Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 453 Rapid Expansion

Chapter 453 Rapid Expansion

People who think that meat is delicious, but at the same time say that animals are pitiful, are all hypocrites.

The eagle eats the rabbit, and the rabbit eats the grass. Nature is the law of the jungle.

When animals don't eat animals, the ecological cycle breaks down.

People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature.

Just let nature take its course and eat whatever you want.

I ate a whole fish feast at noon, and in the afternoon I went fishing and played cards.

You can earn some pocket money by reselling the unfinished food.

The purchase price of fish in Wangjiacun Reservoir has risen to [-] per catty.

Restaurants in Xingxian County are being acquired, and restaurants outside Xingxian County are also being acquired.

At the gate of Wangjia Village, there is a large group of fishmongers every day.

"I don't want to go to work anymore." Su Jiancheng said.

"One catty of fish earns one hundred, and if you catch ten catties of fish, you can earn more than 1000." Suni laughed.

"I heard that the price of the fish in this reservoir has risen to five or six hundred in other places." Su Yuntian said.

In a reservoir of more than 1000 acres, Shangdi will release thousands of tons of fish every once in a while.

At the deepest part of the reservoir, the water depth is more than [-] meters, and the water depth in the shallow water area is more than one meter.

People with bad luck can't catch a few catties a day, those with average luck can catch more than ten catties a day, and people with good luck can catch hundreds of catties a day. The quality of fishing skills has little effect on the catch.

Fishing, first of all, there must be fish, followed by bait, fishing rod, fishing line, hook and so on.

Some fishing masters, with equipment worth tens of thousands of dollars, may not be able to catch as much fish as those who use bamboo poles.

"It would be great if there was a boat." Su Jiancheng said.

"I'm about to buy a boat. The water surface of 1000 acres is enough for a small boat to go around." Shandi laughed.

The closest part of the reservoir to the river is only more than 100 meters away, so it is not difficult to get the boat into the reservoir.

Shandy plans to buy a smaller yacht. In his spare time, he can drink tea and go fishing in the central area of ​​the reservoir.

In the afternoon of the next day, Su Jiancheng and Su Yuntian returned to the urban area.

Fishing, practicing guns, and collecting money every day, the days are quite fulfilling.

At the end of the summer vacation, Suni started her third year of graduate school, and Shandi was busy transforming machinery and equipment.

Taking advantage of everyone in the factory area, dozens of humanoid intelligent robots were released.

Two garbage treatment plants, a sewage treatment plant, and a water supply plant have been completed successively.

Some retired soldiers were recruited, and four new factories were put into operation one after another.

At present, it costs about [-] yuan to process one ton of garbage from collection, transportation to landfill.

Shangdi only handles it, regardless of collection, transportation, etc., and charges two hundred per ton.

Turning solid waste into raw materials can sell for more than 800 per ton on average.

After deducting various costs, the profit is about [-] for disposing of one ton of garbage.

Liangjiang produces more than 8 tons of garbage every day. If all of them are captured, the daily profit will be at least 8000 million.

Earn 8000 million a day, and after a month, it is a pre-tax income of more than [-] billion.

"Set a small goal, within three years, win the tap water, sewage, and garbage markets of Tianyuan Country."

Acceptance of kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, universities, hospitals, nursing homes, and Shangdi paid the balance.

Shang Di recruited a shrewd and capable professional manager and asked him to assist Yang Guang in managing the welfare center.

I went to the capital and found a TV station to place an advertisement to recruit teachers and staff.

Veterans and military families are recruited for jobs that veterans or military families can do.

"The quality of the water produced by the waterworks far exceeds the standard for pure water, and the pollution comes from the pipes."

After some consideration, Shandy bought a plumbing factory and a machinery factory.

Not enough money?Mortgage loans, banks have plenty of money.

It is easy to earn more than 1 million every day and borrow tens of billions.

Before he could get a mortgage, officials from all over the country came to his door.

The official out of the field factory, he out of the equipment responsible for management, and then [-] to [-] percent.

