Chapter 413

The buildings in the city cannot be damaged by people of one's own camp.

Overnight, Shandy was assassinated dozens of times.

Among the more than 100 killers, there are those with knives, guns, and arrows.
Those who assassinated him include warriors, people with supernatural powers, and practitioners.

When the sun rises, the killer disappears.

After leaving the courtyard, Shangdi came to a noodle restaurant.

Although it's okay not to eat, but he is used to three meals a day.

He has always felt that he is a man of flesh and blood, affection and righteousness, but his strength is a bit strong, not a fairy, god, or saint who ignores everything.

Normally, he would eat and sleep.

"Young man, what do you want to eat?" Liu Yishou asked.

"Two Liang Yangchun noodles." Shang Di said casually.

"Okay." Liu Yishou from Xia Ke Xing agreed.

After a while, a bowl of steaming Yangchun noodles was brought over.

"Poison me, you are quite brave." As soon as Shangdi finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot.

The talent becomes the body of the law, and he who has the pupil of the law can see through the essence.

Liu Yishou poured poison into the bowl. He saw the ingredients of the poison and smelled the poison.

One shot killed Liu Yishou, who was motivated by money, and Shang Di got up to leave.

Came to another noodle shop, ate a bowl of mutton rice noodles, and walked quickly to the tower of life and death.

After the avatar investigation, he knew the current situation of the world in detail.

In addition to hunting tyrants, entering the tower of life and death can also quickly earn luck points.

The luck value of the system needed to buy his life was increasing, and he didn't want to waste time.

Killing time is killing time, wasting time is wasting time, there is a little difference between the two.

Kill the opponent in the tower of life and death, and you can get the luck value of the game.

In addition to the luck value of the system that can be obtained by killing the enemy, he can kill twice.

There are a total of 12 main cities in the game world, and each main city has a tower of life and death.

Near noon, Shandi came outside the Tower of Life and Death.

But I saw men, women and children walking into the Tower of Life and Death.

Shan Di quickly entered the tower of life and death, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared on the ring.

With a heart move, an opponent flashed.

Pull the trigger with your finger, and the opponent is killed and the corpse disappears.

From the appearance of the opponent to the death, the whole process was less than [-] seconds.

"The luck value of the system has increased by more than 3000, and the luck value of the game has also increased by more than 3000."

"One kill, two wins, the tower of life and death is the most suitable for me, continue!"

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in his heart, Shangdi turned on the money-swiping mode.

"Looking at the current speed, after one day, there are only more than 5 million luck points."

After more than [-] hours of non-stop killing, Shandi bought his life.

"The efficiency of making money is too slow, since the opponent is infinite, why not try?"

In a flash, Shan Di left the tower of life and death, and after leaving the city, he released a clone.

The avatar with restrained strength entered Yanhuang City and the Tower of Life and Death.

The avatar holding the magic spear, stabbed and killed opponents one by one.

"The luck value of the system is increasing, and the luck value of the game is also increasing."

Overjoyed in his heart, Shangdi released his avatars again and again, letting each avatar spend money.

"Since there are 12 towers of life and death in this game world, let's get more avatars."

With a second thought, Shang Di entered the Hongmeng Universe and asked the clone to set up a time barrier, while he condensed the clone tirelessly.

The Hongmeng universe cannot support 12 saints who are at the peak of the supreme level.

Fortunately, in the vertical and horizontal game world, the strength of a first-order angel is more than enough.

In the Time Barrier, Shang Di condensed hundreds of clones, and then went out to practice marksmanship.

Refreshing physically and mentally, he entered the world enchantment again, gathering hundreds of clones again.

"12 avatars, the avatars that control the Hongmeng universe, stay in the Hongmeng universe."

"The remaining 12 avatars happen to have a Tower of Life and Death for each of them."

After ten days of indulgence, Shangdi returned to Yanhuang City.

One by one, the avatars who became immortals and gods quietly entered the towers of life and death.

"Increase seven billion luck points every second, and earn 650 trillion luck points a day?"

