Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 389 I'm Too Strong?

Chapter 389 I'm Too Strong?
Both Li Cheng and Zhou Hongfu from Hong Kong Island were intimidated by the powerful Xinghai Group.

Gangs are no match for Xinghai Security Company, and the police force has become impartial.

Compared with financial resources?The Xinghai Group, which is one against two, is obviously richer than all of them combined.

The stock prices of Li Cheng and Zhou Hongfu's listed companies plummeted again and again.

Wuying took the opportunity to make a lot of money, and the Li family and the Zhou family both planned to evacuate Hong Kong Island.

They have already obtained overseas nationality, so they can leave Hong Kong Island.

When Li Cheng sold the terminal, Shangdi asked someone to act as a representative of the offshore company and bought it.

In order to win the water and electricity on Hong Kong Island, Shangdi sent people to negotiate with relevant people.

If you can buy it with money, you can buy it directly with money.

If you can't buy it with money, use an empty bomb first, and then buy it at a reduced price.

In less than a month, Li Cheng and Zhou Hongfu's properties on Hong Kong Island were all sold.

Killing eight hundred enemies, self-defeating one thousand.

Li Cheng, who has assets of more than 1000 billion Hong Kong Island dollars, lost at least 730 billion.

Although Wuying made some money from Changhe Industrial, Shangdi also lost more than 800 billion yuan.

For a land with a market value of hundreds of millions, he either spent a billion or 20 billion.

In the long run, the land he bought will appreciate in value in the future.

Against Zhou Hongfu Jewelry, not only did he not lose money, but he also made a lot of money.

In the real estate industry, it costs money to buy land and build a house. If you lose money and sell the house for a few months, it’s no wonder you don’t lose money.

There is no cost for jewelry, you can earn money when you buy it at the venue, and the labor cost is not much.

Li Cheng, who has always been shrewd, can see very clearly that the Xinghai Group will not give up if the Li family does not leave Hong Kong Island.

If the property on Hong Kong Island is not sold out, the Xinghai Group is likely to accompany him like a shadow, and he will not be able to survive abroad.

At the same time, they were enemies with the two major families on Hong Kong Island, and finally won. The Xinghai Group was in full swing.

After dealing with the Li family and Zhou family who have cheated countless people, Shangdi decided to choose a new opponent.

"The headquarters of foreigners' consciences is on Hong Kong Island, so let's get rid of foreigners' consciences first."

"The brick machine has huge profits. It seems good to make some money and donate some money."

He used to be in this world, but in the current era, he often eats sweet potatoes to satisfy his hunger.

Relatively speaking, his family is not bad, and many people don't even have enough sweet potatoes.

After one year of farming, the public grain was paid, and the remaining grain was barely enough to make ends meet.

In the event of drought, waterlogging, and reduced grain production, there is no need to have enough to eat.

The less oil and water in the stomach, the more appetite will increase accordingly.

Three meals a day lack nutrition and need to consume more food.

People who feast on fish and meat all day long eat less.

Thinking of the miserable childhood in the past, Shangdi sighed in his heart.

Because of the Yanhuang operating system and Yanhuang Office software, Yanhuang Technology Company has attracted a lot of firepower.

Yanhuang Technology Company is one of the hundreds of shell companies of Sundy.

In his view, a company with only products but no employees or venues is tantamount to a shell company.

"It's time to revive Yanhuang Technology Company."

After thinking about it, Shangdi went to Shencheng and bought [-] mu of land.

Then let Gangcheng Xinghai Construction Company go to Shencheng to build factories and office buildings
"Yanhuang Technology Company, all use intelligent robots."

The purpose of placing Yanhuang Technology Company in Shencheng is to facilitate tax payment.

As for the intelligent robot that acts as a worker, Shangdi intends to use his identity as a Hong Kong Islander.

With this in mind, he let his avatar obtain the identity information of tens of thousands of people.

With superpowers and the ability to make money, the identity of an intelligent robot is easy to solve.

"More than 5 Hong Kong Islanders have been added, and all kinds of information should be available."

At Shangdi's order, the industrial base of the space bracelet will produce corresponding intelligent robots according to the documents.

"It's a foregone conclusion that foreigners want to go bankrupt. Find something else to do?"

After pondering for a moment, Shangdi regarded the Internet in the United States as an opponent.

