Heaven-defying gun god system

Chapter 454 The Peak Showdown

Chapter 454 The Peak Showdown
On the thirtieth day of the twelfth lunar month, Su Jiancheng celebrates the New Year.

At nine in the morning, Shandy and Suni came to Villa No. [-].

Before ten o'clock, Suni's grandfather and the others drove over.

Soon after, Su Jianguo and Cai Wenmei also came.

"Xiao Shang, how is this year?" Zhang Shigui asked.

"An average of more than 100 million per day, after deducting various costs, the net profit is about 30." Shangdi laughed.

The Wangjiacun Reservoir received more than 200 million yuan per day in a single month, and only a few hundred thousand yuan per day in two months. On average, it is about 150 million yuan per day. Many people can roughly calculate how much they receive every day.

"Then you should have saved a lot of money?" Zhang Shigui asked again.

"I left some money, and the rest of the money was donated to the Sunshine Welfare Center. I grew up in the Sunshine Orphanage," Shang Di said solemnly.

"Sunshine Welfare Center?" Zhang Shigui was stunned.

"The Sunshine Orphanage was expanded. Currently, there are Sunshine Kindergarten, Sunshine Elementary School, Sunshine Junior High School, Sunshine High School, Sunshine University, and Sunshine Nursing Home, Sunshine Hospital." Shandi explained.

"Your reservoir has been contracted for many years?" Zhang Shigui asked.

"A total of 50 years, and another [-] years." Shandy said.

After chatting for a while, I went out to have lunch. Suni's cousins ​​wanted to go fishing in Wangjiacun Reservoir.

Shangdi agreed, and the group drove to Wangjiacun.

As soon as he entered Wangjia Village, some villagers greeted him with a smile: "Boss Shang."

Shangdi responded one by one, walked to the supermarket in the village, turned around and asked, "What do you drink?"

"I want Coke." More than a dozen people said one after another.

"Take whatever you want." Shandi laughed.

"How much?" Suni's cousin asked.

"Charge it to my account," Shandy said.

"Boss Shang, I'm asking you for these." Wang Fucheng said with a smile, something worth more than 100 yuan can still be used as a favor. For him, it is obviously a gain without compensation.

"Thank you." Shandy thanked.

I drove the yacht to the middle of the reservoir, fished for more than three hours, and then returned to the city.

After the new year, Suni went to Liangjiang University to study again.

Not long after, the once-in-ten-year peak duel was held on Jushi Island as scheduled.

Innate warriors from all over the world, as well as S-level supernatural beings, gathered on the giant stone island of Tianyuan Kingdom.

Shandi, who has nothing to do, came to Jushi Island with Suni.

Although the battle of the strong belongs to the innate warriors and the S-level abilities.

However, among the audience, there are not only warriors below innate, supernatural beings below S rank, but also some ordinary people.

"Realist Zhang from the Life Sect is here."

"The leader Wang of the Iron Fist Gang has also arrived."

"Jason, the S-level power supernatural being, is also here?"

Ignoring the noisy voices around him, Shangdi took out a spiritual smoke and lit it, and smoked it on his own.

Suni looked at her phone and said, "Why is there no signal?"

"The signal should be blocked." Shandi thought deeply.

Half an hour later, Jason rushed to the center of the boulder like the wind.

Seeing this situation, Wang Weidong, the leader of the Iron Fist Gang, rushed over with lightness kung fu.

The First World War ensued, and the earth-shattering sounds kept ringing.

"Looking at the two of them evenly matched, who do you think will win?" Suni asked.

"Jason will definitely lose," Shandy said.

With only a pair of iron fists, Wang Weidong fought Jason to a close.

If you use innate qi, Jason, who is in the strength department, can't handle a few moves.

The fact is also true, just after Wang Weidong used his innate qi, Jason was beaten until he vomited blood in the blink of an eye.

When masters fight with each other, often one move can determine the outcome and life or death.

With full force, one move can injure or kill the opponent, or be killed or injured by the opponent.

