412 - War Quartet
Near dusk, Shandi walked into a restaurant.

Taking a closer look, a middle-aged man was sitting at the counter.

A beggar with white hair and childlike face was sitting by the window.

"One finger is missing, nine-fingered god beggar Hong Qigong?"

"Brother Jing? The cook is Huang Rong? The shopkeeper is Guo Jing?"

Shandy chose a table and ordered some food and wine.

He didn't have the idea of ​​shooting Hong Qigong, nor did he have the idea of ​​killing Guo Jing.

To this day, his purpose of earning money from the system is to buy life reserves.

As for the additional abilities on the redemption page, he didn't want to upgrade.

More than 3000 avatars of the peak cultivation of supreme saints are enough to sweep away any practitioners under Dao Tianzun.

Reserving life once is roughly equivalent to letting the primordial universe swallow a universe.

By devouring a universe, the primordial universe will become stronger.

Perhaps it only needs to devour a few hundred universes, and the Hongmeng universe will be improved to a higher level.

The stronger the Hongmeng Universe, the stronger his strength will be.

Therefore, Shangdi just wanted to hoard system money and buy more reserve lives.

When he came to this game world, he got more than 3000 million system money.

I have already bought the reserve life five times, and buying the reserve life again requires one billion system luck points.

To kill Hong Qigong once, at most [-] luck points, and at least [-] kills to buy a life.

As a man of integrity, he would not kill innocent people indiscriminately anywhere.

After eating and drinking enough, Shangdi shouted: "Boss Guo, settle the score."

"Young man, a total of 830 points of luck." Guo Jing said.

Shang Di paid the money readily, and Huang Rong's cooking was several grades better than that of Wei's Restaurant.

The food is good food, the wine is good wine, and the price is naturally not cheap.

Back in the courtyard, looked at the cold solid wooden bed, and released a clone.

In one thought, Shangdi's figure disappeared without a trace.

Accompanied by Liu Dayan, I practiced marksmanship for a while.

Feeling refreshed physically and mentally, Shangdi returned to the courtyard in the game world, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

Carrying the Hongmeng universe with him, the loneliness is getting farther and farther away from him.

After falling asleep and waking up naturally, Shandi went out to eat a bowl of braised beef noodles.

Walking on the street, after a while, Xuan Ye, Wei Xiaobao and others appeared in his field of vision.

"His luck must be high, kill him!"

Xuan Ye has killed countless people, so naturally Shang Di will not be merciful.

One bullet went down, and there were more than [-] corpses on the street.

Xuan Ye, Wei Xiaobao, Duo Long and the others were all corpses lying on the street.

"The luck value of the system has increased by more than 100 million?"

"Finally found a good way to spend money."

After calming down, Shangdi wandered around the city again.

A moment later, Xuan Ye and the others were discovered by him again.

A bullet shot out, and the luck value of the system increased by more than 100 million.

After killing Xuan Ye five times in a row, Shang Di lost sight of him.

Walking to Wei's restaurant, he saw Wei Xiaobao at the counter.

"Obviously, Xuan Ye hasn't been killed by me yet."

Walk the streets, looking for the emperor who can strike.

Half an hour later, Shang Di killed Hong Li and the others with one shot, and his luck value increased by more than 100 million.

Twenty minutes later, Huang Daji, Duo Ergun and others were instantly killed by a single bullet from him.

"Zhu Ba has done a lot of good things, so I won't kill him."

"Traitors should be killed, foolish kings should be killed, tyrants should be killed."

Shandy, who roamed the streets, killed characters in TV dramas, movies, and novels from time to time.

Killing people of the same faction, he won't get the luck value of the game, but he can get the luck value of the system.

After dinner, Xuan Ye, Hong Li Huang Daji and thousands of subordinates came to kill them aggressively.

Bullets shot out one after another, and pieces of corpses fell to the ground.

The luck value of the system continued to increase sharply, and the smile on Shangdi's face continued.

As for the skills and magical weapons that came out of killing the enemy, none of them were worth mentioning.

Miejue Shitai, who didn't know where he was, drew his sword and attacked him.