If there is some bargaining, Shangdi is confident that he will get [-]% of the shares.

For a joint venture factory, according to the same standard, he accounts for [-]% and the government accounts for [-]%.

"Change the water pipe again, and the tap water can be drunk directly."

Time is like running water, and a few months have passed quietly.

"The more money is used, the more money is used. If this continues, I have to worry about how to use the money."

Land and factory buildings are the most expensive items for garbage treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, and waterworks.

Valuable machinery and equipment are all produced by intelligent robots at no cost.

Any new factory put into use is equivalent to an extra money printing machine.

In just a few months, he has added dozens of garbage treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, and water supply plants.

"The factory continues to be built, and the water pipes will be replaced every year."

Seeing that the Chinese New Year is only ten days away, Shangdi decided to stop for a while.

The new year is in a good mood, and he has sufficient funds. While continuing to build waterworks, sewage treatment plants, and garbage treatment plants, he replaced water pipes one by one.

Advertisements were placed on TV stations, and the purified water plants closed down one by one.

Where the pipes have been changed, the water quality is far beyond the standard of pure water. Who will buy bottled water?
Those who are worried take the tap water and bottled purified water and send them to the water quality inspection department.
"By the end of this year at the latest, we will be able to win the tap water, garbage, and sewage markets of Tianyuan Country."

Tianyuan Country consumes 8000 billion tons of tap water and discharges more than 6000 billion tons of sewage every year.

Don't be surprised, the water used in many factories is pumped from rivers.

Even if tap water is reduced by one yuan per ton, the profit will be more than 5 trillion yuan before sharing and tax payment.

According to 3% to [-]%, he accounts for [-]% of the shares, and his pre-tax profit is as high as more than [-] trillion yuan.

"Next year, we can earn more than 3 trillion yuan just from tap water and sewage. It is too difficult to spend money."

Thinking about it carefully, Shandy realized that he had made a mistake.

As water bills fall, water consumption will certainly increase.

"Don't think about it, go to Liangjiang University."

After driving away from Wangjia Village, Shangdi came to Liangjiang City.

Stroll through the tree-lined Liangjiang University and see the energetic school girls.

"The heights are unbearably cold, invincible and lonely like snow."

Feeling emotional in his heart, Shangdi came to the pavilion outside the teaching building.

Sitting on the stone bench, he took out a spirit smoke and lit it, and smoked it leisurely.

"I've been married for so long, and I haven't bought flowers for my wife yet."

"It's 04:30 soon, she's about to leave school."

Seeing no one around, in a flash, Shandi had a bouquet of roses in his hand.

After a while, Suni came out of the teaching building.

Shang Di went up to meet her and said with a smile, "Beauty, can you go out for a meal?"

Su Ni nodded with a smile on her face.

Shandy couldn't help laughing.

"How did you think of buying me flowers?" Suni asked with a smile.

"Can't you buy it?" Shandy asked.

"What to eat?" Suni changed the subject.

"You can eat whatever you want, anyway, it's not like you don't know what I want to eat." Shandi said.

After dinner in the cafeteria, I went home and practiced marksmanship for a while.

Watching TV, I fell asleep until I woke up naturally.

Suni went to school for class, and Shandi drove back to Wangjiacun.

I visited orchards, gardens, tea gardens, and vegetable gardens, and caught two native chickens.

After handling the chicken, he sent one to Su Jiancheng, and brought the other chicken into the city.

After calling Suni, Shandy started preparing dinner.

Time passed day after day, and before you knew it, it was the end of the year.

After discovering that the deposit amounted to more than 2 trillion yuan, Shandi donated [-] trillion yuan to the Fenglei Te Brigade.

Suffering from the phobia of money, he gave year-end bonuses of ten times the monthly salary to employees of garbage disposal plants, water pipe plants, machinery plants, water plants, sewage plants, and Sunshine Welfare Center.

The ordinary employees under him have a monthly salary of [-], and the year-end bonus of ordinary employees is [-].

 Thank you Brother Lighter than Feather for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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