Chapter 388

Without a reasonable name, even if Shangdi gave his parents tens of billions, they would not accept it.

Li Jiali, Zhou Hui, Zhu Ying, and Zhong Ya are all his legal wives, so it is reasonable to give some pocket money.

Giving 100 million is giving, and giving [-] million is also giving. He is not short of money, and he is willing to give his wife more pocket money.

Zhu Ying and the others were dumbfounded when they heard that Kali had [-] million yuan.

"Come back to me when you run out." Shandi said richly.

"Can I take some money and give it to my parents?" Zhu Ying asked.

"It's in your hand, you can use it as you like." Shandi was so happy.

Zhu Ying smiled knowingly, and Li Jiali, Zhou Hui, and Zhong Ya were overjoyed.

After exercising for a while, Shandy went downstairs to make dinner.

Time passed day after day, and before you knew it, it was the end of the year.

Under the guise of checking the fruit trees, Shang Di brought Zhu Ying to Shangjia Village.

"Boss Shang." Shang Feng greeted him with a smile.

"Uncle, aunt, Xiao Hong, Xiao Li, this is my wife Zhu Ying." Shang Di took out some gifts.

Six-year-old Shang Hong and Shang Li shouted in no particular order: "Brother Shang!"

"No rules." Zhao Ying scolded.

"Auntie, my surname is Shang, and my seniority is one generation lower than my uncle." Shang Di said.

"Boss lady." Shang Feng called out.

"Uncle." Zhu Ying called out.

After lunch, the group walked into the orchard.

"Husband, where did the cloud and mist fruit come from?" Zhu Ying asked.

"Yeah." Shandy nodded.

"Boss Shang, did you make any money from this year's fruit?" Shang Feng couldn't help asking, if the other party didn't make any money, he planned to return some.

"I made a lot of money. I'm in Hong Kong City, and I sell a piece of fruit for [-]." Shang Di didn't hide it either.

"It's so expensive and someone buys it?" Shang Feng couldn't believe it.

"The per capita salary in the port city has risen to more than 3000. The fruit was shipped to the port city, and it was bought by those rich people in less than three hours." Shang Di laughed.

After staying in the village for two days, the two drove to Wujiang City.

After taking a passenger plane to Hong Kong Island, they arrived at Hong Kong Island a few hours later.

After buying a cruise ship and going out to sea for a few days, some people start to celebrate the New Year.

Last year, I was alone during the Chinese New Year. This year, I was accompanied by four wives.

In the [-] days after the year and year, Shangdi had a great time.

"Husband, why is no one building a house on the land over there?" Zhou Hui asked.

"The land around here is ours." Shandi didn't hide it either.

"You bought so much land?" Zhong Ya was stunned.

"I bought more than 1 mu of land on Hong Kong Island." Shangdi laughed.

"If all houses are built," Zhong Ya said.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," Shandy said with a smile.

Life is alive, family is with you, and there are a few opponents, it will be more perfect.

The Li family's real estate has harmed many people, and the Zhou family's gold and jewelry have deceived many people.

Shangdi, who is idle and bored, intends to use the Li family and the Zhou family on Hong Kong Island as his opponents.

When Li Cheng bought a piece of land, he bought a piece of land nearby.

When Li Cheng built a house, he built a house next to it.

Li Cheng's house sold for [-], while his house sold for [-].

Zhou Hongfu's jewelry is sold by gram, and his jewelry is also sold by gram.

Zhou Hongfu's jewelry is sold by the piece, and his jewelry is also sold by the piece.

For jewelry of the same level and weight, if Zhou Hongfu sells it for one thousand, he will sell it for eight hundred, until it hits the cost price.

There are mountains of gold, countless emeralds, and countless diamonds.

The cost of processing jewelry with a printer is almost zero.

Wholly acquired a construction company and renamed it Xinghai Construction, and Shangdi entered the real estate industry.

Where Li Cheng built a house, he also asked the construction company to build a house next to it.

Li Cheng's house was pre-sold for [-] yuan, and his house was pre-sold for [-] yuan.

Li Cheng's house has a shared area, but his house does not have a shared area.

At the same time, Shangdi bought some shops and started a Xinghai Jewelry Company.

