Chapter 425

After analyzing the situation, Shandy recruited nine players.

"Dragon God." Huang Zhiqiang and others shouted.

"Sit down." After Shang Di finished speaking, he said again: "According to the current situation, within a few years, the people of Fusang will make an all-out attack. By then, Haicheng will definitely fall."

"I can see it too." Xu Wenbo nodded.

"For the safety of your family, you can move to Yunshan City." Shang Di said.

"That's a good idea." Huang Zhiqiang agreed.

One month later, Shangdi took nine team members and escorted their families to settle in Yunshan City.

After solving their worries, the group returned to Haicheng again.

What one person knows is a secret, but what two people know is not a secret.

Through the people at the headquarters of the Foreign Affairs Department, Ito Jing got Zheng Youyi's photo.

She sent someone to follow Zheng Youyi, and after half a month, Shangdi came into her sight.

The strength of the Dragon God team is too strong, and Ito Jing wants to take it under his command.

A group of people who take money to do things, as long as the money is enough, they will not be conquered.

After deliberately dressing up, Ito Jing left the secret service class.

Seeing a beautiful woman sitting in front of him, Shandi smiled and said, "Do you know me?"

"Mr. Shang, I'm Ito Jing." Ito Jing didn't hide it either.

"Are you from Fusang?" Shangdi pretended to be surprised.

"Mr. Shang, I know what you have done." Ito Jing said.

"The appearance, body and temperament are all in line with my standards, but it's a pity that she is not the original Fusang beauty. The head of the secret service department, just kill her." Shang Di gave the other party a bullet.

Ito Jing didn't figure it out until his death, and the other party would suddenly attack her.

"It's getting late, let's go." Shan Di said to himself, got up and left.

Bullets shot out one after another, and the people brought by Ito Jing fell to the ground one after another.

The invincible Shangdi easily killed Fusang devils one by one.

Walking on the street, he pulled the trigger recklessly, instantly killing the Fusang devil.

Corpses fell to the ground one after another, and before they knew it, the streets were littered with corpses.

After more than an hour of morning exercise and some disguise, Shandy went out again.

Wandering the busy streets, Shandi found a noodle shop and ate a bowl of mutton rice noodles.

Occasionally go back to Hongmeng Universe to learn a foreign language.

As long as money is given to the task at the Haicheng Station of the Foreign Affairs Department, Shang Di will accept it.

Time is like running water, and it is half a year in the blink of an eye.

Bin Shanxiong asked his men to investigate the case of Yi Tengjing's murder with all his strength.

With the help of the Special Affairs Section, the Haicheng Station of the Foreign Affairs Department was found out by the Fusang devils.

Zheng Youyi, who ran fast enough, escaped the pursuit of the Secret Service.

Jinfu Miyano, the new head of the Haicheng Secret Service Section, after some investigation, found out the members of the Dragon Squad.

That night, Huang Zhiqiang, Liu Wenbo and others broke through the siege and came to Shang Mansion one after another.

Shandy took away the guns and ammunition and the intelligent robot, closed the basement, and said, "Let's go!"

A group of people drove the car with weapons and kept shooting and killing the Fusang devils.

There was a loud gunshot, and corpses fell to the ground.

In an instant, there were more than 200 corpses at the entrance of Shang Mansion.

Kill the Fusang devils who intercepted them, and they drove away in three cars.

If it wasn't for Shang Di's desire to leave, even if the Golden Crow Kingdom were to mobilize, they wouldn't even be able to break into the Shang Mansion.

After staying in Haicheng for more than two years, he has long wanted to change places.

"Baga, catch up with me." Jinfu Miyano shouted loudly.

Shandy held a bolt-action rifle in one hand and shot behind him casually.

The bullet that shot out hit Miyano Jino's forehead accurately.

The head of Haicheng's special affairs department, who had just taken office, fell straight to the ground.

Bin Shanxiong and Murashita Jiro, who charged forward, were also hit between the eyebrows by rifle bullets.

One by one, the Fusang devils shouted loudly, "Your Majesty."

There was a riot in Haicheng, and more than 600 Fusang devils were killed. Shangdi and others drove away.

"Dragon God, where are we going?" Liu Wenbo asked.

"Go to Sioux City." Shang Di thought for a while and said.

