Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 367 I'm going to be a father again

Chapter 367 I'm going to be a father again
This morning, Zhang Xiaoxiao said uncertainly: "Honey, I seem to have one."

"Stretch out your hand." Shandy pretended to feel her pulse.

Possessing the talent of clairvoyance and the pupil of reality, one can diagnose without seeing, hearing, and asking.

"How is it?" Zhang Xiaoxiao asked.

"You're going to be a mother." Shandi said with a complicated smile.

He died and resurrected more than ten times, became a son more than ten times, and also became a father several times.

"Then shall we still broadcast live?" Zhang Xiaoxiao asked.

"Live live broadcast when you want to broadcast live." Shan Di thought for a while and said.

After tidying up, Shangdi drove the helicopter back to Xinghai Machinery Factory with Zhang Xiaoxiao.

After playing at home for a few days, they went out in a four-lap buggy.

It's still early before the baby is born, and you can go out and play for a few months.

Over the years, their scope of activities is nothing less than Yucheng, Haicheng, and Shanghai.

Whether it's Yucheng, Haicheng, or Shanghai, there are many places they haven't been to.

After traveling around the country for five months, the two returned to Fengzhen.

Looking at Zhang Xiaoxiao's stomach, Shang Mingyang secretly said in his heart: "Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, they finally arrived."

Shangdi, who lives in his hometown, began to teach his family the exercises.

Occasionally, I will drive a helicopter to Haicheng, in the pretense of getting some seafood back.Take the opportunity to use the fish, shrimp and crab in the space bracelet to steal the beam, and the ingredients containing aura can enhance the spirit.

More than a month later, the family began to prepare grandma Tang Li's [-]th birthday.

In a good mood, Shangdi distributed 800 to each of more than [-] employees.

The two dressed up as big and small, came to a warehouse of Xinghai Machinery Factory, and started the live broadcast again.

In less than 10 minutes, countless audiences flocked to the show.

"Big, little, you disappeared for a few months, what did you do?" Second Master Zhang asked.

"Xiao Xiao, are you going to be a mother?" Fatty Wang was stunned.

"Big brother, congratulations." The little sister of the Li family smiled.

"In the short term, Xiaoxiao and I will not be live broadcasting anymore. Today, I will give you some benefits, one hundred sea poles, one hundred hand poles, and one hundred packs of general bait," Shangdi said richly.

"Grandma, hurry up and draw a lottery, I can't wait." Liu Laosan swiped some gifts.

All of a sudden, the screen was filled with all kinds of gifts.

After selecting some winners, Shandy began to draw.

"It's good luck, one hand pole, one sea pole, and three packs of feed." The excited Zhang Erye bought a lot of gifts in a row.

"My luck is also good." Fatty Wang also swiped some gifts.

"Big brother, send me some accessories, such as fishing lines and hooks. The quality of the fishing lines and hooks available in the market is too poor," Liu Laosan said.

Shang Di accepted, finished drawing prizes, turned off the live broadcast, went out to deliver a courier, and then drove back to Niujiawan.

The next morning, Shang Mingyang said, "Go to Haicheng and buy some seafood."

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

Grandma will be seventy tomorrow, and the family plans to take care of it.

Before leaving for Haicheng, Shangdi asked Huimin Restaurant to suspend business for one day.

With all kinds of fish, shrimp and crabs and ten chefs, he drove the helicopter back to Niujiawan.

The chef of Xinghai Machinery Factory is good at Sichuan cuisine, and the chef of Huimin Restaurant is good at seafood.

The nationally famous tuna hot pot is just the signature dish of Huimin Restaurant.

At about eleven o'clock in the morning the next day, the earth-shattering firecrackers sounded non-stop.

Relatives and neighbors from Niujiawan, relatives and friends from my wife's side came to Xinghai Machinery Factory one after another.

There are more than 120 tables in the wide open space.

Shang Mingyang bought more than 200 stores in the town, and opened a supermarket in the town
Father didn't want to invite those people, but if others want to come, you can't refuse, right?

