, he was full of strength and started running, boxing, leg training, and gun training again.

After several hours of physical training, Shandi left the practice room and took a hot bath.

He walked to the living room, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and practiced without distraction.

The Dongyang Gang subdued, the Black Dragon Group ceased to exist, and no one disturbed his life.

Enter the portable world once a day, kill all the goats inside, go to the warehouse again, and take out a lot of ingredients.

Exercise at home during the day, and practice marksmanship at night.

After the fence around the sheep farm was built, Shandy conducted another experiment.

Seeing that the goat from the portable world can survive outside, he couldn't help but smile.

Grab thousands of first-class goats from the portable world, throw them into the sheep farm, and let them fend for themselves.

Shangdi built a laboratory tens of meters below the sheep farm.

"This laboratory is dedicated to producing cloned biochemical humans and testing various medicines."

Leaving the sheep farm in hiding, Shandi returned to the villa and continued to live in seclusion.

Time is like running water, and a few months have passed quietly.

"Master Shang, this is your reward." Chen Ruicheng took out a check.

Kicking the check into his pocket, Shandi smiled and said, "Next time you need funds, just ask me."

"Thank you very much." Chen Ruicheng nodded. The box office of the movie is very high, and he has made a lot of money. He is not short of money.

"Jing Wen and Jing Ya, I will leave it to Mr. Chen." Shang Di said.

"Master Shang is being polite." Chen Ruicheng smiled.

After leaving the studio, Shandy drove along the street.

Before the breakthrough in Qi-refining practice, the mental strength was stuck at 3000 million points, and the amount of spiritual power could not be increased, but the quality of the spiritual power was enhanced by the improvement of the spiritual power.

Today, in less than four hours, he can kill all the goats in the portable world.

As for going to the warehouse to herd the sheep, it was even simpler. One teleportation to the warehouse, one thought to take out more than a thousand sheep, another teleportation, and he returned to the villa. The whole process took less than a second.

Shangdi, who was idle and bored, got a security company and got a lot of gun licenses.

With the addition of Loyal Blank Blank, starting a security company is a piece of cake.

Even without empty bombs, as long as you have money, you can build a security company in Yidao.

Seeing that he still has more than 1 million in cash, Shangdi decided to invest across the sea after some consideration.

Release three magic robots and let people apply for legal ID cards for them.

A few days later, the three magic robots, guest-starring as businessmen from Yidao, entered the hinterland of the Four Seas.

A magic weapon robot built a material factory with 5000 million yuan.

A contracting robot built a machinery factory with 5000 million yuan.

A magic robot built an electronics factory with 5000 million yuan.

"If things go on like this, it won't take a few years for him to become the richest man in the world again."

Thinking about it carefully, Shangdi realized that he was destined to be the richest man in the world.

No way, he didn't want the money he earned to turn into a series of meaningless numbers.

Even if the banknotes of various worlds are of little use to him, he doesn't want those money to be money.

"The Four Seas are still very poor, and they can do as much as they can."

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Shangdi asked Wuying to help him speculate in stocks.

Suddenly, Big Brother's bell rang.

After answering the phone, Shangdi drove to the headquarters of the Bamboo Forest Gang.

One by one, the hall masters/elders walked into the meeting room one after another.

"The casino opposite has decided to auction off three licenses." Zhou Hao said.

"I will offer 2000 million." Chen Ruicheng said.

"I also pay 2000 million." Zhao Xiong agreed.

"I'll pay 2000 million." Xu Sicheng and others said one after another.

"I won't get involved." Shandi doesn't want to invest in casinos, even if they are legal casinos, he doesn't want to get involved. Gambling harms others and himself, and his ability to make money is not very good.

"Master Shang, you're not interested in a legitimate casino, a lucrative business?" Chen Ruicheng asked puzzled.

"I've been investing in stocks recently, opened a security company, and built a factory across the street. Counting all the miscellaneous things, I don't have much cash left." Shandi said seriously.

"Master Shang still trades in stocks?" Chen Ruicheng asked.

"Losing more and winning less, I have been losing money." Shandi said.

"The stock market is risky, investment must be prudent, and casinos are better." Zhao Xiong reminded.

"The casino is the territory of the He family, so it's better to be careful." Shang Di said.

"The strength of our Bamboo Forest Gang is not comparable to that of the He family." Zhou Hao laughed.

"What Mr. Zhou said is true." Shang Di nodded.

The Bamboo Forest Gang has more than 2 people. As long as they have enough weapons, they are fully capable of sweeping the casino.

"The relationship between the He family and the three major gangs in Hong Kong City is very good. We only need one license to go to the casino this time, and the remaining two licenses are reserved for other forces." Zhou Hao thought for a while and said.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Elder Xu, you are fully responsible for the auction of the license plate." Zhou Hao said.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou." Xu Sicheng nodded in response.

After more than an hour, Shangdi, who was full of food and drink, drove away alone.

"Master Shang is really a different kind." Xu Sicheng sighed.

"Which one of us doesn't bring two bodyguards when we go out?" Zhao Xiong echoed.

"He's the only one who never brings bodyguards." Chen Ruicheng said.

"I heard that he once defeated dozens of Dongyang Gang by himself," Zhao Xiong said again.

"I heard from one of my subordinates that Chen Tianyang said some time ago," Chen Ruicheng said in a surprised voice.

"I know about this, Chen Tianyang is afraid of Shangdi's revenge." Zhou Hao didn't care.

"Mr. Zhou, will Master Shang know?" Hall Master Hao Yong frowned.

"He doesn't get involved in things like casinos. What's more, the strength of our Zhulin Gang is much stronger than that of the Dongyang Gang. He now earns several million a month and will not join the Dongyang Gang." Zhou Hao is full of confidence.

"That's true." Xu Sicheng deeply agreed.

Driving back to the villa, Shandy was lying on the sofa, thinking about marksmanship secretly.

Rainstorm marksmanship has already reached the realm of otherworldly and refined, inherited marksmanship
"How can you hit the target 100% without your spiritual sense, eyes, or hearing?"

Shandy was lost in thought, thinking about the unique abilities of various animals.

"Taste doesn't help marksmanship, smell and touch do!"

Close your eyes, seal your ears, restrain your consciousness, and sense your surroundings silently.

"Everything in the world has a corresponding smell, even water has a smell."

"Ordinary people can't tell the smell of water because their sense of smell is so poor."

"The smell of paint on the table, the smell of the floor tiles, the smell of the TV"

Shandi, who calmed down, smelled all kinds of smells.

His sense of smell has risen to 211 points, and his nose is more sensitive than a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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