Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 143 Zombies Can Still Mix Cement

Chapter 143 Zombies Can Still Mix Cement

It's just that when Feng Shaohua rushed to the outskirts of the base again, he looked at the situation outside and was stunned by the loss.

There are not a few people with the same expression as him.

They knew that zombies would bite people, and that zombies had crystal nuclei in their brains, but they really didn't know that zombies could make concrete floors with cement!

"This... is this arranged by my sister-in-law?" Feng Shaohua suspected that he had fake eyes.

Sheng Zeyuan gave him a contemptuous look, isn't this obvious?
"Okay, it's all over, do what you have to do!" Sheng Zeyuan strode out after finishing these words.

Everyone looked in horror at Sheng Zeyuan who was slowly approaching the group of zombies, worried that the zombies would suddenly explode.

But until he walked to Tang Yiyi's side, those zombies were busy with what they were doing before, and they are still busy with what they are doing now. Compared with humans, they are much more industrious, and they will not be lazy at all.

"It's a good idea for you, let them do it!" Sheng Zeyuan looked at the crowd of zombies with doting tenderness in his eyes.

"I think those people's speed is too slow. If Xie Zhiyan arrives tomorrow and the ground is not dry, then the value of preparation will be gone." Tang Yiyi thinks that the zombie army is very good, but the visual effect is a little bit And heavy.

"Okay, here is Fengzi watching, let's go back, don't worry, after the pavement is completed, Huohuo will dry the ground with fire-type zombies, and the construction period will be shortened as much as possible!"

Tang Yiyi was very satisfied with his thoughts, and walked back while tugging on Sheng Zeyuan's sleeve.

Sheng Zeyuan didn't express any opinions, Tang Yiyi could do whatever he wanted, and if he didn't succeed, there would be him!

The Chaoyang base is now dominated by the military. The previous mercenary alliance has existed in name only, and many supernatural beings have registered with the military, which is equivalent to being members of the military.

The current Chaoyang base is a piece of Tietong. Ordinary people go to the production and work. They are responsible for the safety of the base. Now that there is enough food, plus the two anti-air missiles that Tang Yiyi got out of the space, for the time being, they have nothing to worry about. .

When Tang Yiyi walked into the base, he saw that the crowd around him looked dull, and said with some disgust: "Is this all scared and stupid? The psychological endurance is really poor!"

Is it really that their mental capacity is too poor?fall!

Obviously, they were still fighting zombies before, and they couldn't live without fighting zombies. Now they suddenly see zombies adding defenses to their bases, which is personally unacceptable.

However, who made their commander's wife Tang Yiyi?
Forget it, there will definitely be many more 'surprises' like this in the future, and they must get used to it slowly.

Gradually, half a year has passed. In this half year, countless news about Xie Zhiyan have been sent back, false and true. Anyway, she has appeared in the other four bases. Tang Yiyi is very concerned about this. definite.

"Brother Sheng, how do you think Xie Zhiyan can sit still?" Tang Yiyi has now changed her name to Sheng Zeyuan, and since she called Sheng Zeyuan like this, Feng Shaohua was forced to change her name.

Now, Brother Sheng can only shout out to Tang Yiyi alone.

"Isn't this a chance for you to improve?" Because of Tang Yiyi, Sheng Zeyuan's current strength has improved a bit.

It is said that the higher you go, the more difficult it is, but with Tang Yiyi's help, Sheng Zeyuan didn't seem to spend too much effort!

(End of this chapter)

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