Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 387 Do what you want

Chapter 387 Do what you want
In the name of Xinghai Group, Shangdi bought [-] three-bedroom, two-living houses in Wujiang City to accommodate [-] employees of the transportation company. He also bought three vans and two off-road vehicles.

Twenty veterans remained in Shencheng and let them manage the freight warehouse.

The fruit is directly transported from Wujiang City to Hong Kong City by air, and there are still some products that he plans to use in the future.

For example, high-end equipment embargoed abroad is more suitable for transportation by ship.

Wait for the cargo ship to leave Hong Kong Island, take out the counterfeit equipment, and transport it to Shencheng for unloading.

In order to solve the accommodation problem, he bought twenty three-bedroom and two-living houses in Shencheng in the name of Xinghai Group.

Bought four forklifts, two trucks, and three off-road vehicles for retired soldiers in Shencheng.

After returning to Hong Kong City, Shandy went through various procedures for 260 retired soldiers.
He was rich and powerful, and in the name of Xinghai Group, he bought 260 two-bedroom houses in Hong Kong City.

To solve the problem of food and accommodation for the employees of the security company, Shangdi silently waited for the fruit to ripen.

As long as the fruit can be picked, he will take people to Shangjia Village.

Pick the boxed fruits, transport them to the airport in Wujiang City by van, and then transport them to the port city by cargo plane.

After everything was settled, Shangdi silently calculated the property under his command.

"Xinghai Investment Company, Gangcheng Cable TV Station, Hong Kong City Wireless TV Station, Xinghai Wujiang City Transportation Company, Xinghai Shencheng Warehouse, Tiantian Newspaper Office, Morning and Evening Newspaper Office"

"One mansion in Wujiang City, 1000 sets of houses, [-] acres of land in Shencheng City. One villa, five warehouses, and [-] sets of houses. The land in Hong Kong City is about [-] to [-] acres."

Thinking about the signal problem of Hong Kong City Wireless TV Station, Shangdi asked his avatar to launch some satellites.

"Reduced clarity, reduced signal coverage."

Let Wuying deal with it, and the signal coverage of Hong Kong City Wireless TV Station has doubled compared to before, and the clarity has also improved a lot. As long as he wants, he can also replace communication.

"There are still more than six years before the establishment of Penguin Group."

"Qiandu Group will be born in eight years, and Awai will be established for more than seven years."

"Yagou will be established in three years, but you can make a lot of money on Yagou!"

Shangdi, who was idle and bored, decided to take action against the soft group in the United States.

Almost all computer operating systems around the world are slightly softer.

Shandy made a request, and in just a few seconds, an operating system was born.

The operating system produced by Wuying is [-]% better than the slightly soft operating system, and it also has a few more practical functions.

Shandi felt that if he killed the enemy at once, he would not be able to play.

He also asked Wuying to make some office software, and then set up a processing factory.

Ten security guards were transferred from the security company and went to Shencheng to set up a Yanhuang software company.

Using offshore companies to cross-hold shares, Yanhuang Software Company's equity has become extremely complicated.

A few months later, CDs containing the Yanhuang operating system and Yanhuang office software were sold in large quantities.

The Yanhuang computer operating system and office software were listed, and the stock price of the American Soft Group plummeted.

The genuine slightly softer operating system costs several hundred dollars for a set.

Yanhuang operating system, the genuine version only costs [-] yuan.

Wuying took the opportunity to make a lot of money, and at this moment, Shangdi had already arrived in Shangjia Village.

Whether Shang's Seafood Store will open or not depends entirely on his mood.

Compared with going home to accompany my parents, opening the door to do business is not worth mentioning.

The seafood shop has tens of millions every day, which is obviously insignificant to him.

After delivering gifts and having lunch, Shandy went to the orchard to see the fruits that were about to ripen.

"I have tasted these fruits" Shang Feng laughed.

Shandi ate an apple and said, "Pick it next week, and it costs five yuan a catty."

"It's too expensive, two yuan per catty is too much." Shang Feng said.

"Uncle, fruit of this quality only sells for two yuan a catty." Shang Di said.

A family making money may unbalance the psychology of the people in the village.