Representatives from the town, the county, and Yucheng were also sent.

Half an hour later, Yang Xinghua accompanied several people and descended from the sky in a helicopter.

"Director Yang." Shang Di greeted him with a smile.

"Director Shang, don't blame us for coming here uninvited." Yang Xinghua laughed.

"I'm so happy that you guys can come. If I wasn't worried that you're not free, I'd have called you a long time ago." Shandi said seriously.

Ten minutes later, the security guard, who played the role of guest waiter, started serving food to each table.

"Such a table, even if it is on the coast, costs 10,000+." said a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes.

"Tens of thousands of dollars per table?" Many people secretly clicked their tongues.

"This lobster alone costs more than 1 yuan. For a crab of this size, the price of buying more than 2000 bluefin tuna is not cheap." The middle-aged man introduced.

Each table is full of delicacies from mountains and seas.

"Is this chicken? Why doesn't it look like it?"

"It seems to be ostrich meat, it should be ostrich meat."

"This seems to be crocodile meat. It's something I haven't eaten before."

Even if [-]% of the guests had amazing fighting power, they didn't finish the dishes on the table.

Compared with a rich lunch, dinner is not to be outdone.

After the people who attended grandma's birthday banquet left, Shang Di said, "I'm sorry to trouble you today."

"Boss, this is what we should do." The security guards and chefs said one after another.

"I'll leave the rest to you." After Shang Di finished speaking, he drove back to Niujiawan.

On the way home, he distributed [-] yuan each to his classmates, security guards, and chefs who helped him.

"I heard that each table costs 10,000+ at noon and night today?" Li Wei asked.

"Fish, shrimp and crabs were caught in the sea, and only used a little oil money." Shan Di said casually.

"The average table is 30 yuan, and 120 tables cost more than 3000 million yuan." Li Wei was heartbroken.

If each table is 10,000, today's banquet will only cost [-]+.

In Fengzhen, a banquet of [-] yuan per table is already very good.

If the son saves a little, he can save at least 700 million.

"Mom, our family is not short of money. If you want money, I'll give you another 1000 billion." Shangdi laughed.

He spent more than 800 million yuan to distribute money to more than 2 employees, secretly glad he didn't tell his parents.

"You still have 1000 billion?" Li Wei was dumbfounded.

"The speed of making money is too fast. I can earn hundreds of billions a year, and I can't think of how to use it." Shang Di said.

"Forget it, as long as Mom is happy." Shang Mingyang said.

"I'm just a little bit reluctant. I used to work hard for a year, and I could only save a few thousand yuan. Now I spend more than 3000 million yuan for a banquet." Li Wei was very moved.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law will turn [-] next year, and according to today's specifications, we will do two more grand events," Shang Mingyang said.

"You have more money?" Li Wei was overjoyed, and her tone was not kind.

"Dad, uncle will be [-] next month, what should we give him?" Shandi asked.

"You can give whatever you want." Shang Mingyang didn't care.

"How about this, when the uncle reaches [-], I will give him one billion, and when the uncle and the second uncle reach [-], I will also give each of them a billion." Shangdi said richly.

He gave each family one billion before, but now the uncle, uncle, and uncle have cars and houses, and he doesn't know what to give.

Tianen star's currency is of little use to him.

The speed of making money far exceeds the speed of using money, and squandering some meaningless money has no effect on him.

What's more, at the end of each year, he will donate the unused money to the military.

Money is useful only because it buys things.

What's the use of money when there's nothing to buy?
A few days later, Shandy went out again and went to a big city to buy a residential area.

One by one, the neighborhoods were successively taken over by him with his ability to use money.

When others buy a house, they either buy a house or a house.

When he buys houses now, he buys them one by one.

In less than a month, the number of houses owned by Huimin Rental Housing Company has reached more than 100 million.

The low rent of Huimin rented a house caused heavy losses to real estate companies and real estate speculators.

"My wife is going to have a baby, and it's almost Chinese New Year."

(End of this chapter)

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