Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 52 If you give me the crystal nucleus, I will save it!

Chapter 52 If you give me the crystal nucleus, I will save it!

"There is a village ahead, let's rest here!" It was really hard to be nestled in the tank, and when a small dilapidated village appeared in the field of vision, Tang Yiyi couldn't wait to speak.

"Someone!" Sheng Zeyuan threw out a sentence coldly, and then added: "It's Amu and the others."

Tang Yiyi immediately got up from the mat, put away all the things on the ground, and walked quickly to Sheng Zeyuan's side: "Why are they here?"

"There are people injured!"

Tang Yiyi understood as soon as he heard it, this is a slow-down person who was abandoned by the large army.

"You're not here, just drive away the people! The contradictions within your military are really not small." She was still laughing when she spoke.

"Are there still many crystal nuclei on your body?" Sheng Zeyuan turned his head, looked at Tang Yiyi who was smiling indifferently, and frowned.

"With you..." Before saying these four words, Tang Yiyi understood what Sheng Zeyuan meant: "It's gone, I spent a lot on this journey."

"As I said, without crystal nuclei, I can't save people!" She emphasized it again.

"I just saved your life!" Sheng Zeyuan said this, without blushing or panting.

As far as the previous situation was concerned, if Tang Yiyi didn't get rid of Yaya, maybe he might not be able to bear it.

So the two sides should be regarded as a tie, but this does not affect what he said now.

"Give me the crystal nucleus, and I'll save it!" Tang Yiyi didn't refuse directly, her eyes blinked quickly, and the corners of her lips curved.

Sheng Zeyuan gave Tang Yiyi a hard look, and drove the tank directly into the village without saying a word.

Because the tanks are really eye-catching, they even deliberately camouflaged them.

The current tank looks gray, driving along the way, bumped into a lot of zombies, dark blood is everywhere, from the outside, it is impossible to tell that this is a new tank.

The village is very desolate, it should have been cleaned up, and there are traces left by the large army.

"Brother Sheng!" As soon as Sheng Zeyuan raised his head, he heard Ye Cheng's excited voice, and then, Amu also appeared in their field of vision.

"Is Yiyi here? Shaohua was caught by zombies."

Tang Yiyi's sluggish movements suddenly sped up, climbing the ladder and quickly stood on the tank, and jumped off directly.

Only hearing Gada's sound, her knee joint was twisted, and she fell directly into the mud.

"Bah bah!" Tang Yiyi quickly stood up, pretending to be calm and said: "Where is the person? Hurry up and take me there."

Now is not the time to laugh, Feng Shaohua has been scratched by zombies for four or five hours, if he doesn't get treated quickly, he might become a zombie.

"Follow me!" Amu has the wind ability, so the speed is naturally faster than that of the metal ability.

"Reinforce the tank, and then rely on it to open the way." Seeing that Tang Yiyi didn't recommend at all, Sheng Zeyuan's complexion improved, and he ordered Ye Cheng who wanted to catch up.

After hearing Sheng Zeyuan's words, Ye Cheng stopped, looked at the dirty tank, and asked curiously: "Brother Sheng, where did you get this treasure?"

Chaoyang Base also has tanks, but Commander Xue has been refusing to drive out of the base. In his words, they are an important weapon to protect the base and cannot be used.

But in private, if he didn't know, it was because he was afraid of death. If the tank broke down after driving out, he would lose a sharp weapon to escape.

After all, the impact force of a tank is not comparable to that of other vehicles!

(End of this chapter)

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