Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 134 Just lie down and close your eyes

Chapter 134 Just lie down and close your eyes

Tang Yiyi gave him a blank look, and asked back: "Can I talk nonsense?"

Feng Shaohua shook his head quickly against Sheng Zeyuan's burning eyes: "No!" He knew he wouldn't, but Brother Sheng's eyes were so scary.

"By the way, have you had any contact with Xie Zhiyan recently?" Tang Yiyi felt a strange aura from Feng Shaohua, and it was more like Xie Zhiyan's.

"Me?" Feng Shaohua shook his head: "No!"

"Are you sure?" Tang Yiyi still felt that she didn't feel wrong.

"She almost fell when she got into the car, and I helped her up, does that count?" Feng Shaohua said uncertainly.

Hearing this, Tang Yiyi's complexion changed immediately, she quickly grabbed Feng Shaohua's arm, and the ability quickly walked around his body, and then her complexion changed.

"Xie Zhiyan, you bitch!"

Tang Yiyi raised her head to meet Sheng Zeyuan's eyes, and said in a low voice, "It's the bloodthirsty vine." She was worried, and grabbed Sheng Zeyuan's arm again, but this time it was okay, and she didn't find anything unusual.

"Come with me, I'll find a way to get rid of the seeds in your body." Xie Zhiyan should not be nearby, otherwise she would definitely stimulate the seeds when she saw herself standing with Feng Shaohua.

"The method you used before didn't work for Shaohua!" Sheng Zeyuan frowned, looked at Feng Shaohua who was still confused, and thought of an idea: "Why don't you tell the location of the seed first, and I'll take that piece Freeze, then dig out!"

Tang Yiyi looked at Feng Shaohua who looked anxious, and nodded in agreement: "That's fine, anyway, I have healing powers."

"Are you talking about me?" Feng Shaohua looked uncertain, what happened, can they explain it.

"Well, it's you, get in the car, let's hurry up, who knows when it will start to sprout!" Tang Yiyi directly drove Feng Shaohua into the car.

Feng Shaohua looked at the two serious-looking people in front of him, inexplicably, he also began to get nervous: "I... what preparations do I have to do?"

"No, just lie down and close your eyes!" Tang Yiyi had already grabbed Feng Shaohua's arm again, trying to confirm the exact location of the seed as much as possible.

After confirming it, he stretched out his finger and said to Sheng Zeyuan: "Just here, five centimeters down!"

Feng Shaohua felt a strange cold hit his waist, and his body shivered involuntarily.

"Speed, the seeds are starting to germinate!" Sheng Zeyuan's calm expression suddenly changed, and he could only increase the output of the ice ability.

Tang Yiyi realized that Xie Zhiyan must have noticed the sudden change in the temperature of the seeds and chose to give birth to the seeds immediately.

A cold light flashed in his hand, and a dagger appeared.

Tang Yiyi dug out a large piece of meat very quickly, then threw it together with the dagger into a reinforced iron box, then closed the lid, and quickly used the healing ability to heal Feng Shaohua's injury.

The wound with the mouth of the bowl healed quickly, and the severe pain Feng Shaohua felt disappeared quickly. He sat up quickly and stared at the iron box: "What's inside?"

Sheng Zeyuan wanted to pick up the iron box, but was preempted by Tang Yiyi.

"It's safer for me to come." She picked up the iron box directly, opened the car door and walked out: "Go and find some people with fire abilities."

There are people here, Huohuo and the others are not suitable to appear here.

(End of this chapter)

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