"Build a wired data center in Wujiang City, and then build a wireless data center."

Wujiang City is located in the hinterland of Yanhuang Kingdom, which is more suitable for establishing an optical fiber hub center.

Life is endless, and Shandy wants to play for a while longer.

Take a small step ahead of your opponent, and when he gets tired of playing, knock him down with another blow.

I went to Wujiang City, bought [-] mu of land, and hired people to build houses and walls.

When I returned to Hong Kong City, I practiced marksmanship every day, and occasionally opened the door for business. Quietly, it was the Chinese New Year again.

Last year, because Liu Hua and others had no time, the concert ended without a problem.

Someone rented a gymnasium in Wujiang City, and Shangdi chartered a plane.

More than [-] people flew from Hong Kong Island to Wujiang City by plane.

Two days later, Liu Hua, Gu Le and others held a concert in the gymnasium.

The best location, Shandi reserved for family and relatives in the village.

As for the remaining positions, they will be sold for five yuan.

Fulfilling a wish of his parents, Shangdi felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Mr. Shang, if there is nothing else, we will go back." Liu Hua said.

"I donated the money for the tickets in your name. This is your hard work." Shang Di took out the checkbook and gave Liu Hua, Gu Le and others a one-million-dollar ticket each. currency check.

"Mr. Shang, donate this money for me." Gu Le smiled.

"I donated mine too." Liu Hua echoed.

All nine singers returned their checks to him.

"Okay, just treat it as I owe you a favor." Shangdi said solemnly.

"Then I'll make a lot of money." Liu Hua said with a smile.

On Hong Kong Island, who doesn't know that the other party is an executive of Xinghai Group?

As long as they approach the Xinghai Group, they don't need to worry about any form of banning.

Compared with the big tree of the Xinghai Group, the one million reward is not worth mentioning.

Calculated, among the nine of them, seven are employees of Xinghai Group.

After all, Hong Kong Island Cable TV and Hong Kong TVB are both owned by Xinghai Group.

Acquired more than a dozen offshore companies of two TV stations on Hong Kong Island.
The chartered plane sent Liu Hua and others away, and Shang Di, Zhu Ying and the others stayed in Wujiang City.

"Husband, who owns this house?" Zhong Ya asked.

"Ours," Shandy said.

"How much did you pay for such a big house?" Zhong Ya asked again.

"This mansion belonged to an official from the previous dynasty. It cost more than 100 million yuan when it was bought, and more than 100 million yuan was used to rebuild it. The sum of the front and back is less than 300 million yuan." Shang Di said.

"The housing prices here are really cheap." Li Jiali sighed.

"It's better in the city, but many people in the countryside don't have enough to eat." Shangdi was filled with emotion.

Eat, bathe, and practice guns, sleep until you wake up naturally.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the energetic Shangdi ate something casually, and in the name of Liu Hua and others, donated the 900 million Hong Kong Island dollars to each village and town for road construction.

To get rich, build more roads.

No, the slogan for getting rich in this era is mainly 'to get rich, have fewer children and grow more trees'.

After spending a few days in Wujiang City, the four of them, Shang Di and Zhu Ying, took the plane back to Hong Kong Island.

"Honey, I want to find something to do." Zhou Hui said.

"What do you want to do?" Shandy asked.

"I want to sing." Zhou Hui thought for a while and said, married, she is not suitable for filming.

"I also want to sing," Zhu Ying said.

Seeing Zhong Ya and Li Jiali's shaky expressions, Shang Di smirked and said, "It all depends on your performance."

After the new year, Zhu Ying and the others stepped into the music scene.

Shandy copied hundreds of songs and got a record label
In less than three months, Zhu Ying, Li Jiali, Zhong Ya, and Zhou Hui became popular all over the country.

The Yanhuang Technology Company in Shencheng was established, and a thousand intelligent robots rushed over.

The cargo ship, which has been idle for a long time, travels back and forth between the port city and the deep city.

More than two months later, when the conscience of foreigners wanted to go public, Yanhuang Technology's computers and mobile phones were simultaneously sold in Shenzhen City, Shanghai City, Hong Kong Island, Bay Island, and East Island.

The foreigner's conscience wanted the stock to plummet, and Wuying took the opportunity to make a fortune.

"Am I too strong, or is the foreigner's conscience too weak?"

(End of this chapter)

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