Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 369 Space Rescue Team

Chapter 369 Space Rescue Team

Time is like running water, more than [-] years have passed quietly.

Thanks to life-extending potions, the average life expectancy has risen to more than 300 years.

Over the past eighty years, Shangdi has had dozens of descendants.

Shang Yunyi has three sons and two daughters.
After thinking about it, Shangdi decided to start the era of cultivation.

The avatar released a powerful consciousness, and arranged formations with stars one by one.

As the battles turned and the stars moved, formations took shape one by one.

A steady stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured into Tian En Star.

Shang Di asked the avatar to create a skill that can be cultivated to become a fairy, a skill that only Chinese people can practice.

The avatar of the peak state of the god, there is no difficulty in creating such a skill.

The avatar released its consciousness and engraved the contents of the exercises into the minds of the military and police.

Although the ninth-level technology can allow people to be reborn continuously, they can only stay in the mortal world.

The ultimate weapon produced by the ninth-level technology seems to be infinitely powerful, but it can't hurt the angels at all.

In Shangdi's view, foreign objects are always inferior to their own strength.

A moment later, the avatar merged another planet into Tianen Star.

In the blink of an eye, Huaguo's territory increased countless times.

Use formations to isolate the border, leaving a few entrances and exits.

After everything is settled, the avatar returns to the portable world.

In order for the Shang clan to last forever, Shang Di asked the avatar to refine a tower-shaped magic weapon.
"Only my descendants can enter the cultivation tower."

Plant some spiritual veins and heavenly veins, and the spiritual energy of the cultivation tower is endless.

Day after day, year after year.

The population of the Shang clan is increasing.

I don't know how many years passed, Zhang Xiaoxiao began to cross the catastrophe.

With the best fairy weapons all over her body, she easily survived three catastrophes.

Shandi left behind a mountain of magic weapons, and easily survived the punishment.

When Zhang Xiaoxiao ascended to the Immortal Realm, he also followed to the Immortal Realm.

After arriving at the Immortal World, Shang Di let the avatar take over the Immortal World.

More than 100 years later, their parents arrived in the fairyland one after another.

With the help of Shandi, the strength of the parents grew rapidly.

The years are long, and thousands of years are fleeting.

In the mortal world, the Shang clan is invincible.

In the fairy world, the Shang clan is equally invincible.

Talents, skills, resources, and magic weapons are all available, so why is it difficult to practice?

When Zhang Xiaoxiao survived the divine calamity, Shangdi resisted the divine calamity-level punishment.

After coming to the God Realm, he let the avatar collect various resources.

Tens of thousands of years later, the parents and the others survived the catastrophe and became gods one after another.

His physical strength is comparable to that of a top-grade god-level artifact, his level of cultivation and comprehension is comparable to that of a peak god, and his cultivation of Qi is comparable to that of Shangdi in the early stage of a god emperor. Once again, he is caught in a dilemma.

It is difficult to improve his strength, and he has neither the ability nor the confidence to survive the holy catastrophe-level punishment.

Abandoning the messy thoughts, Shandi once again recruited the Gunslinger system.

"The soul spider's physique is at the third level, and the soul is strengthened nine times."

"If the talent corresponding to the spirit, energy and spirit can be improved a few levels, becoming a saint is definitely not a dream!"

With this in mind, Shangdi and Zhang Xiaoxiao walked around the God Realm together.

Using gun-type weapons again and again to kill all kinds of animals, he wants to upgrade his talent and physique.

Shangdi, who has been tossing around the God Realm for thousands of years and found nothing, turned back feeling depressed.

He has devoted himself to cultivating for countless years, but his cultivation level has not increased at all.

I don't know how long it has passed, the family members who are covered with top-grade god-level artifacts have overcome catastrophe and become holy one after another.

"Father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandma, wife, son, great-grandson are all sanctified."

Shandi, who has been alone for countless years, decides to take a risk.

After teleporting again and again, he was bounced away by an enchantment.

"By jumping over this barrier, I can enter the holy world."

Taking out a flying gun and flying bombs, Shandy used the combo again.

As soon as the flying bomb entered the barrier, it was wiped out.

"It's not that the Gunslinger system is not strong enough, it's just that the additional capabilities are too poor."

"If you increase the additional ability a bit, you may be able to sneak into the holy world."

Shangdi, who came back from the dead, was extremely depressed.