Haicheng is not far from Sucheng, and they arrived at their destination before dawn.

When the city gate opened, everyone drove into the city.

After buying a mansion, Shangdi sent a telegram to Zheng Youyi.

"Station Master, a telegram from Dragon God." Jiang Yang knocked on the door.

"Come in." Zheng Youyi shouted.

"Station Master, Dragon God and the others have gone to Suzhou City." Jiang Yang said.

"Do you know who the person who fought with the Fusang Devil last night was?" Zheng Youyi asked.

"It's Dragon God and the others," Jiang Yang said.

"Tell me in detail." Zheng Youyi gestured.

"Speaking of which, this matter may be related to the headquarters of our foreign affairs department," Jiang Yang said.

"There are only ten people in total, more than 600 Fusang devils have been killed, and there have been no casualties. The strength of the Dragon God team is unbelievably strong." Zheng Youyi was horrified.

"Dragon God's marksmanship is superb. Some people saw him using a rifle with one hand, and at a distance of more than 300 meters, he killed Miyano Jino, Binshan Kuma, and Murashita Jiro successively." Jiang Yang said.

"The Haicheng Secret Service Division and the Gendarmerie suffered heavy casualties. Our chance has come." Zheng Youyi said with a smile.

"What chance?" Jiang Yang asked.

"Fusang Devil has three banks in Haicheng." Zheng Youyi said with bright eyes.

Haicheng is a port city, equivalent to a transfer station.

"Your subordinate will make arrangements now," Jiang Yang said.

"From now on, no one is allowed to act alone. Anyone who violates the order will be killed!" Zheng Youyi said coldly.

"Yes!" Jiang Yang responded loudly.

After settling down in Sioux City, Shandy started the second phase of training.

When they evacuated from Haicheng last night, the marksmanship of Huang Zhiqiang and others was a bit unsightly.

Although the enemy was also dodging while shooting in the car, it was unreasonable to hit two or three out of ten bullets.

The members of the Dragon God Squad, no matter what the shooting environment is, within the effective range, the marksmanship must be perfect.

Leading the team to the suburbs, Shandy asked one team member to drive while the rest shot at moving targets.

Gunshots kept ringing, and the cloth strips fluttering in the wind were hit by bullets from time to time.

"Aim and shoot fast, otherwise you won't be able to hit the target." Shan Di said in a deep voice.

Pistol ten meters, 20 meters, 30 meters, 40 meters, 50 meters.

Rifle 150 meters, 200 meters, 250 meters, [-] meters
Time is like running water, and it is more than ten days in a blink of an eye.

"Your current marksmanship is almost enough." Shandi said.

"Dragon God, how does the bullet turn?" Liu Wenbo asked.

"There are two ways to redirect bullets, one is ejection and the other is arc shooting." Shandy said.

"Ejection? Arc shooting?" Liu Wenbo was stunned.

"At a specific angle, if you hit something with high hardness, the bullet will be refracted, and the hardness of the auxiliary object is low. It can't be refracted." After Shandi finished speaking, he demonstrated it himself.

"Dragon God, how did you do the arc shooting?" Liu Wenbo asked again.

"When the bullet is fired, the arm swings at high speed, and the bullet will fly in an arc. Arc shooting requires a lot of time control and arm strength." Shandi did not hide it.

The marksmanship of the nine team members has reached the bottleneck, it is time to learn refraction and arc shooting.

As for whether they can master the two spear skills, Shandi doesn't care.

Refraction and arc shooting are both relatively common gun skills among Qiankun shooting skills.

Relatively speaking, those who have mastered arc shooting do not need to learn refraction.

In the next few days, Liu Wenbo, Huang Zhiqiang and others went to the suburbs every day to practice refraction and arc shooting.

Shandy goes shopping during the day and learns foreign languages ​​at night.

Liu Dayan and Song Zhu don't like to practice very much, so they happened to accompany him to practice marksmanship.

"Dragon God, a telegram from Haicheng Station." An intelligent robot held a telegram.

After reading the contents of the telegram, Shandy summoned nine team members.

Last month, three Fusang banks in Haicheng were attacked by the Haicheng Station of the Foreign Affairs Department.
The furious Fusang devils arrested people in Haicheng wantonly.

(End of this chapter)

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