Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 424 Amazing marksmanship

Chapter 424 Amazing marksmanship

Zheng Youyi took out the code book and asked someone to send a telegram.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Shang Di came to a tea house according to the appointment.

"Dragon God, how much will it cost to kill Hei Zetian?" Zheng Youyi asked straight to the point.

"Kurosawada is the head of the Secret Service Section, how much do you think is appropriate?" Shandi kicked the ball.

"How about fifteen hundred silver dollars?" Zheng Youyi said after thinking about it.

"Give five hundred first, and the remaining one thousand will be given after the work is done." Shang Di said.

"Okay." Zheng Youyi took out five large yellow croakers.

One large yellow croaker is equal to ten small yellow croakers, and one small yellow croaker is equal to ten silver dollars.

"After the matter is completed, we will contact you again." Shang Di turned and left.

"Station Master, do you want to send someone to follow?" Jiang Yang asked.

"Follow up and seek death?" Zheng Youyi asked angrily.

A person who dared to jump from the third floor, and the Dragon God Squad who didn't know how deep he was, he didn't dare to offend easily.

Back at Shang Mansion, Shang Di called Huang Zhiqiang and others.

Half an hour later, team members rushed over one after another.

"The target, Kurosawada, is the head of the Secret Service Division. Within three days, there is a reward for this task. After the task is completed, each person will receive one hundred silver dollars." Shang Di said.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

After formulating the assassination plan, three groups of people came to the commanding heights with weapons in hand.

The Secret Service Division is heavily guarded, and even if the mission can be completed by force, there will be casualties.

With the idea of ​​protecting themselves and killing the enemy, Huang Zhiqiang and others decided to shoot from a distance.

One group is responsible for killing the target, the second group is responsible for assisting, and the third group is responsible for responding.

After waiting for several hours, Kurosawada walked out of the office building.

At this moment, several rifle bullets rushed towards him.

Kurosawada, who was shot in the chest and head, fell to the ground straight.

"The section chief was attacked, catch the assassin!" A fusang devil shouted.

"Team leader, do you want to kill a few more?" Zhou Dahu asked eagerly.

"Withdraw!" Huang Zhiqiang said.

"Yes!" Zhou Dahu and Liu Cheng nodded in response.

With a distance of more than 400 meters, Kurosawatian was instantly killed, and everyone was still not satisfied.

Just in case, they decided to evacuate.

If you don't leave, you will be surrounded by Fusang devils sooner or later.

At that time, even if the siege is broken, who can guarantee that there will be no casualties?

In broad daylight, the head of the Secret Service Division was killed at the door, and countless people gasped for it.

All of a sudden, Haicheng was in turmoil, and the Fusang devils were looking for the murderer everywhere.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Shangdi came to the teahouse again.

"Dragon God, this is the final payment." Zheng Youyi smiled.

The cunning and cruel Kurosawatian died, and everyone in Haicheng Station heaved a sigh of relief.

"If you can't solve it and it's related to Fusang devils, prepare the corresponding silver dollars and contact us." After Shang Di finished speaking, he took the balance and left.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Huang Zhicheng and others came to Shang Mansion.

"One hundred silver dollars per person, or a small yellow croaker." Shandi pointed to the things on the table.

"Dragon God, do you have any new missions?" Liu Wenbo asked.

"There is a task to inform you." Shandi said.

Divided the money, left, and ate a steaming hot pot alone.

After eating a lot of dragon meat, Shangdi went back to Hongmeng Universe.

After wandering around the world of mortals, the world of immortals, the world of gods, and the world of saints, Shang Di, who was in a good mood, returned to the Shang mansion again.

"Dragon God, this is the telegram received yesterday." An intelligent robot said.

After reading the above content, Shandy asked someone to return a telegram.

At nine o'clock the next morning, I arrived at the teahouse on time.

"Dragon God, can you help me rescue these people?" Zheng Youyi took out five photos.

"Is someone in prison?" Shandi asked thoughtfully.

"En." Zheng Youyi nodded.

"How much?" Shandy asked.

"One thousand silver dollars per person." Zheng Youyi tentatively asked.