Calm down, and silently digest the memory of your predecessor.

"25 years old, member of the Kuanglong Space Rescue Team, Celestial Empire, Pan tribe?"

After digesting the memory of his predecessor, Shangdi recruited the gun god system.

Name: Shandy

Lifespan: 25/300
Power: 18
Agility: 18
Mental Power: 18
Constitution: 18
Vision: 298
Listening: 298
Haptic: 298
Smell: 298
Taste: 298
Talent: Cockroach Physical Level 9, Night Vision Level 9, Danger Prediction Level 3

Storage space: 1 million cubic meters
Exclusive space: 6000 million cubic meters
Exclusive firearm: pistol

Life reserve: 102 times

Star energy: 0 points

"The Qingxing version of the Gunslinger system has the corresponding system money. Only with sufficient reserves of life can there be unlimited possibilities!"

After cheering up his spirits, Shangdi's heart skipped a beat, and the redemption page unfolded.

"The redemption page hasn't changed much, but the ability to break the defense can be upgraded to a respectable artifact."

"Upgrading from the artifact level to the heavenly artifact level requires [-] million stars, and the upgrade price increases tenfold."

Putting on a string of amulets refined earlier, Shangdi was determined.

The amulet he refined in the God Realm can withstand the full attack of the gods for a few minutes.

Talismans and seals are different from magic treasures, and the requirements for their use are very low or even non-existent.

Even more so with amulets,
What star energy is, how to get star energy, he doesn't know yet, and he doesn't want to pay attention to it for the time being.

When you are bored and tired, it is not too late to collect star energy.

Carrying the avatar of the peak state of the god with you, it is easy to obtain star energy.

No matter how you live, you have to leave some unknowns and expectations. Only in this way can it be interesting.

Just when Shandy was lost in thought, the watch on his hand rang.

"Dude, come to the headquarters, there is business." Rice's voice sounded.

"Received." Shan Di responded, and drove the energy speed car to the Dragon Rescue Team.

Rice is the captain of the Kuanglong Space Rescue Team, a citizen of the Sixteen Federation, and a 29-year-old member of the Yu tribe.

The Yu people don't have wings, but the gods they believe in have wings.

The Crazy Dragon Space Rescue Team is located in the Sixteenth Federation and currently has five members.

The predecessor and another team member, Qiao Shan, are from the Celestial Empire, and they are both from the Pan tribe.

Captain Rice and the other two team members are all members of the Yu clan from the Sixteenth Federation.

The competition of the Celestial Empire is too strong, the predecessor and Qiao Shan, like many people, went to the Sixteenth Federation to work.

The rivers, lakes and seas of Qingxing are mainly blue, the land is blue, and the flowers, plants and trees are also mostly blue.

The humans in Qingxing are divided into two camps, the Celestial Empire and the Sixteen Federations.

A few minutes later, Shandy arrived at the headquarters of the Dragon Space Rescue Team.

"There is a spaceship going to space and lost contact at this location." Rice introduced the situation.

"How much is the commission?" Qiao Shan went straight to the point.

"Whoever finds the lost spacecraft, the Mandela Group will give him 50 billion federal coins." Rice said.

50 billion federation coins, approximately equal to 300 billion celestial coins, are enough to buy a first-class spaceship.

There are currently only three levels of starship battleships, with level one being the lowest and level three being the highest.

The rescue ship of the Kuanglong Space Rescue Team belongs to the first-class ship, and the price is about one-tenth of the warship of the same class.

"Captain, when are you leaving?" the heroic Minnie asked.

"Put on your equipment and set off immediately!" Rice said.

Shandy changed into combat uniform and combat boots, and took an alloy combat knife, an energy assault rifle, an energy pistol, and an alloy bullet pistol.
A few minutes later, a group of five people boarded the Kuanglong rescue ship.

Rice drove the rescue ship and flew straight to the area where the spacecraft lost contact.

There are more than 500 space rescue teams in Qingxing, big and small.

If you go late, you will end up working in vain.

One hundred space rescue teams participated in this rescue activity, and the Mandela Group provided travel expenses.

Only by finding the lost spaceship can a reward of 50 billion federal coins be offered.

If you are unlucky and the spaceship collides with a meteorite, it is very likely that you will die in the starry sky.

"Man, this rescue is over, I invite you to go" Battelle said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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