Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 142 Young man, it's important to make up your mind!

Chapter 142 Young man, it's important to make up your mind!

"You don't dare to do anything to me now. In the Zhengdong base, you don't dare to deal with me without any scruples!" Tang Yiyi's eyes were extremely cold, and she turned and left.

"I'll be waiting for you at Chaoyang Base!"

After she left, the villa was directly surrounded by people from the military, and most of the people who appeared here were people with fire abilities.

Tang Yiyi didn't seem to notice the raging fire burning behind her, she went directly to Sheng Zeyuan, and casually mentioned: "I have written a war letter to Xie Zhiyan!"

"Really?" Sheng Zeyuan's reaction was also very flat, flipping through the documents in his hand.

Feng Shaohua complained silently on the side, it was obviously a very important matter, no matter how he looked at the attitudes of the two people, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Tang Yiyi nodded: "She is not having a good time in the Zhengdong base now, but this is because we have taken the lead. As long as she reacts, she will definitely be able to solve the problem with her means."

"So, you directly used the aggressive method to force people over, leaving her with little time to develop her own strength?" Sheng Zeyuan then slowly raised his head.

Tang Yiyi pulled her face, pouted and complained: "I don't have so many ideas!"

"Brother Sheng is still amazing!" Feng Shaohua raised his thumb.

Tang Yiyi stared at him hard for a day, and then continued: "Xie Zhiyan's ability is a plant ability. If she is strong enough, she might be able to command mutant plants."

So, in fact, it doesn't make much difference whether they deal with Xie Zhiyan earlier or later.

After all, they don't have many mutated plants, so it depends on Xie Zhiyan's ability.

"She should have absorbed An Chengjun's crystal nucleus, so what do you mean by saying that now?" Sheng Zeyuan didn't beat around the bush with Tang Yiyi, and went straight to the point.

"There is still a period of time before people turn the surroundings of the base into concrete ground!" Without the land as a basis, she wants to see how Xie Zhiyan can get those mutated plants over.

And it's not just the concrete floor, she also has to set up countless wood piles on it, as long as there are vines swimming over, they can just light it up!
She said all of her ideas, and what she got was Sheng Zeyuan's half-smile and Feng Shaohua's thumbs up.

"Sister-in-law, I'll make arrangements now!" Feng Shaohua went out confidently.

Since brother Sheng gave Tang Yiyi the wife's status in the name of the army commander that day, she is now recognized as the wife of the army commander.

Who is not active at her command?After all, no one will have trouble with food.

It's just that the people who went out to carry out the mission were not very lucky. Not long after they started, they saw a mighty army of zombies.

"Send the alarm quickly! Zombies are besieging the city!" Someone screamed immediately.

Feng Shaohua hurriedly organized the retreat and rushed to the office.

"Brother Sheng, the wave of zombies is coming!"

Sheng Zeyuan didn't raise his head: "Yiyi has already passed!"

But there is only one sister-in-law, so many zombies, can she stop it?
"Brother Sheng, why don't you go and have a look, in case there is any danger?" Feng Shaohua hesitated to speak, seeing Sheng Zeyuan's appearance, he was really not worried at all.

It is said that the way zombies evolve is to constantly devour crystal nuclei. My sister-in-law's crystal nuclei are of such a high level that there must be zombies coveting them. Is Brother Sheng really not worried about the emergence of higher-level zombies?
If Tang Yiyi knew that Feng Shaohua had thought so much, she would only hehe.

Boy, it's important to make up your mind!

(End of this chapter)

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