Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 43 Two people sleeping together is warmer

Chapter 43

Under the dark sky, weeds were raging, a figure slowly approached, and it was only after getting closer that it turned out that there were two people, and the man was carrying another person.

Tang Yiyi lay on Sheng Zeyuan's back, humming in comfort, and urged: "Hurry up, according to your speed, when will we catch up with the big troops!"

Sheng Zeyuan's face was extremely dark, and he gritted his teeth: "Don't you have the ability to heal?"

Tang Yiyi looked at her nails, gloating in her voice: "I'm sorry, the ability has no effect on my current situation."

Her body was sore and painful, and she wanted to recover sooner, but it was useless!

Thinking about the previous time now, the marks on her body didn't seem to disappear anytime soon.

And why he got rid of the zombie virus by himself, but got such treatment, Tang Yiyi still felt a little uncomfortable.

Not only did she have to produce abilities, but she also had to produce her body. No matter how you look at it, she suffered a big loss from this deal.

And Sheng Zeyuan was just keeping his back on himself, and it wasn't all his fault.

"Then you are not afraid of encountering zombies in a while?" Sheng Zeyuan's body was tense and his concentration was high, he was afraid that zombies would appear anytime.

"Isn't there you? You are my man!" Tang Yiyi said it as a matter of course, and she was still a little happy in her heart. In school, although she was not bad in appearance, she was a boy who could be compared with Sheng Zeyuan. Really no.

Sheng Zeyuan shut up immediately, but the hands holding Tang Yiyi's legs became stronger.

"Let's find a place to rest!" Tang Yiyi looked at the sun that was about to set, and the red fire clouds, which was quite beautiful.

"We have to catch up with the big troops as soon as possible!" Sheng Zeyuan disagreed.

"But the sun is going to set, it's too dangerous to travel now!" Tang Yiyi refused, she wanted to sleep right now.

Although she also had the experience of not sleeping for two days before, but now that conditions permit, why would she bother herself.

"Is there no means of transportation in your space?" Sheng Zeyuan's voice was somewhat doubtful.

Tang Yiyi paused before answering: "No!"

She checked in the space, there were no cars, but there were a few tanks, but it was obviously inappropriate to take them out now.

Otherwise, how would she explain the origin of the tank?It can't be said that it was picked up.

Sheng Zeyuan frowned quickly, and he noticed Tang Yiyi's hesitation, but he couldn't figure out why she didn't want to show it.

It's better to have a car than it is now.

However, he will not force her, at least, not until he finds out her details.

"See if I can find a place to get through tonight!" Indeed, it's not a good time to travel at night.

It's just that the surrounding area is deserted, and there is no place to rest at all.

Tang Yiyi didn't care, rubbed against Sheng Zeyuan's back a few times, felt his body tense, and smiled.

"There are tents and sleeping bags!"

That's enough for camping.

Sheng Zeyuan found a leeward place to camp, and Tang Yiyi cooperated very well this time and took out the tent and sleeping bag.

However, to their surprise, the tent and sleeping bag were for two people.

Sheng Zeyuan meant to set up two tents, but Tang Yiyi disagreed.

No zombies were encountered along the way, but she sensed it in advance, and fooled Sheng Zeyuan into knowing the way to avoid it.

Anyway, as long as the general direction is good, we will always catch up.

"It's warmer for the two of you to sleep together, but you have to restrain yourself, I haven't recovered yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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