Chapter 40

"What are you doing here? Go forward and help!" Tang Yiyi looked at the group of people who regarded themselves as treasures, and curled the corners of his mouth helplessly.

"Miss Tang, it's more important for us to protect you!" The group of people surrounding her didn't want to leave at all.

Compared to facing the zombie army directly, they are relatively safer here, and they are still with Tang Yiyi, everyone knows her importance.

"No, you all go, I'll just find a car and sit in it." After speaking, Tang Yiyi really found an empty car and got in.

Now, people here have no excuse to stay here.

After they all left, Tang Yiyi quietly opened the car door for a day, and smiled brightly at Xie Zhiyan outside the car window.

No one knows when the people in the car disappeared.

"Be careful yourselves, I'll lure the speed zombie away!" Sheng Zeyuan confronted the speed zombie as soon as he arrived.

Without the speed zombies attacking them at any time, the pressure on everyone was immediately reduced.

Even, many people put away the thermal weapons directly.

Compared with the loud sound of the gun, it is better to use cold weapons to lure the zombies.

Xie Zhiyan wanted to keep up, but she couldn't catch up at all, and now that she was at the forefront, it was the first battlefield to face the zombies. There were many supernatural beings and soldiers, but there were more zombies.

Watching Sheng Zeyuan disappear from her sight, Xie Zhiyan was so angry that she could only vent her anger on the zombies.

And Tang Yiyi, who disappeared in the car, immediately changed his clothes and put on his hat by the way. When he came out again, he quietly chased in the direction where Sheng Zeyuan disappeared.

In order for her to maintain her human form, she had to follow Sheng Zeyuan. If he encountered any danger, it would not be a good thing for her.

"I just said, you have to take it easy, you're going to be unable to support it!" Tang Yiyi looked at Sheng Zeyuan whose movements had slowed down a lot, and said coolly.

For no reason, Sheng Zeyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and help!"

Yes, after Tang Yiyi appeared, he took a chair and sat on the side, watching Sheng Zeyuan fight with the speed zombies.

Tang Yiyi shook her head: "It is said that it is easier to break through after the power is used up, do you want to try?"

The zombie novels I read before were all set in this way, but it's a pity that Tang Yiyi is very regretful at the moment. If she had known that she would enter this book, she shouldn't just read the beginning.

Up until now, she knew that Sheng Zeyuan was the heroine, and with Xie Zhiyan's current appearance, she was a little skeptical if she was really the heroine.

It seems that Sheng Zeyuan and her are not too close.

It can only be considered that the timing of Tang Yiyi's appearance was quite a coincidence, and it just happened to expose Xie Zhiyan's conspiracy. Otherwise, Xie Zhiyan now has the ability of space, and in that case, no one would think that there are various materials in her space .

Just because of the scarcity of spatial abilities, she can also have a higher status in Chaoyang Base, instead of getting nothing now, and she has become the object of Sheng Zeyuan's vigilance.

A butterfly flaps its wings lightly, and many things develop in different directions.

Sheng Zeyuan didn't have time to see Tang Yiyi. Although the level of the speed zombie was not as high as him, the speed was much higher than him. If he was not careful, he would be injured.

Regardless of the blink of an eye, the clothes on his body were torn a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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