Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 44 Do you want to take revenge?

Chapter 44 Do you want to take revenge?

In the middle of the night, Sheng Zeyuan who was in a light sleep suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

At this moment, Tang Yiyi beside him also woke up, and lowered his voice: "Is someone here?"

The originally small voice became louder now, and there was a woman's exclamation indistinctly.

Sheng Zeyuan quickly got up, his mental power was released, and soon he saw a group of people running from the south, but it felt a little strange.

Tang Yiyi's movements were also very fast, she quickly got out of the sleeping bag and packed everything up.

The tent was gone, and the two of them just stood there.

They had no torches or flashlights here, so they didn't attract the attention of those people.

Gradually, the woman's voice became louder and louder, accompanied by the sound of the car, making it extremely noisy in the quiet night.

"What's the matter, don't you have a car, those women?" At this point, Tang Yiyi's voice disappeared, and his face became extremely ugly: "Are they using women to lure away zombies?"

Sheng Zeyuan didn't speak, but it was obvious that his face was extremely ugly.

It is said that people's hearts are unpredictable in the last days, but the group of people in front of them really lost their humanity completely.

In order to get rid of the tracking of the zombies, she actually used the life of a woman to fill her life.

Seeing the truck getting closer, Tang Yiyi really wanted to rush over, but Sheng Zeyuan grabbed her arm: "Life is at stake, let's retreat first!"

Now they have vaguely seen the zombies following them, many of them, if they are caught up, the two of them have no means of transportation, and the possibility of evacuating safely is too small.

"I'll go and have a look first!" Tang Yiyi shook off Sheng Zeyuan's hand vigorously, and ran over directly.

Seeing this, Sheng Zeyuan could only go there together.

Getting closer and closer, following the headlights, Tang Yiyi could clearly see the truck driving in front and the woman running away screaming.

Especially when she saw a woman being bitten on the shoulder by a zombie, and the truck ran over her without stopping, Tang Yiyi immediately became angry.

Two crystal nuclei appeared in her palm, and she threw them directly towards the front tires with her backhand.

"A group of garbage!"

After cursing this sentence, Tang Yiyi rushed forward to the side of the truck.

Without the lights, Tang Yiyi wasn't worried that someone would see the abnormality at all. He didn't even take a knife, and directly reached out to suck out the crystal nucleus from the zombie's head.

From a distance, it doesn't feel much, but now that it's close, the rotten smell of zombies is constantly wafting in her nose, accompanied by the woman's heart-piercing cry.

Listening to the voice, Tang Yiyi saved a few people, and shouted angrily in a low voice: "Why don't you call for help?"

The few women who were rescued didn't speak at all. Is it useful to call for help?

They knew how cruel the people in the car were.

If they had any conscience, they wouldn't have thrown them down.

As long as they stay in the car, they still have a chance of survival, but now they are all scratched by zombies, and there is no chance of survival at all.

"Can you do me a favor and give me a good time!"

"Give me one too!"


The voices sounded one after another, and Tang Yiyi frowned tightly.

"You don't want to live anymore?"

Then what is she doing here to save people, the dog takes the mouse?

"Is there any chance of surviving after being bitten by a zombie?"

"I don't want to become a zombie, do me a favor!"

Tang Yiyi's mouth was tightly pursed, and when he heard the cursing voice from the car, his brows suddenly raised.

"Do you want revenge?"

(End of this chapter)

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