Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 144 It really cost money

Chapter 144 It really cost money

Tang Yiyi pouted: "Yechang has many dreams, if she doesn't show up again, I'll go find her."

"I'll accompany you!" Sheng Zeyuan said directly as an excuse.

The corners of Feng Shaohua's mouth twitched while he was sorting out the documents. He didn't make any impressions. In the past six months, he had listened to such conversations a lot, and he was already invulnerable.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the earphone.

"Brother Sheng, there has been a discovery at the watchtower, and the eyes on the outside have turned green."

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, there are obviously mutated plants that have arrived.

"It's finally here, my hands are itchy!" Tang Yiyi immediately stood up with a look of anticipation.

No way, now she can't find an opponent.

But if she fought with Sheng Zeyuan, the final result would definitely be to be pushed to the bed, so she was really grateful for Xie Zhiyan's appearance.

She really needs a good vent.

"The crystal nuclei are ready?" Sheng Zeyuan didn't want to discourage Tang Yiyi's enthusiasm, but just kindly reminded him.

In the current space, as long as the crystal nucleus is placed in it for more than a day, it will be absorbed.

Therefore, she had to put the crystal nucleus outside.

The smile on Tang Yiyi's face disappeared immediately, and she hurried to Sheng Zeyuan's side, opened the drawer, and was about to put the crystal nucleus inside into the space when she was stopped.

"Wait for the news first, Xie Zhiyan shows up before you go down!"

No one showed up, so why worry!
Tang Yiyi also thought about it: "Then I will add some energy first!"

Her energy supplement is to take out an apple and eat it.

Feng Shaohua checks the situation with the watchtower at any time, but as long as the plants are approaching quickly, there is no sign of people at all.

"Forget it, Shaohua, take the crystal nucleus and go to the tower with me!" Tang Yiyi couldn't sit still.

"I'll accompany you!" Sheng Zeyuan stood up immediately, without the slightest sense of self-consciousness as an army commander: "You have dealt with the documents here."

The latter sentence was addressed to Feng Shaohua.

Tang Yiyi gnawed on the apple, with half of her body in Sheng Zeyuan's arms, and soon reached the tower, standing on a high place, looking at the plants that were about to reach the cement circle, Tang Yiyi involuntarily opened her mouth.

"She really paid for it!" With only two-thirds of the energy of An Chengjun's crystal nucleus, can so many mutated plants be summoned?
Tang Yiyi obviously didn't believe it.

"It should be controlling high-level plants, and everything else is cannon fodder!" Sheng Zeyuan was also surprised, but he wasn't worried at all.

Knowing that Xie Zhiyan's trump card is the plant-type ability, how could they only have the cement floor as a preparation?
With a snap of his fingers, someone hurriedly walked down the tower behind Sheng Zeyuan.

"What did you do?" Tang Yiyi looked curious.

"You'll find out later." Sheng Zeyuan put on a show.

Tang Yiyi curled her lips, she couldn't dig out what Sheng Zeyuan didn't want to say, anyway, she would know soon.

Suddenly, the entire Chaoyang base was dazzled.

Tang Yiyi looked at the gorgeous fireworks not far away, even in the daytime, he could still see them clearly.

"How did you do it?" She was surprised.

"Do you like it?" Sheng Zeyuan liked seeing Tang Yiyi's smiling face very much!
"Of course I like it!" Although a big battle is about to break out, such a romantic moment is really memorable.

Outside, Xie Zhiyan, who was hidden among the mutated plants, almost gritted her teeth when she saw this scene.

It's just that what happened next made her really feel incredible——

(End of this chapter)

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