One bullet went down, and Master Miejue died too.

The well-known Yitian Sword appeared in front of Shangdi.

The content of several exercises flashed in his mind.

Unknowingly, all the sects joined the battle one after another.

Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair, Shangdi never relents.

The Dragon Claw Hand exploded, the Seven Injury Fist exploded, and the Vajra Immortality also exploded.

Many of his enemies were deceived into thinking that he was a murderous maniac.

Shandi didn't care, and he didn't defend himself. Someone gave him luck, and he couldn't wait for it.

If you really want to stand up and explain, how does he still make money from the system?

He doesn't need martial arts cheats, magical weapons, and pills, the more money the system has, the better.

Attack him indiscriminately, kill him if you kill him.

He can be resurrected after death, and they are all characters in movies and novels. He has no reason to be soft-hearted.

"Taizu, do we want to do it?" an official asked.

"Wait and see." Zhu Ba shook his head.

Seeing the mountain of corpses gradually disappearing, Shangdi killed Bo Kuotai with a single shot.

The bullet that flashed away, after killing Bo Kuotai, killed more than seventy people around Bo Kuotai.

"Dragon Elephant Bo Ruogong? When you are idle and bored, you can practice and practice."

Bokuotai and others were killed in battle, Yuanmeng leader Bomuzhen said angrily: "Kill him!"

Although there were people from various sects in the Qing League, many of them were killed by Shangdi.

But Bo Muzhen, the leader of the Yuan League, was not afraid.

Hearing Bomuzhen's order, thousands of cavalry charged, followed by hundreds of warriors.

Zhu Ba, leader of the Ming League, took a few glances and said, "Don't act rashly."

Bullets flew out one after another, and corpses lay on the ground.

In less than a few minutes, the entire Yuan League army was wiped out.

This is also because Shang Di has restrained his strength. If he shoots at full speed, he can wipe out the surrounding enemies in an instant.

The game level has been upgraded to level three, and he can pull the trigger hundreds of times per second.

With every pull of the trigger, 74 enemies can be killed.

If the killing diameter is adjusted to the limit, one bullet can kill a large area.

At the end of the war, the people who watched the battle were frightened.

Shang Di turned and left, returned to the courtyard, and entered the Hongmeng universe.

In a flash, he appeared in the hot spring.

"Husband." Song Zhu called out.

After learning a foreign language with the other party for a while, Shandy returned to the game world.

"Earning more than 2 million system luck points, and earning more than 7 million system luck points, I can buy my life."

Regardless of game worlds, man-made universes, etc., a reserve of life is equal to a universe.

Now, it doesn't matter much to Shangdi whether the additional ability is upgraded or not.

Instead of wasting system money and upgrading dispensable additional abilities, it is better to buy a few more lives.

In the past, I bought my life to protect myself, but now I bought my life to devour the universe.

To put it bluntly, if you reserve more life, you will have the opportunity to devour more universes, and the probability of becoming an invincible Dao Tianzun is greater.

"There are Ming League, Qing League, and Yuan League. Will there be Tang League and Qin League?"

"Hong Qigong and Guo Jing have both, and the Song League must exist."

Let the avatar explore the current world, and Shandy got the information he wanted.

"Some characters in many novels and movies at home and abroad are in this world."

"When the luck value of the game is exhausted, you cannot be resurrected after you die."

"I don't want to, let's talk about it after playing for a while."

Taking the avatar back to Hongmeng Universe, Shangdi fell asleep on the bed.

In the dead of night, the two elders Xuanming climbed over the wall and entered.

A bullet went down, and the two elders Xuanming died on the spot.

After a while, several warriors sneaked into the courtyard.

"Linghu Chong was beaten to death by me, did you get Dugu Nine Swords?"

Shang Di, who thought he did not offend Linghu Chong, felt that he was probably offered a reward by a certain force.

Luck points can be used to buy exercises, pills, magical weapons and supernatural powers.

One's own skills can also be upgraded with luck value.

For example, if you upgrade an iron cloth shirt with Qi Luck once, its power will surpass that of Vajra Indestructibility.

(End of this chapter)

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