Excited and excited, Shangdi didn't go to the city anymore, and was just waiting outside the city to buy his life.

When the luck value of the system reaches 100 billion, 1000 billion, [-] trillion, [-] trillion, and [-] billion, he will buy life reserves without hesitation.

In less than a day, Shandy bought five lives.

The next day, he bought another life.

"One trillion is one trillion, and if you buy your life again, you need a hundred trillion."

Ten days later, Shangdi bought a life with [-] trillion system luck points.

After waiting for more than 100 days, he paid for his life with one thousand trillion luck points.

"The next time you buy your life, you need 1000 trillion, and it will take more than [-] days."

Shangdi, who didn't want to wait, returned to the courtyard in Yanhuang City.

During the day, practice martial arts such as Dragon Claw Hand, Qishangquan, Dugu Nine Swords, Yijinjing, Xisuijing, Dragon Subduing Eighteen Palms, Douzhuanxingyi, Lingboweibu, Xiaoli Feidao and so on.

Although these martial arts can't improve his strength, they can pass the time.

Return to Hongmeng Universe at night and enjoy the life of beautiful women like clouds.

When he doesn't want to practice martial arts, he goes out for a stroll.

Sometimes go fishing with Huang Yaoshi, sometimes fight with Qiao Feng
This morning, Shangdi, who was strolling on the street, encountered a battle between the Montenegrin old monster and Ning Caichen.

"Both are first-level cultivators, and the Black Mountain old demon has the upper hand."

Looking at Nie Xiaoqian who looked worried, Shang Di just shot him casually.

The Black Mountain old demon who was about to win was lying motionless on the ground.

"It's too weak to stop a single bullet."

Shangdi, who left quietly, happened to meet Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun fighting with Xiongba.

"After death and resurrection, it doesn't stop."

Shangdi, who was hit by Chiyu, sent out a bullet.

The three corpses fell to the ground, and three points were attributed to Yuan Qi, Paiyun Palm, Fengshen Leg, and Tianshuang Fist.

Time is like running water, and a few months have passed quietly.

"Four villains, kill them."

"Duan Zhengchun, kill him once."

Shandy, who was walking, pulled the trigger from time to time.

Many characters in novels, movies, and games gave him some luck points.

"The speed of making money is getting slower and slower, and the luck points you get from killing enemies are getting less and less."

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much, go back and exercise."

In a flash, Shang Di returned to the Hongmeng Universe.

After a while, he played a shootout game with Hong Sung Min, Song Joo, Yoo Da Yeon, and Lee Ji Hyun Jeon Young Ae.

Shangdi, who wins more with less, swam for a while, and came to the edge of the fish pond, catching fish lazily and impermanently.

Day after day, year after year.

Shangdi, who saved enough money for the system, bought another life.

"The efficiency of making system money is getting slower and slower, and it will take at least tens of thousands of days to buy another life."

With little system money left, Shandy began to squander game money.

His current luck value in the game is more than 100 megabytes.

In the game world, the most expensive exercises that can be bought with luck points are only one trillion.

In line with the idea of ​​accumulating background, Shangdi bought cheap ones from expensive ones.

Martial arts skills, I bought them, and cultivation skills, I also bought them.

As for magic and abilities, he simply ignored them.

The potential for magic and abilities is too small, and it is like a tasteless rib to him.

"I have bought all the martial arts skills and cultivation skills?"

With nothing to do, Shangdi began to study the exercises he bought.

See through the essence of the exercises at a glance, and cultivate them to the peak in one pass.

Time passed day after day, and after an unknown amount of time, the game world collapsed.

Finding the world collapsed, Shangdi sent all clones back to the Hongmeng universe.

In the blink of an eye, 12 clones disappeared from the game world.

"So what if you run away? So what if you don't run away?"

"The dream of being invincible has to sacrifice one's life!"

The vast and boundless game world is quickly entering extinction.

The Black and White City was reduced to history, and the Yanhuang City was wiped out.

The fearless Shangdi let the power of destruction add to his body.

His energy and spirit were constantly being wiped out, and it didn't take long for him to be wiped out again.

(End of this chapter)

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