Chapter 368
More than ten days later, at 09:30 in the morning, Beishan Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

Zhang Xiaoxiao, who suffered from severe stomach pain, was pushed to the operating room by the nurse.

Worried about the safety of his wife and children, Shandi decided to go out in person.

The doctor with the best medical skills on Tian En Xing is not as good as him.

The avatar uses the law of time to make time in the operating room stand still.

Half an hour later, some more memories appeared in the minds of the doctors and nurses.

"Mother and child are safe." A nurse came out.

"Boy or girl?" Li Wei asked with a smile.

"It's a fat boy," said the nurse.

"Today is 25, and we will celebrate the New Year when Xiaoxiao is discharged from the hospital." Tang Li smiled.

"The child's name is Shang Yunyi, how about it?" Shang Mingyang asked.

"Yibo Yuntian, very good." Zhang Haiqiang smiled.

"Okay." Shandy nodded.

Half an hour later, a group of people walked into the ward.

"Does it hurt?" Shandy asked the consultant.

"It doesn't hurt at all." Zhang Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"Don't you have a fever?" Chen Yushu was puzzled, how can giving birth be painless?
"I'll give you a hug." Li Wei reached out and hugged the little guy.

"It's so ugly." Chen Yushu laughed.

The next morning, Zhang Xiaoxiao, who was lying uncomfortable, strongly demanded to be discharged from the hospital.

"Xiaoxiao wants to leave the hospital, so let's go." Shang Di said.

"I just had a baby, so I have to stay for two days anyway." Chen Yushu said angrily.

"Her physical fitness is much better than ordinary people." Shandi reminded.

"Xiaoxiao, are you really alright?" Chen Yushu asked.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine." Zhang Xiaoxiao stood up and tried to jump a few times.

"Be careful." Li Wei worried.

The family asked to be discharged from the hospital, but the hospital failed to dissuade them, so they had to go through the formalities.

Back in Niujiawan, Shangdi cooked more than a dozen dishes.

"You can't eat old ginger." Tang Li said.

"You can't eat peppercorns either," Li Wei said.

"Chili peppers are even more inedible." Chen Yushu said.

Seeing that his wife hesitated to speak, Shang Di said, "It's okay, you can eat."

"Eat and eat, you will know how to eat." Li Wei scolded.

"It's really fine, I know medicine," Shang Di said confidently.

"You're not a doctor." Li Wei gave him a sideways look.

"Since we were in college, have you ever had a cold?" Shandy asked.

"Don't tell me, I haven't noticed yet, we haven't been sick for several years." Zhang Haiqiang suddenly said.

"Yin-yang and five elements generate and restrain each other." Shang Di said a few words.

"When did you learn medicine?" Shang Mingyang asked.

"When I was in college, I finished reading the books on mechanical engineering, so I went to the library to read medical books. Since ancient times, there is no distinction between medicine and martial arts. I started practicing martial arts when I was five years old." Shang Di laughed.

"I know this. When he was in kindergarten, he went fishing in the fields." Li Wei laughed.

"In-laws, you don't know. At that time, I was painting walls and laying bricks on the construction site outside, and I only earned about a thousand yuan a month. He fished eels at home and earned a few thousand a month."

"When he was in primary school, every summer and winter vacation, the fish and eels he caught in a month could be sold for 2 to [-] yuan. I still feel a little ashamed when I think about it," Shang Mingyang recalled.

Shandi picked up the wine bottle and added a cup of mincemeat to everyone's cups.

Baiguo brew made from spiritual fruit is beneficial to the body and not harmful to the body, suitable for men, women and children.

After celebrating the New Year in Niujiawan, Zhang Haiqiang and Chen Yushu drove away.

Since having Shang Yunyi, Shangdi seldom goes out.

Accompanying his wife and children all day long, he ran from house to house in the village.

Occasionally go to Xinghai Machinery Factory to hand over some technical information to the military.

He has no idea of ​​producing and selling life-extending potions, potions of immortality, potions of strengthening, space battleships.

Instead of wasting your own time, throw it to the military.

In the vast starry sky of the mortal world, everything that is useful to him has long been taken away by the avatar.

Time passed day after day, and a few years passed away quietly.

"My wife and I are both 30 years old, and our son is over five years old."