"Okay." Shandi didn't bargain. He didn't care about things like gold and silver for a long time. What's more, the current universe will be his sooner or later.

"This is the deposit." Zheng Youyi took out one large yellow croaker and five small yellow croakers.

After taking the money and leaving, Shangdi contacted nine team members.

The five people Zheng Youyi wanted to save were all in Fusang devil's prison.

Before formulating a rescue plan, the situation in the prison needs to be clarified.

Shang Di talked about the content of the task, and let Huang Zhiqiang and others play it by themselves.

In his own way, he put some satellites.
"I only accept the task for money, and leave the completion of the task to Huang Zhiqiang and the others."

"If the team members can't complete the task, it's not too late for me, the dragon god, to take action."

To drive away the messy thoughts, Shandy went into the room to play games.

Huang Zhiqiang, Liu Wenbo and others went to observe near the prison for several days.

"There are about 120 fusang devils in a four-hour shift," Zhen Youwei said.

"It's not difficult to kill the devils in the prison. With our marksmanship, we can kill one with one shot." Zhao Zhenxing was full of confidence.

"This mission doesn't seem too difficult." Zhen Youwei smiled.

"At one o'clock in the morning, attack directly, be careful." Xu Wenbo said.

The prison is more than ten miles away from the gendarmerie, so as long as it can be done within half an hour, there will be no problem.

In the dead of night, a group of people drove to the prison with weapons and ammunition.

"The phone line has been cut," Zhen Youwei said.

"The bomb is installed," Xu Wenbo said.

"Action." As soon as Huang Zhiqiang finished speaking, he shot and killed a devil.

Rapid gunshots rang out, and the devils were shot in the head one by one, and fell to the ground one after another.

Zhen Youwei, Li Yao, and Zhao Zhenxing rushed into the prison, occupied the commanding heights, and assisted Huang Zhiqiang and others.

Xu Wenbo, Chen Tianci, and Zhang Haoran were watching outside the prison.

Huang Zhiqiang, Zhou Dahu, and Liu Cheng entered the cell invincible.
In less than 10 minutes, the entire prison was emptied, leaving more than 100 dead bodies.

Knowing that all the people Zheng Youyi rescued were rescued, Shang Di asked the intelligent robot to send a telegram.

Handing over the person to the other party, he returned to the Shang Mansion with the final payment in hand.

Huang Zhiqiang and the others were given [-] silver dollars each, and Shangdi kept [-] silver dollars.

As the dragon god of the dragon god team, the proportion should be higher.

It is obviously inappropriate to share the commission equally with the nine players.

After seeing the situation in the prison, Binshan Xiong was shocked and angry.

More than 100 warriors of the Great Golden Crow Empire had no power to resist, and he was terrified in his heart.

More than 100 warriors died, and Binshan Xiong fell into a rage.

Leaving some men to deal with the corpse, Bin Shanxiong led the team back to the gendarmerie.

"Master Binshan, Mr. Kawashima, Section Chief Kurosawa, and the prison are all done by Zheng Youyi, the station master of Longguo Haicheng Station, who paid for the Shenlong team to do it." Ito Jing, the new head of the Haicheng Secret Service Division, knocked on the door and came. enter.

"Section Chief Ito, is the news accurate?" Bin Shanxiong asked.

"The news comes from the headquarters of the Long Foreign Affairs Office." Ito Jing said.

"Thank you, Mr. Ito." Bin Shanxiong bowed and saluted.

"It's a pity that there is no photo of Zheng Youyi, and I don't know the situation of the Dragon God Squad." Ito Jing said helplessly.

"The marksmanship of the Dragon God Squad is so good that they kill each time with one shot. I wonder if Ms. Ito can help me find some sharpshooters?" Bin Shanxiong asked expectantly.

"How many people do you need?" Ito Jing asked.

"At least 50 people." Bin Shanxiong said after thinking about it.

"I'll try." Ito Jing didn't answer clearly. The other party needed too many sharpshooters, and she didn't know ten sharpshooters in total.

Even if she is the head of Haicheng's special affairs department now, it will take a lot of time to find all fifty sharpshooters.

(End of this chapter)

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