Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 51 Talking on paper?He should!

Chapter 51 Talking on paper?He should!
It's just that this is not the time to worry about this, he must solve Yaya first.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, if Yaya successfully captured Tang Yiyi's crystal nucleus, then the people here would not be able to live at all.

On the contrary, at least, Tang Yiyi didn't mean to harm him.

Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

His own mind became a battlefield for two people to fight, which was definitely an unforgettable experience for Tang Yiyi.

I thought she really didn't feel any pain at all, but now it's like thousands of silver threads are constantly cutting back and forth in her mind.

The only good thing is that she is now a certain distance away from Yaya. In a short time, with Sheng Zeyuan's restraint, it is impossible for Yaya to take out the crystal nucleus from her brain.

It's unreasonable to want your own crystal nucleus.

She was really unlucky today.

Holding her head, Tang Yiyi kept absorbing the energy in the crystal nucleus. After she felt that her head didn't hurt so much, she suddenly rushed towards Yaya, raised her arm, and flashed beside her head And pass.

Then, the pain in her brain disappeared immediately, and out of anger, she directly absorbed the crystal nucleus.

Looking back at Sheng Zeyuan's sharp eyes, Tang Yiyi immediately became alert and his hair exploded.

Since Sheng Zeyuan has spiritual powers and can withstand Yaya's attack, it means that his mental power is also strong, and he may have sensed that something is wrong with her.

Sure enough, his next sentence confirmed her thoughts.

"Are you a zombie too?" Sheng Zeyuan directly blocked his own smell with mental power, and the zombies circled around him, but none of them could detect his existence.

Except Tang Yiyi.

Tang Yiyi's eyes were full of vigilance, looking at Sheng Zeyuan's expression was not good.

The sky has gradually brightened up, and the sun under the clouds seems to have appeared all of a sudden, and the surroundings are bright.

It's just that the hearts of both of them are cold.

Tang Yiyi didn't answer, Sheng Zeyuan continued to speak.

"Give me the crystal nucleus!" This zombie is of the spiritual department, and it can also control zombies, which is of great use to him.

He didn't see Tang Yiyi's actions clearly just now, but it was obvious that the zombie's crystal nucleus must have been in her hands, otherwise, her attack would not stop.

Humans are upgraded with the crystal nucleus of zombies, but unfortunately, the proportion that can absorb energy is not much.

Zombies also need a crystal nucleus to upgrade, but they can completely absorb the energy in the crystal nucleus, which is unmatched by humans.

Crystal nuclei with spiritual powers are too rare, Sheng Zeyuan is the first one he has encountered, of course he wants to come over.

Tang Yiyi shook her head and said softly, "It's gone."

Sheng Zeyuan's eyes changed, and his voice was low: "Have you absorbed it?"

Looking at Sheng Zeyuan's eyes, Tang Yiyi smiled coldly, pointed to his head: "Do you want it?"

"The zombie in the bathroom is you, right?" Sheng Zeyuan's tone was very certain at this moment, with amazing resilience, and he was able to understand the conversation between him and Amu, and she even contributed to the safe.

Thinking of the things in the safe, there were only two things, except for the big crystal he used as a reward, and an inconspicuous jade pendant, but unfortunately it disappeared later.

Tang Yiyi did not deny it. At this time, the matter was already obvious.

"You go, don't let me see you in the future!" After weighing the pros and cons, coupled with a little thought in his heart, Sheng Zeyuan turned away.

Looking at the back of Sheng Zeyuan leaving, Tang Yiyi lowered his voice and muttered to himself: "I want to leave after eating, no way!"

What's more, she can't leave Sheng Zeyuan more than 500 meters at all, so even if he drives her away, she can't leave either.

Sheng Zeyuan turned his head and looked at Tang Yiyi with sharp eyes, but unexpectedly he saw a rascal look on her face.

"Stop following me!"

Tang Yiyi picked out her ears, and the corner of her mouth hooked up: "Sorry, I have to go here too, stop me if you have the ability!"

In terms of combat effectiveness, she doesn't seem to be inferior to Sheng Zeyuan, after all, her existence is a big bug!

If it still doesn't work, she can just hide in the space.

Unexpectedly, the vines under her feet suddenly seemed to have consciousness, and directly entangled her body. Thinking about the ability of the spiritual system, Tang Yiyi simply took a chair out and sat down: "There is a car in my space, you want it?" don't want?"

As for the truck and the people inside, they all unanimously ignored it, as if they didn't hear the screams inside.

There should be people with metal abilities in there, and the gap in the roof has been blocked.

Without Yaya's command, the zombies were only paddling the carriage instinctively, and now they started driving again.

Sheng Zeyuan frowned when he heard Tang Yiyi's words: "Are you sure? Take it out now."

Tang Yiyi nodded, looked at the vines that had almost tied herself to the chair, and said angrily: "I'll take it out, you are responsible for opening it!"

Anyway, she didn't know how to open it, and she was afraid that there would be some special logo on it that Sheng Zeyuan would recognize.

However, even if she recognizes her, she is not afraid, just tell him that this is Yupei's space.

She only found out when she took a shower a few days ago that she had a tattoo in the shape of a jade pendant on her waist and abdomen. Obviously, it was the disappeared jade pendant that had integrated into her body.

Only then did Sheng Zeyuan take away the vines wrapped around Tang Yiyi's body.

Tang Yiyi stood up, put away the chair, and said with a sigh: "Spiritual power can actually control plants, isn't this the ability of the plant department?"


Sheng Zeyuan's voice reminded him coldly.

Tang Yiyi stood up, curled her lips unhappily, looked at the truck that had driven a long distance, and reminded: "Aren't you afraid that the people in the car will tell what they saw?"

"They can't see it!" Sheng Zeyuan said with certainty.

He had already shielded them with mental power, and those people couldn't see them at all.

Well, having psychic powers is great.

Tang Yiyi sighed and mourned for herself.

She is the bug, why doesn't she have psychic powers? It would be great if she could control these zombies.

In the next second, a brand new tank suddenly appeared.

Sheng Zeyuan's face was full of shock. It never occurred to him that the car Tang Yiyi was talking about was actually a tank.

"You know how to drive, right?" Tang Yiyi approached with an expression of uncertainty, logically speaking, Sheng Zeyuan is a senior colonel, and the tank should have been touched.

"I have learned it!" Sheng Zeyuan climbed onto the tank, and when he was about to go in, he deliberately turned around and said to the smiling Tang Yiyi, "I have never driven it before."

The corner of Tang Yiyi's mouth twitched, seeing how determined he was, it never occurred to him that he never drove.

On paper?He should!
(End of this chapter)

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