Chapter 53

Even though he already knew that Feng Shaohua was injured, Tang Yiyi couldn't help but gasped when he saw his miserable state: "How did you get into this?"

Her face was pale, her breath was weak, deep bloodstains could be seen on her neck, the wound had turned black, and she could already smell a stench.

Tang Yiyi squatted down, lifted the clothes covering Feng Shaohua's body, and frowned even tighter.

Not only the neck, but the wound was very long, stretching directly from the abdomen to the neck. As far as the depth of the scar on his stomach was concerned, Tang Yiyi suspected that if he moved a little, his belly would burst.

With such a serious injury, Tang Yiyi really suspected that her crystal nucleus would not be enough.

This is not the time to ask the reason, Tang Yiyi solemnly glanced at the worried Amu: "Hurry up and give me all the crystal nuclei."

It's better to have more than not enough.

Unexpectedly, Amu looked embarrassed.

He didn't know what Tang Yiyi wanted the crystal nucleus for, so he could only quickly explain: "The crystal nucleus was taken away by Zhiyan."

"What does she want so many crystal nuclei?" Tang Yiyi turned around quickly, looking at Amu with anger in his eyes.

"There are mutated animals in the village, and Zhiyan only used the crystal nucleus to lure them away." Amu saw that Tang Yiyi's expression was not right, and ran out quickly: "Let me see if Brother Sheng still has the crystal nucleus?"

Tang Yiyi looked down at Feng Shaohua who was about to turn into a zombie, gritted his teeth, and started the treatment directly.

Sure enough, it was what she expected, Feng Shaohua was seriously injured, and the energy she needed increased exponentially.

But with the effort of drinking saliva, most of the crystal nuclei in her existence space are used up.

After all, it was still not enough, Tang Yiyi's hand to take the crystal nucleus was empty.

Seeing the wound gradually turn into a normal look, Tang Yiyi really wanted to let go, but at this moment Feng Shaohua opened her eyes, meeting his expectant eyes, she couldn't take her hand back.

"Close your eyes!" Tang Yiyi squeezed out two words from between his teeth, sensitively realizing that his voice had become a little hoarse.

Looking down at the back of her hand that was gradually becoming dry, Tang Yiyi felt that she really couldn't bear it anymore.

Over there, Amu came to Sheng Zeyuan's side and explained the matter of the crystal nucleus. The expression of the person who was still instructing Ye Cheng to modify the tank suddenly changed.

"You guys are here, I'll go and have a look!"

Now he has confirmed the identity of Tang Yiyi's zombie, and all her activities require the energy provided by the crystal nucleus.

The way they caught up, because there was a large team cleaning up ahead, there were no zombies on the road, so he didn't let Tang Yiyi go out to get crystal nuclei.

Sheng Zeyuan didn't want others to know the identity of Tang Yiyi's zombie, so his mental power directly blocked her and Feng Shaohua.

Tang Yiyi felt some changes around her, turned her head and looked in the direction they came in, and then looked at the chapped skin on her body, her brows could no longer be wrinkled, they were dry.

Fortunately, at this time, Feng Shaohua's injury has healed, and it will be fine after a few days of treatment.

When she breathed a sigh of relief, she went straight into the space.

Unexpectedly, for some unknown reason, after she entered the space, her body returned to its original state.

Tang Yiyi was immediately happy.

Space also has the function of replenishing her energy, why didn't I discover it before.

However, when she came out of the space, she met Feng Shaohua's horrified eyes: "There are zombies!"

(End of this chapter)

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