A lot of exquisite jewelry was made with the printer and sold at a price lower than that of Zhou Hongfu jewelry.

For a time, Hong Kong Island was in turmoil.

The little-known Xinghai Group is fighting against two big families at the same time.

The gangs who wanted to take advantage of the fire were hit head-on by the Xinghai Security Company.

How can a young and Dangerous boy with a watermelon knife and a steel pipe be an opponent of Xinghai Security Company?
with a gun?There is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between ordinary people holding guns and retired soldiers holding guns.

Empty bullets were fired one after another, and the Hong Kong Island Police Force died down.

Public opinion war?The Li family and the Zhou family are not rivals.

The only two TV stations on Hong Kong Island have long been bought by Xinghai Group.

newspaper?There are also three newspapers under the Xinghai Group.

At nine o'clock this morning, Hong Kong Island officials held a land auction.

Shangdi, dressed in casual clothes, joins hands with Li Jiali to participate in the land auction on behalf of the Xinghai Group.

"The first piece of land. The starting price is 2000 million." said the auctioneer.

"Changhe Industrial bid 3000 million." Li Cheng held up his placard.

"Xinghai Group offered one billion yuan." Shang Di shouted.

For a moment, the entire auction house was silent.

When 3000 million rose to one billion, everyone present was taken aback.

"One billion first time, one billion second time, one billion third time, deal!" The auctioneer made a final decision.

After introducing the situation of the second piece of land, the auction started again.

"Changhe Industrial offered 5000 million yuan."

"Xinghai Group bid one billion."

"Changhe Industrial offered 3000 million yuan."

"Xinghai Group bid one billion."

"Changhe Industrial offered 6000 million yuan."

"Xinghai Group bid one billion."

"Changhe Industrial bid 12 billion."

"Xinghai Group bid 20 billion."

A total of five pieces of land were bought by Shandy.

Three days later, the land auction in Shencheng.

When Li Cheng made a bid, he raised the price, and when Li Cheng raised the price, he continued to raise the price.

When he was free, he personally crushed Li Cheng with his financial resources. When he was not free, he sent a few representatives to bid for the auction.

The money Wuying made from stock trading far exceeded his use speed.

"Mr. Shang, I don't seem to have offended you Xinghai Group, right?" Li Cheng asked.

"Our boss decided, and I can't help it." Shan Di said helplessly.

"Can I meet your boss?" Li Cheng asked.

"Sorry, I don't know who our boss is. I can only contact you. I can't do anything if he sees you or not." Shang Di made a phone call.

Wuying cameo as the mysterious boss of Xinghai Group, the ending is self-evident.

"You heard it too, my boss doesn't see you." Shandi said apologetically.

A few days later, Zhou Hongfu came to visit.

Shandy used the same method to fool him.

After persisting for several months, Li Cheng and Zhou Hongfu transferred assets one after another.

If they stay in Hong Kong City any longer, their assets will definitely decrease.

After a few months, Xinghai Group's funds are still sufficient.

The house of Changhe Industry has dropped to the cost price, and the price of the house of Xinghai Group is still falling.

The house could not be sold, and the capital chain was broken, so Li Cheng had to sell some properties.

Zhou Hongfu's situation is similar to that of Li Cheng.

It can't be sold at the cost price, so it's no wonder if you don't lose money!
"It's harvest time again."

Shang Di brought Zhu Ying to Shangjia Village.

Twenty veterans, together with the villagers in the village, picked fruits together.

Weighing, packing, billing and loading, Shangdi and Zhu Ying returned to the port city by cargo plane.

Last year's Yunwu fruit, some people bought it to eat for themselves, and some people bought it as a gift.

Knowing that Yunwu fruit was on the market, countless customers flocked to it.

A total of three 10,000+ catties of fruits were sold out in less than half a day.

After a rough calculation, Shandi made more than 6000 million yuan by selling fruit.

The purchase cost is less than 200 million, plus the transportation cost, it is more than 200 million.

"It seems to be too easy to make money."

"Li Cheng and Zhou Hongfu are preparing to leave Hong Kong Island."

"Thousands of gold are easy to get, but opponents are hard to find. Who will you choose as your next opponent?"

(End of this chapter)

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