Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 390 The Showdown Between the Richest Man

Chapter 390 The Showdown Between the Richest Man

A foreigner who has just been listed on the stock market thinks conscientiously that the stock price has fallen again and again, and countless people are vomiting blood.

Because of Yanhuang Technology's computers and mobile phones, the stock prices of many companies in the United States have also plummeted.

The performance of Yanhuang's computer hardware is [-]-[-]% stronger than that of Big Blue and the computer that foreigners think about.
The performance of the Yanhuang mobile phone is also [-]% stronger than the mobile phones on the market.

The quality is better, the price is cheaper, as long as people are not stupid, they know how to choose!

If mobile phones and computers cannot be sold, related industries will also suffer losses.

For example, Morola's big brother is not selling well, and the orders received by battery manufacturers will definitely decrease.

"Master, the island country's specialty store was sealed up by the island country's black police." Wuyinghui reported.

"Send the video to TVB," Shandy said.

"Yes!" Shadowless replied.

He has gone through all the relevant procedures, and the specialty store has been closed down. It is obvious that someone is not following the rules.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, people who were watching TVB saw the video of Yanhuang Technology's exclusive store being maliciously blocked, and the criminal evidence of the black police was also released.
"Don't let me do business in a law-abiding manner, then don't blame me for not obeying the rules."

Yanhuang Technology's computers and mobile phones are priced at around [-].

Five thousand computers and five thousand mobile phones have a market value of 8000 million.

Things worth 8000 million were confiscated by the black police in the island country. How could Shandy give up?
Outraged by the crowd, all the confiscated items were returned to the specialty store.

Right and wrong are clear at a glance, and if things are not returned, the reputation will be damaged.

"No more branches abroad, let foreigners buy by themselves!"

A few days later, all foreign stores were closed by Shangdi.

Let Wuying retaliate appropriately, and he lives the days of opening the door according to his mood.

The seafood shop earns more money every day, depending on how much it sells.

Open for business, just to pass the time.

"There are still two months before the fruit can be picked."

"The price of Yunwu fruit is too cheap."

The bigger the fruit tree grows, the more fruit it produces.

After thinking about it, Shandy decided to double the purchase price and selling price.

Rare things are precious, and if they can't be sold, they can be given away. Anyway, he is not short of money.

In the era when all heroes are rising together, Shangdi has some extreme loneliness.

The once mighty Li Cheng did not stop him for a few months.

Countless Zhou's jewels that deceived people did not resist for long.

Even the world-renowned Miguo Soft Group has seen its market value plummet now.

As for the conscientious thinking of foreigners who have been cast aside by countless people, it is facing bankruptcy within a few days of listing.

"Lei Dapao, who is good at touching porcelain and fighting in the nest, is still in Yinshan Company. There are still four years before Penguin was established."

"Although Ma Huyou has real talents and learning, it doesn't do much for me."

"Ma is low-key and good-natured, but the game has harmed many people."

Counting the current and future celebrities, Shangdi has no idea of ​​taking it under his command.

In this era of shopping malls, there are only two people he admires.

A man surnamed Mou, who traded cans for airplanes a few years ago, was the richest man in the country.

One surnamed Huang, who came from a real grassroots background. According to the normal trajectory, he could still be the richest man in the country for a period of time in the future.

The two people with different surnames both practiced in seclusion for many years because of their striding too far.

"Both Mou Zhong and Huang Guang are short of money, how about subsidizing them?"

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Shangdi decided to meet Boss Huang and Boss Mou.

Two days later, he took Zhong Ya to the other side of the river.

Looking at the two handsome and beautiful people, Huang Guang asked suspiciously: "Who are you?"

"Boss Huang, she is the one singing the song that is being played. As for me? Manager of the Xinghai Group's business department, this is my business card." Shang Di took out a business card.

"You are Zhong Ya? Xinghai Group?" Huang Guang was stunned.

"Sufficient funds are indispensable for the development of Yanmei Electric." Shangdi went straight to the point.

