Chapter 41
Tang Yiyi really didn't intend to go forward to help. At this moment, Sheng Zeyuan's heart became more vigilant.

There are not a few zombies around them, although there are many around Tang Yiyi, but the strange thing is that the zombies will not attack her actively.

Thinking that he did not see the zombie attacking Tang Yiyi before, Sheng Zeyuan's expression became even uglier.

What kind of ability is this, why have I never seen it before.

Immune to zombies, what exactly does Tang Yiyi want? With the ability she has shown now, she can get good treatment in any base, so why did she come to Chaoyang Base.

Also, who is the person who knocked them out? Thinking about it now, is that person Tang Yiyi?

Thinking of this possibility, Sheng Zeyuan was shocked, and his arm was scratched by the speed zombie if he didn't pay attention.

Tang Yiyi can't stand on the sidelines now.

Infected with the zombie virus, the sooner she is cured, the less energy she consumes.

Sheng Zeyuan must be treated, so it's better as soon as possible.

She stood up quickly, put the chair back into the space, and in the next second, a Tang knife appeared in her hand.

Sheng Zeyuan frowned as he looked at the rapidly approaching person.

Tang Yiyi's movements were quick, but within a few seconds a passage was opened and she came to Xi Muyuan.

"Come with me!"

Sheng Zeyuan didn't speak, but his meaning was obvious, he wouldn't leave until the speed zombies were dealt with.

Tang Yiyi gave him a cold look, and gritted his teeth: "Go out first, and I'll take care of it."

She has no attraction to zombies, but Sheng Zeyuan is different, and his arm is injured, the smell of blood is very attractive to zombies.

With Tang Yiyi's help, Sheng Zeyuan's pressure was relieved a lot. Hearing this, he smiled coldly: "Didn't you say that the greater the pressure, the easier it is to break through?"

"Are you sure you want to break through now?" Tang Yiyi chopped off the head of the zombie with half of its face rotting in front of him, and turned to Sheng Zeyuan, his voice was not a bit warm: "I don't mind turning around and beheading a few people now! "

Sheng Zeyuan shrank his eyes, snorted coldly, turned around, and concentrated on dealing with those low-level zombies.

The speed zombie was naturally entangled by Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi was not in a hurry, but just entangled the speed zombie. After confirming that Sheng Zeyuan was safe, she found a chance, and her hand appeared in front of the speed zombie's forehead.

In an instant, a crystal nucleus full of energy appeared in her palm. She was overjoyed, quickly put it away, and then chased in the direction of Sheng Zeyuan.

Now, she has to quickly get rid of the zombie virus on Sheng Zeyuan's body.

Sheng Zeyuan's ability level is now level seven, so the small wound on his arm doesn't actually affect him too much.It's just that the feeling of slow numbness all over his body is really not good, especially since he has been fighting for so long and has never had a chance to rest. Even though his physical fitness is very good, he is almost unable to bear it now.

When Tang Yiyi caught up, he found that Sheng Zeyuan was not in a good condition. He frowned and looked around. Except for the abandoned car, there was no place to hide people at all.

Finding a still intact SUV, Tang Yiyi directly pulled Sheng Zeyuan into it.

Pressing down on Sheng Zeyuan's wound with one hand, and holding the crystal nucleus with the other, Tang Yiyi looked confused.

Before, he cut off his arm for him. Could it be that he had to do it himself this time?

(End of this chapter)

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