Chapter 135

Soon, there will be personnel.

Tang Yiyi pointed directly at the iron box on the ground, and ordered: "Set it on fire!"

The people who came didn't say much, they set it on fire and burned it, and soon a smell of meat and burning trees wafted away.

Tang Yiyi didn't let them stop until the iron box turned red and everything inside was burned.

"Yiyi, what on earth is that?" Feng Shaohua was still extremely curious, saying so, it was also a piece of meat that fell from his body.

"Have you heard of the bloodthirsty vine?" Tang Yiyi smiled.

Feng Shaohua shook his head: "No!"

"I just like human blood, it's easy to understand!" Tang Yiyi showed a wicked smile at Feng Shaohua.

Feng Shaohua suddenly became ill.

He likes human blood, and when he thinks that all the blood in his body has been sucked dry, he feels severe pain all over his body.

Sheng Zeyuan looked at Feng Shaohua with a look of disgust. It seemed that his will was not firm enough, and he was actually frightened by the bloodthirsty vine, so he had to give him a good exercise later.

He thought of a good excuse, directly covering up his jealousy when he watched Tang Yiyi grab Feng Shaohua's arm.

"Yi... Sister-in-law, thank you so much this time!" Feng Shaohua expressed his gratitude, and then flattered him: "You and Brother Sheng will be happy in the future."

As Sheng Zeyuan's subordinate and good buddy, how could he not know what Brother Sheng was thinking, so he should quickly find a way to stop his jealousy.

Sure enough, upon hearing what he said, Sheng Zeyuan's expression was as warm as ice and snow had just melted.

The corners of Tang Yiyi's mouth twitched, got into the car, looked at the blood splashed just now, and looked at Sheng Zeyuan: "I'd better go into the space to rest!"

"Get some water out!" Sheng Zeyuan mentioned, it's better to clean up the blood as soon as possible.

Now, basically most people don't like the smell of blood, because it can attract zombies.

Tang Yiyi nodded, entered the space, took a drum filled with water and came out.

Feng Shaohua was thirsty at the moment, and when he saw the water, he lay down on it and drank a few big mouthfuls, and then said comfortably, "It's so comfortable!"

"How long has it been since you drank water?" Tang Yiyi smiled.

The smile on Feng Shaohua's face faded: "There are not too many water-type superpowers in the base, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. We only have five this time, and we usually drink water by mouth." of!"

"It's so pitiful!" Tang Yiyi looked up at Sheng Zeyuan, thinking about it, he is the commander of the army, so it's not his turn to worry about such things.

Moreover, he entered the space several times during the period, and the problem of water use was not a problem at all for him.

"The base is short of water now?" Sheng Zeyuan had to worry. If there is a lack of water, the base is prone to riots.

"That's not true, but if the current situation continues to deteriorate, sooner or later, the water and food problems will completely erupt!" When talking about the base, Feng Shaohua gave people a more rigorous feeling.

"How about this, let them go back to the base first, let's go out for a while, and then bring back the supplies in a different form!" Tang Yiyi can only think of this way for the time being.

As for others guessing why the two of them can get so many things, this is something Sheng Zeyuan has to consider.

"Sister-in-law, do you have a lot of supplies in your space?" Feng Shaohua has already shouted very smoothly at this moment.

Tang Yiyi nodded, but didn't give Feng Shaohua a specific concept. In short, there are many.

(End of this chapter)

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