Minecraft: The Kingdom of Yuanshen

Chapter 101 Do you still want to fight?

Chapter 101 Do you still want to fight?
Neither the villagers nor the iron puppets noticed that Beifeng had gone outside the village, otherwise they would definitely attack her.But Beifeng didn't care about this, he walked into the village with his sword in his hand as if entering his own home, and ran straight to the coordinates I gave him without any scruples.

The noisy villagers in front blocked her way, so she pulled them away.The villager screamed and turned his head to look sharply, only to see Bei Feng, who was wearing a helmet, who was indifferent.

After Beifeng pulled him away, another group of villagers blocked her way in front, and she also went straight forward, trying to force her way in.Unexpectedly, the villager who was pulled away by her just now saw her and immediately shouted to his companions: "Human! Another human!"

The attention of the villagers was immediately drawn to Beifeng.They are all angry, because we "occupied" a house, and even "kidnapped" a small villager, refusing to take the lead, and we didn't even find a way to vent our anger.

Now suddenly another human came, and the eyes of this group of villagers immediately became fanatical. The original green eyes now glowed slightly red in the dark night, especially in the case of insufficient lighting in this village, it looked even more terrifying.

This kind of look only appears on the faces of monsters such as zombies and spiders, but now it appears on the faces of villagers.Awakened intelligence, even if the intelligence level is not up to the average human being, it cannot be compared with those stupid unevolved intelligences.

The noisy villagers quieted down, and the iron golems stopped violently demolishing the house we stayed in.When we heard the sudden silence outside, we all felt that something was wrong, and even the little villagers who were huddled in the corner raised their heads in a daze.

"Could it be that one's reinforcements are coming?" Chris guessed uneasily.

"It doesn't sound like it." Victor said with a serious face.

"Captain..." Su Anxia looked at me helplessly.The rabbit in her arms hadn't been let go by her, and she was sleeping soundly at this moment, with its two long ears moving.

"Let me ask." I opened the message window and sent a message to Beifeng, asking her current location.

"I'm in the village, only twenty blocks away from your position. The villagers here seem to be out of their minds, how did they make so many iron golems..."

While maintaining communication with me, Beifeng watched the villagers receding like a tide.In her eyes, these villagers are very strange, and she doesn't know why they backed away.Of course, if she knew, she would definitely act decisively.

After the villagers retreated, a large open space was cleared, and Beifeng suddenly realized.Seeing how "polite" these villagers were, knowing that she was going in and giving way to her, I immediately felt embarrassed, put away my sword, bowed my fists and thanked me, and then happily walked towards the hut where I was hiding.

She is indeed in a good mood.These villagers are so understanding!

Unfortunately, she completely misunderstood what the villagers meant.They retreated not to make way, but to clear the field, leave enough space, and spread out—ready to fight!
Beifeng still walked towards the wooden house with easy steps.Just as she passed the crowd of villagers, a tall iron puppet suddenly emerged from the crowd of villagers.The iron puppet roared, and the joints of its whole body made the sound of metal collisions. It blocked Beifeng like an iron mountain.

"This..." Beifeng was a little confused.

She really didn't expect the villagers to make a move, and the iron puppet almost succeeded in a surprise attack.She dodged sideways, and the iron puppet's arm brushed her face and fell, splashing the sand on the ground, leaving a big hole, and even the ground shook slightly.

The iron puppet missed a single hit, and raised its hand to sweep towards Beifeng's front door. The strong wind it brought scattered the sand that had just splashed away.At this time, Beifeng had drawn his sword again, just in time to block its attack, iron collided with iron in the air, and sparks shot out.

The iron puppet was so powerful that it directly knocked Beifeng away.Although Beifeng was not injured, his hands were numb from the shock, but he still held the sword steadily without even shaking it.

"Heh." Beifeng landed on the ground and sneered.She finally realized that she had misunderstood the meaning of the villagers, and they wanted someone to beat her up.

Since you want to fight, then come on, who is Beifeng?

There were more and more iron golems around, each of them was two heads taller than Beifeng, and they were huge.Many of the iron puppets surrounding the wooden house were also summoned. They formed an iron wall and marched side by side. If every puppet slapped Beifeng's palm, Beifeng would definitely be smashed into meatballs.

The iron golem ranks among the top three creatures in the main world in terms of damage. Its blood volume is half that of the BOSS Ender Dragon, and it is immune to fall damage and drowning damage. It can be said to have flesh and output.

"Go!" The villagers ordered the iron golem.

Seeing this, Beifeng raised his sword in his right hand, pointed at them, and said lightly, "Fighting is fine. Do you fight one by one, or shall I beat you in groups?"


In the hut, we sat on the ground, listening to the movement outside anxiously.Judging by the time, half of the night has passed, Beifeng just cut off the communication with me suddenly, and Wu Haoxuan, Li Hao, Xiao Chen and others couldn't be reached.

"Captain, who's here?" Chris asked me.

"Northern wind."

"That T20 member?" Victor asked me.


Chris and Victor looked at each other in silence.Of course they had heard of Beifeng's name. She alone could be counted as a reinforcement to some extent, but compared with so many iron puppets outside, it might not be enough.

Most of the iron puppets outside have been removed, and they can be seen through the window, which reduces our pressure a lot.Seeing that my goal had been achieved, I couldn't bear to let Beifeng face all the puppets alone, so I tried to send her another message:
"Are you still outside? We're going out to help you."

In the end, she waited for her cold words:

"I said, stay where you are!"

"Fuck you." I cut off the communication decisively.This little girl was obviously overconfident. Hitting iron puppets was nothing else. Even if there were a hundred iron puppets, if she stood still and let her chop them down, they would be able to chop them down for ten days and half a month.

I stood up, told everyone to pack their things and prepare to tear down the ceiling, and left the house.Before leaving, I saw the little villager in white who was still hiding in the corner, and asked him casually, "Dashan, what's your last name?"

"King..." He actually answered me.The plug-in shows that his evolution stage is only 25% of the original brain, and he is still far from half-step awakening, and he can already speak.

"A forgiving surname." I spit out half-jokingly, taking out a pickaxe and knocking open the sandstone roof, revealing the dark night sky.

We took out the square feet, jumped on it, and looked down at the whole village, looking for the position of the north wind.But she was so conspicuous that she didn't have to look for it at all, as soon as she lowered her head, she could be seen immediately.

She was alone, standing in the middle of the village road, holding a broken iron sword.The sand-wrapped wind of the desert blows her black hair flutteringly, coupled with her tall figure and close-fitting light armor, it gives people a sense of elegance and elegance.

She still wore the iron helmet that covered her head and face, and the smooth mirror on the iron helmet reflected the moon in the sky.At her feet lay the corpses of more than a dozen iron golems, broken into several pieces, slowly turning into white smoke.

There were still many villagers and iron golems, but they kept a long distance away from her, as if they were afraid to avoid them, forming a semicircle around her, and she was the center of this semicircle.

She moved, took a step.

The villagers and iron golems immediately took a step back.

She took another step.

The villagers and iron golems took another step back.

She sneered when she saw this, her voice was clear and loud, like the clang of a zither:

"Do you still want to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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