Chapter 89
Ye Cheng laughed twice, then suddenly reached out and scratched his neck, and whispered, "Why is it so itchy!"

"Don't move!" Tang Yiyi looked at the black shadow that suddenly appeared on Ye Cheng's neck, and suddenly had a very ominous premonition, and then, a huge explosion sounded in the living room.

Knowing that Huang Qijun rushed in with people, seeing Tang Yiyi still stretched out his hand, the smell of blood was still there, but Ye Cheng was gone, obviously, the whole person was blown away.

"Yiyi, what...what's going on here?" Huang Qijun also panicked, Ye Chengcheng was blown to pieces right under their noses, Tang Yiyi was the only one at the scene, and no one believed it if it didn't matter.

Ye Cheng is a member of Sheng Zeyuan, and now Sheng Zeyuan is the commander of the army, so there is no way to hide this matter.

Tang Yiyi bit her lips tightly, her heart was overwhelmed, in order to frame herself, Xie Zhiyan actually used human life to design, isn't she afraid that things will leak out!

"You all leave, today's matter has nothing to do with you!" Tang Yiyi said this coldly, looked up at Ah Chen who rushed upstairs, and there was already a trace of affirmation in his words: "Is there any residue on it?" Possess a plant-type ability?"

Ah Chen smelled the strong smell of blood in the living room, frowned tightly, and murmured in a low voice: "It's strange, why is it also the fluctuation of the plant department's ability here?"

Tang Yiyi's brows jumped, and he asked: "Are you sure? There is no metal system?"

It stands to reason that Ye Cheng has a metal-type ability, even if it explodes, the active ones here shouldn't be of the plant-type!
Ah Chen nodded, very sure: "It's the plant department."

Tang Yiyi thought of the crystal nucleus with the ability to peel off, her eyes shrank, and she sneered: "Xie Zhiyan, your luck is really good."

She really got the ability of peeling off, so she can't wait to get rid of herself, does she have the ability?
"Miss Tang, this place is surrounded by the military." Suddenly someone came in to report.

"Who is the leader?" Tang Yiyi raised her head and pursed her lips.

"do not know."

Tang Yiyi suddenly smiled, looked down at the tragic situation in the living room, and said in a low voice: "I will leave this to you, remember, if you find a crystal nucleus, please let me know."

However, she probably couldn't find it on purpose.

The abilities have been stripped off, and the crystal nucleus should no longer exist.

"Miss Tang, I hope you can explain what happened." The military came in, and Tang Yiyi did not know the leader.

"Explain, explain what? You say I killed Ye Cheng here, so I have to do it in full view, or do I have a motive to do it to Ye Cheng?" Tang Yiyi sneered, looking at the man with thick eyebrows and big eyes continued.

"Instead of checking on me, it's better to check on Xie Zhiyan. Ye Cheng told him that she told him that Sheng Zeyuan had something to say to me, that's why I dismissed the others. She shouldn't be the most suspicious person now." ?"

Yan Zhenxuan looked serious: "Miss Tang, after being injured by you, Miss Xie hasn't woken up until now. Your excuse is not valid."

"Really?" Tang Yiyi didn't believe it at all: "Perhaps, you should check Amu."

Did he know that Ye Cheng would die?
He really didn't know.

"Zhiyan, why didn't you tell me that Ye Cheng would die!" Amu growled in pain, that was his brother, before the end of the world, they were good buddies.

(End of this chapter)

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