Shandi, who was sitting on the chair, felt a lot of emotions in his heart.

Over the years, the avatar has not found a way to survive the holy catastrophe-level punishment.

Shangdi, who has lived in the house for several years, decided to take his wife out to play.

Intergenerational relative, intergenerational relative, Shang Yunyi is the good grandson of his father and mother, and the good grandson of his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Whether it's father, mother, or father-in-law, they always respond to Shang Yunyi's request.

In the eyes of his son Shang Yunyi, both father and mother are inferior to grandparents and grandparents.

"Family members have amulets on them, so safety is not an issue."

After thinking about it, Shangdi and Zhang Xiaoxiao drove the helicopter to Haicheng.

Take the boat out to sea and start the live broadcast.

In less than 10 minutes, there were tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room.

Obviously, those people have been paying attention to them all the time.

"Big and small, I haven't seen your live broadcast for several years." Second Master Zhang sighed.

"Yeah, you seem to have disappeared for more than five years." Fatty Wang echoed.

"Big brother, I've been waiting for five years, hurry up and draw a lottery." Liu Laosan said.

"Forget about the lottery, the top [-] will each get a gift." Shang Di laughed.

"What?" Fatty Wang asked curiously.

"You'll know what's there when you receive it." Shandy smiled.

"Are you going fishing again today?" Liu Laosan asked.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

When I came to the deep sea, I parked the fishing boat, got some bait, and chatted with fans while fishing for shrimp and crab.

"Big brother, I heard that the military has produced a life-prolonging potion." Zhang Erye said.

"Really?" Shandy asked nonchalantly.

"The life-prolonging medicine produced by the military can theoretically prolong life by a hundred years." Zhang Erye said.

"A meaningless lifespan, the longer it is, the more meaningless it is." Shandi lamented.

"Who doesn't want to live two more years?" Fatty Wang asked.

"Second Master Zhang, how do you know that the military has life-prolonging potions?" Shang Di asked.

"Many people know about this." Zhang Erye didn't elaborate.

A gust of sea breeze blew, I caught fish, shrimp and crab for a while, turned off the live broadcast, and sailed back to the port.

After sending some fish, shrimp and crab home, Shangdi and Zhang Xiaoxiao traveled around the country again.

It is as easy as flipping the palm of your hand to become a fairy or a god, but it is nowhere in sight to become a saint.

If he can't survive the holy punishment, he won't be able to become a saint.

Of course, if he is lucky, he may be reborn in the holy world.

"The dream of being invincible is still out of reach."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in my mind, Shang Di and Zhang Xiaoxiao came to Guangdong City.

Today, Huimin has rented more than 500 million houses.

After thinking about it, Shandy bought a villa with an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

"The grass outside the door is just right for parking a helicopter."

After playing in Guangdong City for half a month, they headed to Hong Kong City.

"Ten feet is about one square meter, so you have to buy a house with more than 2 square feet."

Spend money to buy a big villa, more than [-] residential areas.

Not selling the house?What about buying a real estate company directly?
Since then, Huimin renting a house has officially entered Hong Kong City.

For a house with a monthly rent of more than 2, the monthly rent will be reduced to [-].

"The wool comes from the sheep, and the rich businessmen in the Hong Kong city who made money in real estate returned from the stock market!"

Rents in more than [-] neighborhoods plummeted, and housing prices in Hong Kong City collapsed.

The two who left Hong Kong City came to Fucheng by car.

While staying with his wife, Shangdi bought a community.

"The things in the supermarket are too expensive, open some supermarkets?"

The unscrupulous Shangdi immediately asked his employees to buy a house and set up a supermarket
"This is the real cheap supermarket."

"How can a fruit that costs a few cents a catty sell for six or seven yuan?"

"Ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and meat are purchased domestically, and foreign agricultural products are not sold."

Shangdi, who has more money than he can spend, does whatever he thinks of.

than money?He was already wealthy.

Over the past few years, living in Fengzhen, he has applied for many patents.

Every year, just collecting patent fees can receive more than 2 trillion yuan.

Wuying is invincible in stock trading, even if he is restrained, he can still earn more than 2 trillion yuan in the stock market every year.

By force?Who can fight with a clone?
(End of this chapter)

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