"If you have something to say, you might as well speak up." Huang Guang signaled.

"On behalf of Xinghai Bank, I can provide you with an interest-free loan of one billion rice gold." Shang Di said.

"Why?" Huang Guang was not dazzled by Billion Mekin.

"I believe you can make money." Shandi laughed.

"What conditions do you have?" Huang Guang asked.

"Your Yanmei electrical appliance is not worth much now, right?" Shangdi said.

"Please explain more clearly." Huang Guang frowned.

"You and Mou Zhong are the most talented businessmen. The boss of our Xinghai Group wants to see who will make the most money after each of you gets one billion rice gold." Shang Di said.

Huang Guang, who could get an interest-free loan of one billion rice and compare his earning power with a legendary businessman like Mou Zhong, pretended to be calm and asked, "There should be a deadline, right?"

"Legal business, five years." Shandi said casually.

"No other conditions?" Huang Guang asked.

"No." Shang Di, who was extremely bored, really wanted to see whether Huang Guang or Mou Zhong had better means.

Investing in Yanmei Electric or Nande Industrial can at most make a fortune, and he is not short of money, so he has no idea of ​​investing.

Bringing two business talents under his command?If he walks the path of others, others have nowhere to go, and no talents are needed.

In Shangdi's view, technology is money, and he can directly crush his opponents with quality and cost even if they are scheming.

Industrial products are mass-produced with printers at a negligible cost.

For agricultural products, he has Hongmeng Universe, and the cost is almost zero.

If he wants to make money, he doesn't need a business genius, let alone he is not short of money.

"There are really no other conditions?" Huang Guang asked dubiously.

"You don't even need to sign the contract. Give me an account, and I'll have someone transfer the money to you. Once the five-year period is up, you can return the money to Xinghai Bank." Shang Di said confidently.

"Are you not afraid that I will run away with the money?" Huang Guang asked.

"Presumably the reward of [-] million rice gold is enough to make you sleepless." Shangdi said indifferently.

"It's on this card." Huang Guang took out a bank card, an interest-free loan of one billion rice gold, and a five-year lifespan. Whether he wins or loses, he can earn a fortune, so why not do it?
Shandy made a phone call and reported his bank account number.

"The money has been transferred to you, and you will receive it by tomorrow at the latest." Shan Di smiled.

"Mr. Shang, it's getting late, I invite you to have a light meal." Huang Guang said.

After having lunch with the richest man in history, Huang, and other wives, Shangdi and Zhu Ying went to Wujiang City.

Came to Nande Industry, visited Boss Mou, and also donated one billion rice gold.

A contest unknown to the world unfolded quietly.

Two business geniuses began to compete who could make more money.

After returning to Hong Kong Island for more than a month, Shangdi came to Wujiang City again.

I drove to Shangjia Village, stayed at my parents' house for a few days, and then started picking fruits.

"Uncle Shang, a total of 320 catties, ten yuan per catty, a total of 76 two hundred and twenty, you do the math." Shang Di said.

"Isn't it five yuan a catty?" Shang Feng asked.

"The selling price has risen, so the purchase price has to rise." Shang Di laughed.

"Five yuan a catty, I think it's expensive." Shang Feng said.

After collecting the fruits in the village and paying off all the payments, Shangdi followed the cargo plane back to Hong Kong Island.

A total of 10,000+ catties of fruit, the purchase cost is more than 500 million, plus the transportation cost, it is more than 600 million.

Knowing that Yunwu fruit is on the market, rich people from Hong Kong Island, Bay Island, and other island countries flocked to it.

Even if the price was increased by half, it didn't take long for five 10,000+ catties of fruits to be sold out.

"A total of more than 58 catties of fruit, more than 1 catties of employee benefits were distributed, and the remaining 57 catties of fruit were sold for more than 800 million Hong Kong dollars."

After a rough calculation, Shangdi found out that he had earned more than 2000 million yuan from selling fruit, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

It is extremely difficult for others to make money, but it is too easy for him to make money.

(End of this chapter)

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