Fighting with more than ten moves, dozens of moves, except for the last move to determine the winner, the early stage is nothing more than probing and guarding.

How many days and nights will it take to decide the winner?That's not a duel, that's acting, or sparring.

"Okay!" The warriors and ordinary people of Tianyuan Kingdom shouted loudly.

"It feels like they are so slow." Suni whispered.

"You are much stronger than them." Shandi laughed.

"How many of them can you fight?" Suni asked.

"Hit as much as you want." Shandy said honestly.

With his current strength, a great master could be killed with one palm, let alone a congenital warrior.

Even if he stood still, as long as the grand master didn't have magic weapons, he wouldn't be able to hurt him at all.

As for those magical weapons that cut iron like mud, they are far worse than the lowest level of magic weapons.

If the avatar is used, even the supreme saint can't handle it.

Two fists are no match for four hands, he has 12 avatars.

This is not counting the offensive and defensive power of the ultimate Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Mobilizing the power of the primordial universe, the supreme saint is like an ant.

Jason was seriously injured and unconscious, and Locke, an S-level fire-type supernatural power, stepped forward.

After a few tricks, Wang Weidong was forced to admit defeat, and his hair was burned off.

Zhang Tianle from the Life Sect drew his sword and rushed over.

One after another fierce and unparalleled sword energy shot out, and groups of flames rushed violently.

The two attacked each other while dodging each other's sword energy and flames.

After more than a dozen moves, Locke thought he was invincible and retreated out of the battlefield.

Ability users and warriors from abroad looked at each other and attacked at the same time.

Outnumbered, Zhang Tianle and others had no choice but to fight and retreat.

"Asshole." Suni said angrily.

Shandy took out his pistol and pulled the trigger casually.

The pistol was invisible, the bullet invisible, and there was no gunfire.

Invisible bullets shot out, and foreign supernatural powers and warriors died on the spot.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than 300 corpses on the ground.

"Let's go." Shandy laughed.

"Yeah." Su Ni nodded.

Ignoring the bewildered crowd, the two left by boat.

"Master Zhang, who killed those people?" Wang Weidong was puzzled.

"The wound looks like a bullet, but it's too right, I didn't hear the gunshot." Zhang Tianle was puzzled.

"Fortunately, someone made a move secretly, otherwise, we would have suffered heavy losses, and it is unknown whether we can go back safely." Wang Weidong said with lingering fear.

"Unexpectedly, Locke and the others would dare to attack us on Jushi Island." Zhang Tianle was in shock.

"Although Jushi Island belongs to our Tianyuan Kingdom, it is only a few nautical miles away from the open sea." Wang Weidong reminded.

"Never come again next time." Zhang Tianle said.

"The top foreign experts have all been killed, and only our own people will participate in the next peak duel." Wang Weidong couldn't help laughing.

Back at the villa in Wangjia Village, I took a hot bath and practiced the Chaotic Yin-Yang Manual of Qi Refining for a while.

Shangdi changed his clothes and came to the special fishing platform, smoking spiritual smoke while catching fish.

"The peak duel once every ten years was also destroyed by me."

"No, if we turn a blind eye, the masters of Tianyuan Kingdom will definitely be beaten to death."

On the next Monday, after breakfast, Shandi sent Suni to Liangjiang University.

In a few months, my wife will graduate.

According to Suni's tone, she still wants to get a Ph.D.

A female doctor with impeccable appearance, figure and temperament, Shandi is happy to see her as his wife.

As for the inheritance of the family, he has always let nature take its course.

The probability of a cultivator giving birth to offspring is very low.

When he was in other worlds before, he had many descendants.

When he becomes Dao Tianzun, he will be able to reunite with his family members from world to world.

Dispelling the distracting thoughts in my mind, and wandering around the campus for more than half an hour, Shangdi drove away.

Beautiful women can be seen everywhere, but there are very few who can make his heart move, and even fewer meet his standards.

(End of this chapter)

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