Sheng Shao, your zombies have run away again

Chapter 88 Isn't it just a means of framing

Chapter 88 Isn't it just a means of framing
"Okay!" Tang Yiyi grabbed Huang Qijun's hand for only a few seconds, and soon let go.

Huang Qijun looked at his empty palm, and retracted it with some disappointment: "I thought you gave me Apple again!"

The corner of Tang Yiyi's mouth twitched, pretending to be an apple, took out an apple from the space, and put it in his palm: "Do you like it?"

"I really like apples, but unfortunately, I don't have to eat them now." It can be seen that Huang Qijun should like apples very much, his eyes are shining.

"By the way, what's going on today?"

Hearing Huang Qijun's question, Tang Yiyi sneered: "It's just a way to frame the blame."

She didn't take it to heart at all, Sheng Zeyuan's attitude was what she valued, but unfortunately, from the current point of view, she was very dissatisfied with that person's reaction.

"That Xie Zhiyan can tell right away that he is not a good person, you can just stay in our team from now on, others dare to climb on top of you!" Huang Qijun was filled with righteous indignation.

"Just sell your brother's team like this, okay?" Tang Yiyi smiled. For the first time, he thought Huang Qijun was quite funny. Is this kid a little bit weak?
Huang Qijun also noticed the loopholes in his words at this moment, and smiled mischievously: "It's okay, my brother will definitely not care."

"Get out of the car!" The car had already stopped, Tang Yiyi smiled and shook her head and opened the door.

Looking up at the room she lived in before, the uncomfortable feeling that made her have not disappeared: "Is there anyone in your team who is particularly sensitive to energy changes?"

There must be something wrong with that room, but she needs someone to find out what's going on. The possibility of finding out, like a careless and careless ghost like her, is too small.

Huang Qijun nodded: "Achen's ability is perception, which is very tasteless, but it should meet your requirements!"

"Tell her to come over and check the room I lived in before." Tang Yiyi entered the living room, waiting for the result.

Huang Xiaohu just greeted her and left in a hurry. Now that the base has changed, as the captain, there are many things to be busy.

Tang Yiyi sat chatting with Huang Qijun in the living room, and Ye Cheng also came after a while.

"Yiyi, brother Sheng told me to watch you!" One mouth, it's not what people like to hear.

"Look at me, can you stand it?" Tang Yiyi sneered, and his mood suddenly changed: "Go back and tell Sheng Zeyuan that I have nothing to do with the military, and I am not your prisoner, so you don't need to look at me." I."

"Captain Ye, Ms. Tang is a guest of our Xiaohu Ability Team. If you need anything, just ask my brother." Huang Qijun smiled, and his position was firm.

Ye Cheng looked distressed, looked a little uncomfortable, and lowered his voice: "Yiyi, Brother Sheng said he has something very important to tell you, and he can only tell you alone."

Huang Qijun wanted to drive him away, but Tang Yiyi disagreed.

"Get out of the way first."

Tang Yiyi looked up at Ye Cheng, thinking about what Sheng Zeyuan wanted to say to him.

Huang Qijun stood up, gave Ye Cheng a hard look, and then left.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Tang Yiyi laughed out loud seeing Ye Cheng scratching his head.

"Actually, it's not Brother Sheng who has something to tell you, it's Zhiyan who wants me to bring you something." Ye Cheng looked at Tang Yiyi's face that suddenly turned cold, and explained embarrassingly: "She asked me to say that."

"Otherwise, I won't give you a chance to speak, but she thinks everything about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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