The whole village is full of fruits. It is a foregone conclusion that the villagers who have not made any money this year will get rich next year.

About half a catty of fruit, Shangdi plans to sell one by one, and one hundred for each.

Give some to the employees under his command first, and the fruit's reputation will be gained.

The per capita salary on Hong Kong Island is about [-]. Most people can do it by buying a few fruits and trying them out.

A few days later, Shang Di made a phone call, and the retired soldiers who stayed behind in Wujiang City drove to Shangjia Village.

Fruit picking, weighing, and calculation, I gave my father 10,000+.

After bidding farewell to his parents, Shangdi boarded a cargo plane and returned to Hong Kong City Airport.

A phone call was made, and vans drove by.

Someone sent some fruit to Hong Kong Island TVB, Hong Kong Island Cable TV. Xinghai Law Firm.

Overnight, cloud fruit spread among the wealthy people on Hong Kong Island.

At six o'clock the next morning, more than a dozen employees from the security company came to Shang's Seafood Store.

Around eight in the morning, luxury cars parked at the door
"100 yuan each." A retired soldier said bravely.

Although the fruit is delicious, the price is too expensive. The ex-soldier who is a guest clerk does not have the confidence to sell the fruit.

"I want five hundred." A young man in a suit and leather shoes counted fifty Hong Kong Island dollars with a face value of one thousand yuan.

Hundreds of this, hundreds of that, and more than 2 catties of fruit were snapped up in less than three hours.

"One card per person, you can leave." Shandi gave a thousand-yuan bill to each of a dozen or so retired soldiers.

After doing the calculations, he found that more than 8000 catties of fruit were sold for more than 570 million yuan.

"It seems to be selling cheaply. Nearly [-] catties of fruit were sold out in just over two hours."

"The fruits planted in the spirit gathering array are not expensive to sell for a thousand!"

"The purpose of selling fruit is to make money for parents."

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, Shandi sat on the chair on the roof, quietly watching the law of heaven and earth.

"It's too slow to comprehend the current laws of the universe alone."

After thinking for a while, Shangdi released three clones.

The physical strength of the avatar is comparable to the ultimate chaos treasure, and the cultivation level of the god is comparable to that of the supreme saint.
"Understanding the laws and rules of the current universe will probably allow the Hongmeng universe to swallow the current universe."

There are three avatars who comprehend the rules and regulations, and Shandy decided to continue to play an ordinary person.

"Father wants to hear Liu Hua sing, and invites Liu Hua to hold a concert in Wujiang City at the end of the year."

After grabbing a bite to eat, Shandy drove the SUV around the streets.

"Bode Finance Company? Isn't it just usury?"

"I should set up a bank. Only in this way can I be more secretive."

With this in mind, Shandy went through the formalities, bought a house, and hired some people.

In less than ten days, Xinghai Bank opened for business.

The wages of its employees are all paid by Xinghai Bank.

The income and expenditure of the properties under his command are also placed in Xinghai Bank.

Life is too long, Shandy decided to find some partners.

For a week in a row, Shang's Seafood Store was closed.

"The appearance, figure and temperament are one in a million, and she is still a beautiful girl in original clothes."

Spotting the first target, Shandy set to work.

To pass the time, he didn't use his powers.

After stalking and stalking, regardless of the cost, Li Jiali was captured by him in only half a month.

Using the same method, Shang Di successively took down Zhou Hui, Zhu Ying, and Zhong Ya.

After a few days of living a refreshing life, I got married and held a banquet.

After marriage, Shandi moved to a sea view villa.

"Honey, how much money do you have?" Zhong Ya asked curiously.

"I haven't counted, anyway, it's no less than Li Cheng's family on Hong Kong Island." Shang Di said casually.

"So much?" Zhu Ying couldn't believe it.

"I might as well tell you that Hong Kong Island TV Station, Hong Kong Island Cable TV Station and Xinghai Security Company are all my property, so don't talk about these things." Shang Di laughed.

"I want to buy a car." Zhong Ya said.

"One card per person, each card contains [-] million." Shandi took out four bank cards.

(End of this chapter)

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